A/N: Just for those who are curious why the MC despite being Dothraki is white, here are three reasons.
1: It gets hard to maintain a mental image of different skin tones in your head, so having the MC not tan (as tan has many different shades) like the rest of the Dothraki is making it easier for you guys.
2: MC is a vampire, and if you still don't know, Vampires are pale as fuck.
3: Since MC was white in his past life, the singularity unconsciously fulfilled his wishes of maintaining his skin colour. Who would want to wake up with a different skin colour? You would barely recognise yourself then.
Hope those reasons quills y'all's curiosity~
Enjoy the chap~
Virsal was shocked, it was the first time someone looked at him while he was using Eyes Of The Hunt without being terrified or passing out. Even when he showed it to the sisters Mia and Mary, they both averted their eyes, became dizzy and where soaked in cold sweat in a matter of seconds.
However not only did this little beauty in his arms not flinch, she had a dazzled, fascinated look in her eyes as she looked straight at him. Thisade him feel a little wierd.
Shaking his head, he placed a peck on her forehead and said, "Stay here for a while okay? This shouldn't take long."
He then placed her gently back on the ground and turned to face the rest of the soldiers. 'They didn't run?'
Unfortunately, his surprise didn't last long once his eyes fell on their trembling legs.
Seeing no one moving he laughed even louder.
Virsal started laughing, while to Pylis, his laugh looked mesmerising and charming, to the poor soldiers, it sent chills down their spines.
Since Virsal was having fun, he decided to prolong their lives a little.
He pulled a stunned Pylis off the ground, pulling her close to him.
He then kissed Pylis briefly on her pink lips.
Leaving her, he moved slowly towards the soldiers, who were screaming for their legs to move but to no avail.
Once he was one step apart from one of the soldiers, the soldier begged.
"(Valyrian) Please h-have mercy!!!"
Virsal had a teasing smile on his face as he said.
"(Common tongue) Mmm? What are you saying? I feel like you're cursing my great grandma?"
"And I don't like people insulting my great Grandma"
The soldiers who understood Virsal looked even more horrified. I'm fact, Virsal had managed to understand most Valyrian by now. After all, he was mingling with hundreds of them this morning, and with his supernatural brain facilities, it wasn't that hard to start comprehending the language.
Suddenly, Virsal had a mood change and he suddenly grew bored.
With a palm strike to the soldier's chest, it shattered and caved into his lungs, killing him. What followed was Virsal using a couple of moves he saw in Kung Fu Panda while he was making wierd HIA, and HOOAA noises with every swing.
Fuck weapons, I like the feeling of crushing bones with my own hands, I must admit though, weapons are kind of fun, each with their own style and advantages, so I wouldn't mind using some every now and then.
Once finished, he was left with 8 soldiers with mangled up bodies that were twisted in all kinds of wierd positions. Swatting his hands, he looked at his masterpiece in satisfaction.
Virsal suddenly remembered a curse he had that made him produce miasma that can corrupt his thoughts, closing his eyes, he quickly took a look inside his body only to find nothing, not even a speck of it.
'Strange', miasma should be extremely apparent, like a black spot on a white canvas, and even if he released some, his body should be constantly producing more of it.
'Wait', looking at the area directly behind his solar plexus, he finally saw the blackish purple miasma being produced than directly absorbed by his soul. He smiled, his singularity once again was helping him out. By now his soul had fully merged with it, so he felt a connection with it, it reminded him of family.
It's the only thing that stayed the same since he arrived in this world. Glad to know that all this time, my thoughts weren't influenced by miasma and we're my own actions and decisions.
Once out of his own thoughts, Virsal looked at the living hall that looked like a place straight out of hell. Cleaning would be a chore...if you weren't Virsal.
By now the pool of blood on the ground reached his ankle, it must have been at least 150 litres [40 gallons] of blood here. So he placed his hand in the blood and activated blood Crystallization.
