
Game of Thrones: A Song of Blood and Fire

In 276 AC, Viserys Targaryen was born as the second son of the Mad King. Rumours had it that the candles of the castle grew as the flames turned blue, to indicate either the birth of a dragon or the ending of a dynasty.

Vitamin_F · Diễn sinh tác phẩm
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10 Chs

The best knight in Westeros

[ 279 AC, Red Keep ]

[ Viserys pov ]

"Is this the seventh or the eight time that you take care of me?" I asked the Kingsguard behind me with a raised eyebrow.

"The ninth, young prince." he replied.

"Huh..." I hummed, realising neither one of my guesses was correct. "So, do you have any new stories?"

"I'm afraid not, my prince." he said, shaking his head.

"But you are the best knight in Westeros right?" I asked back. "Everyone calls you the Sword of the Morning and the most chivalrous knight in the Seven Kingdoms."

"Indeed, some do call me that." he replied calmly.

Silence descended in the room as Arthur finished speaking, not that his replies could be consider much of a conversation anyway. Unlike other knights, Arthur was rather good at dealing with me, meaning he ignored my witty remarks and my comments, and instead chose to remain silent while doing his duty. Perhaps the only one on his level when it came to ignoring me was Jonothor, though I suspect both did it for different reasons.

"Hey Arthur." I said, calling his attention once more in hopes of roping him into a conversation that would at the very least be less boring than doing nothing. "Why are your eyes purple like mine?"

Arthur remained silent for a moment before replying in his usual calm tone. "I do not know, my prince." he said. "You should ask master Pycelle if you are curious, though I don't know if he will know either."

I rolled my eyes at his words, though since I was giving him my back he couldn't see it.

Arthur Dayne might be the greatest swordsman to ever live, but boy did he suck with children. The fact that he was rather boring didn't help, after all while his stories had the potential to be interesting, he wasn't that much of a narrator.

"I don't like Pycelle." I said. "I have met him three times already and he still gives me the creeps."

"The creeps?" asked Arthur, confused by my expression.

"I mean that he is scary." I explained, wondering if perhaps he was curious about the mannerism I just used and would ask me where I learned it, however I was once again disappointed.

Arthur nodded, not questioning were I learned it from and not even wondering why I didn't like Pycelle.

"Hey, have you heard that Elia Martell is marrying my brother?" I asked him in a final attempt of getting something out of him.

"I have, young prince." he replied.

Silence fell into the room which made my eyebrows twitch. For a moment I seriously considered burning him on the spot, through I dismissed that idea in an instant. I was petty, but not that petty, besides I wasn't even sure that I could defeat him. As of now, my fire bending was barely functional. I had the firepower of Daenerys dragons in season 2 and that was if I was being generous. Likewise most of my fire bending related skills were useless, though I knew I only needed time to hone them to what they once were.

"And what is she like?" I continued asking, though my tone wasn't as childish as before and a little bit of annoyance seeped through.

My life as Azula really affected me, I grew used to having my whims obeyed and when they were not, I was praised for burning those who didn't. In a way, I was more similar to the Mad King that I would like to admit...

"I have only met her twice, but she appeared both gentle and gracious." answered Arthur.

"I see..." I hummed before sitting on the ground and closing my eyes, inhaling deeply. "So? Can you teach me something today?"

"You know the answer to your question already, my prince." he replied calmly, not moving an inch from his position.

Sighing, I began to breath carefully and in a controlled manner, feeling my chi move across my body and the heat in my surrounding rise.

I let my mind drift into thoughts as I continued to breath in a repetitive, almost entrancing manner, trying to make my body grow accustomed to the breathing techniques I used in my past life.

To be honest, Ser Arthur Dayne is probably the most annoying knight I have assigned to me. They are constantly changing as I have a different Kingsguard every moon, but the time I spend with him is truly boring as hell, and that is saying something since every single day in this world is utterly boring.

From the corner of my eye I saw Arthur occasionally glance in my direction, however there was nothing beyond that.

Eventually I stopped got up from the floor and stared at him. I felt calmer now that I did that exercise, calm enough to continue trying to get something form him.

"Tell me about my brother." I said in a curious tone. "How is he like?"

"You mean prince Rhaegar?" asked back Arthur, making me roll my eyes.

"I have no other brother right?" I said in a slightly sarcastic tone, though he didn't seem to catch it, or perhaps he simply didn't care about it.

"He is beloved by the people." said Arthur, looking away from me and staring out the window. "He is both a great knight and a skilled musician, and his songs make even the fairest of maiden shed tears."

For the first time since I met him, I heard Arthur speak with emotion. He described Rhaegar like a man would describe his lover, or rather like a dog would describe his master. Everything my brother did was worthy of both praise and admiration in his eyes.

