
Game of Thrones: Aeric Targaryen

Eric, a war veteran, and nerd dies to a truck, meets god, gets given three wishes, before being reincarnated into Game of Thrones

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Born Again

[I read the first four chapters of that shitty Game of Thrones: Dragon Overlord and was horribly disappointed, so i decided to make my own Targaryen MC]

Upon his meeting with the all-powerful being known to many as God, he was told about his coming reincarnation.

With the spin of a wheel, he was told that he would be reincarnated into the Game of Thrones world as Aeric Targaryen, Rhaegar's younger twin brother.

He was granted three wishes of his choosing with certain limitations.

His first wish was to have the body of a super-soldier like Captain America.

His second wish was the ability to stop time but God denied him this ability but let him stop time for three seconds, this ability can be used once per day.

For his last wish, he wanted the ability Instant Mastery which God rejected, instead, he was given the learning speed of a Demi-God.

--- King's Landing, 262 AC ---

On the steps of the throne room, sits two small boys, one with shoulder-length white hair, brown eyes, and a playful look on his face, this young boy is Rhaegar Targaryen.

Next to him sits a boy using his shoulder as a pillow, this boy has a similar face but has short hair and amethyst eyes.

With a chuckle, he quickly moves out of the way, making his sleeping brother face-plant the floor.

"Ow", Aeric says while rubbing his nose, he looks up at his brother, "what was that for?", he says with teary eyes.

Rhaegar has a snarky smile on his face, "That's what you get for drooling on me"

King Aerys looks over at his twins, Rhaegar has an adventurous yet mischievous nature, while Aeric was quiet and hard-working.

"Rhaegar, be nicer to your brother, it's your job as the older brother to look out for him", he says with a stern voice.

[Author's Note: Aerys hasn't cracked and went mad yet, he's still a good father and husband]

The boys look up to their parents before the older twin nods and hugs his brother.

When their hugging, a small smile appears on Aeric's face as he whispers to his brother, "your not getting any of my desserts for a week"

His older brother looked like he was about to cry before he was interrupted by Aeric, "I'll let you have them if I get to use you as a pillow whenever I want?"

Rhaegar nods before sitting next to him again, his little brother lays down on the stone floor, using his lap as a pillow.

The days pass quickly in the keep and before they knew it, they were turning five winters old.

--- Two Years Later ---

Sitting in his bedroom, Aeric along with his brother Rhaegar can be seen reading different books, Aeric had his focus on a rather advanced book on war and tactics while his brother preferred music.

He had already beaten his father, his mother, brother, and even Tywin at Cyvasse. [Chess, Game of Thrones style]

On his desk are several sheets of paper, with writing in french, while he had near-perfect memory of the show and some of the books, he wanted to write down every major event that would happen in his life as a type of schedule.

Why did he write in french? so that no one could read it except for himself.

He knew that in two years, Westeros would experience a winter that will last three years, with no sun nor warmth.

Over these years, he's spent a lot of time with his mother, Rhaella, she was gentle and kind, whenever the guards or the king tried to separate them, he'd just stare daggers at them.

He has read over two hundred books on various subjects, politics, medicine, warfare, etc.

Now, a few days later, he starts his training with Ser Barristan Selmy, he had asked his father to have the knight train him, Aerys agreed with his request.

For the first few days, all he learned was stances, positions, how to hold a sword, and movements.

He learned quickly, while Rhaegar was still struggling to learn the stances, Aeric moved onto physical training.

He would run every morning and night, do push-ups in his room, and eat healthy foods.

Ser Barristan was in awe, in his mind, the boy was a natural genius at swordsmanship, he had even asked the king to make the boy his squire but was refused.

As two more years passed by, Aeric's fear became real, a winter that was so cold that it would cause frostbite to any flesh not covered, luckily, he was born into royalty, so food was never a problem.

Strong winds echoed throughout the castle, the hallways were deathly cold.

Over these two years, he had grown a lot, despite being the younger twin, he stood at the same height as his brother.

The days were dark and cold, the nights colder, his nights were spent in the same bed as his brother, they kept each other warm throughout the long nights.

[Author's Note: get your mind out of the gutter of incest, the MC is not into men nor will there be incest in my novel]

Not allowed to leave the castle due to the cold, everyone fell in love with the twins, Rhaegar would entertain them with his music, and Aeric would tell them stories from his previous world and say that he made them up.

He learned new and old Valyrian whilst also continuing his training with Ser Barristan.

He wasn't going to let these three years of winter stunt his growth, even now, as a seven-year-old boy, he has the strength, speed, and reflexes of a teenager.

Winter after winter, until the sun finally shines, he becomes ten years old.

Standing in the throne room, in front of his father, mother, brother, and the kingsguard, he asks his father for something.

Wearing a pure plack outfit with gold trimmings, a sheathed sword on his belt, and white hair, he gives a small bow before speaking, "Father, mother, I'd like to spend the next six or more years traveling Westeros and meeting the lords that serve us. I believe that being kept in this castle without experiencing the world will only weaken me... and dragons can never be weak, it's our jobs to make the stags, lions, and wolves, remember that they are nothing in the eyes of a dragon"

His sharp words cut into everyone like a valyrian sword, but they brought a smile to his parent's faces, his father nods, "I give you permission but you will take Ser Barristan with you"

A chuckle comes from Aeric as he looks at the middle-aged knight, "You ready for an adventure, Uncle Selmy"

Barristan sighs at the boy's words, "Dealing with your antics for years without end, sounds like I'll be going grey sooner than I thought"

Their banter causes everyone to smile, over these years, the old knight and the younger twin formed a close relationship, similar to an uncle and nephew.

[I know this ends abruptly but tell me what you think!]