'What a dick...' I thought, staring at Arthur as he described my brother.

In truth, I was slightly jealous of Rhaegar. He managed to get the absolute loyalty of the greatest swordsman alive without trouble.

Turning around, I decided to ignore Arthur's rant and left him standing by himself for a few seconds before he noticed me leaving and followed me. I had been trying to get in the good graces of the Kingsguard, after all they are literally the ones that keep me safe, however I began to realise that it was a lost cause.

Arthur would never sail with me to Braavos once the rebellion happened, nor would he leave Rhaegar and come help me if I asked him to, and the same could be said about every other Kingsguard. The only one I had a bit of hope left for was Barristan, and even he was a big maybe. In cannon Barristan left kings landing and went to become a Queensguard for Daenerys, however that was only because Cersei kicked him out of the Kingsguard. Still, maybe he would leave during Robert's reign and follow me to Braavos to help me survive...

"Prince Viserys!" said Arthur, calling my attention as I walked out of my room.

"Hey, I want to take a bath." I told one of the maids in the hall, receiving a nod in response from her.

I was too annoyed right now, so I decided to do something I had been postponing and hopefully the adrenaline would help me take my mind off the annoying situation I was in.

"You know you can't leave without me, young prince." said Arthur form my side.

I simply ignored him and followed the maid. To be honest I was simply partially being petty by ignoring Arthur, but the guy ignores me all the time so if anything I am just making things even.

"Here we are, your grace." said the maid before turning in Arthur's direction and narrowing her eyes, indicating him to stay outside.

Entering the bathroom, I looked around for a moment and found the window.

"Hey, can you bring me my wooden sword?" I asked the maid with a cute smile. "I will get undressed in the meantime."

While most of my requests were denied because they went against what my father ordered them, they didn't deny small things like this.

The maid looked at me reluctantly before sighing. "Very well, prince Viserys." she replied. "But do not get in yet. And I will send someone to fetch it, you know your father doesn't want you alone at any moment after all."

I nodded with a smile as she turned around and went to inform Arthur to send someone to bring me my sword. Taking advantage of that brief moment, I inhaled deeply and ran in the window's direction.

I felt the chi circulate my body as I moved slightly faster than usual. In an instant I jumped out of the window and grabbed myself to the ledge, carefully moving down the wall while still moving faster than a normal person.

I felt my body comfortable as I remembered my training with Ty Lee. All those crazy exercises I did in order to be as nimble as her paid off in my last life, so I began practising them in this one as well quite early on. Stretching and breathing were basically all I could do without looking weird to the guards.

I placed my small fingers on the spaces between rocks and, like a cat, began moving fast and elegantly.

It took me a few seconds to reach the reach the ground, though that was only because the bathroom I used was on the second floor, unlike my room which was on the highest level.

"And here we go..." I muttered with a smile before running across the garden, heading in the direction of the armoury. I had already postponed getting a small knife long enough, and that was about to change.

I knew I had guards with me at all times, but having a knife would make me fell safer. Perhaps it was paranoia that came from dying twice or the anxiety of knowing some guards preferred my brother, who by the way is insane, but sleeping without knowing that I can kill any assailant with a ball of fire was slowly getting me, and having a knife under my pillow would solve that.

I wondered if perhaps I was the one who had the famous 'Targaryen madness' and it was showcasing in a paranoia similar to that of my father, especially since both him and I had trouble sleeping without the smell of fire around us.

I quickly ran across the Godswood tree and the other trees around it, ignoring the absurdly strange appearance and the face it had carved in its trunk.

Before long I found myself next to a tower, still a long way from the armoury but certainly closer than before. I was perhaps midway, which meant I had to hurry.

Walking carefully next to the wall of the tower, I stared at the courtyard which separated me from the armoury and inhaled deeply.

I was about to make a sprint when the sudden appearance of a group of guards deterred me. Right now they were walking directly toward the armoury, making me curse under my breath.

Without much choice, I decided to return, however sudden voices from near me stopped me from doing so and instead I chose to stay close to the tower I was next to until they went away.

As the voices got closer, I fond myself without any choice other than entering the tower.

Standing behind a column, I saw a group of men dressed in expensive silks come into the tower I was hiding in, which made me once again curse at my luck.

I watched the men enter the tower and then continue their way towards a hallway, leaving the entrance room I was currently hiding in.

Sighing, I turned around, only to find myself face to face with a pretty blonde girl.

"Who are you?" she asked, however I couldn't even process her words, instead my mind went into overdrive as I tried to figure out how she got so close without me noticing her.

'Fuck...' I thought as I realised where exactly I was. 'This must be the Tower of the Hand, were the Lannisters are currently residing in...'