Since blood crystallisation can only crystallise up to 1 litre of blood at a time, the blood on the ground converged and crystallised into a total of 155 marble sized blood crystals.
Next using COMFORTABLE he removed the blood on his being and on Pylis. Now aside from the shriveled limbs and bodies, one wouldn't know a fight occurred here.
"Pylis be a dear and collect all the crystals on the ground in a pouch then follow me upstairs."
"YES!" Pylis nodded enthusiastically while holding her fists up to her chest in determination.
'She kinda looks like a puppy' Virsal thought.
----Earlier that evening----
___Infront of the house Virsal first stayed at____
*Knock* *knock* *knock*
Seeing the door that fell down with but 3 light knocks, homeastis was puzzled. After the door opened however, he was hit by the gut churning smell of rotten corpses.
"What the fuck is this stinking, putrid smell! It smells like the inside of a cow's ahrse here for fuck sake"
Holding a candle forward, he saw a silhouette on the ground, so he moved closer hesitantly and asked in his gruffy voice with an accent of a Texas native.
"Cluene, Gruse, this isn't fuckin' funne' ! I'm here cause of the kids we abducted, the gaurds have been sniffing up my ahrse Luke the dogs the' are! You already said you had a buyer, but it's been a day without any contact from ye'."
"Yer not tryna fuck me ovar are ye!! I'll have you--know... I'm having...none o--f...What the.. In the name of "
Homeastis's legs grew weak as he saw the seen before him. The wife, Cluene, who was the leader of their small child trafficking business, was naked on the bed, which was the most 'normal' part of this. Her skin was shriveled like a piece of dry wood. It looked more like a mummy than a body.
Gruse's head was missing, only his shrivelled, bloodless decapitated body remained. Lastly, a young man missing his heart, clearly ripped out by the lack of sharp cuts around the wound.
*Drip* *Drip*
Out of nowhere, drops started leaking on homeastis's face, wiping it off with his free hand made him see the clear red it was painted with.l, which surprisingly is the only sign of blood in this gory scene.
Looking up stiffly, he let out an ear piercing scream. "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH, F-F-F-FUCK T-THIS MAN!!!!'
With that he ran out, thinking that this must be retribution for his evil deeds, so to make up for it and preventing what happened to his partners from befalling him, he would release the children still in his captivity and give them all his money to start new lives.
*Drip* *Drip*
Back in the house, the head of the decapitated Gruse can be seen embedded into the ceiling, blood still dripping eerily, with spiderweb like cracks spreading from it as the center, only going to show the amount of force that was behind the strike.
___Malard District___
Cierra was on her way to the saviour of their city, The Healer. She had met him once before and had a good impression of him, he asked her some questions then healed her and accepted the payment, she lied of course since she was undercover and he seemed to have bought the lie.
[A/N: keep in mind Virsal can literally sense the blood moving inside a person, so he's like a walking lie detector]
Another matter, however, was on her mind. For the past year or so their businesses have been declining. Unlike the vast majority of other magisters, her father didn't engage in any shady deals or businesses. Making him fall behind other magisters in terms of money.
He has been working hard though and the family was still thriving despite this, that was until her mother died four years ago, sending her father into a severe depression. To make matters worse, the two idiots she calls brothers go out every night, spending money without constraint on vintage wine and countless prostitutes.
Along with the constant spending, her brothers didn't make any money or good trades, so the money kept on decreasing. And although he tries to hide it, her father's health is deteriorating at a rapid rate, all the stress and depression has been really getting to him.
While all this was on her mind, she finally arrived at the location she got from the shadow squad.
A luxurious manor almost as large as her father's. Before coming in, she took a look around, taking in the dried blood that littered the street.
Frowning, she got up to the door and knocked. What greeted her was silence for a minute until a tall, lean man with only his deep, electric blue eyes visible through his black mask opened the door, shirtless which revealed his chizzled muscles that seemed to be about to pop out of his body.
---5 minutes ago---
___Virsal POV___
Pylis knocked on the door to the luxurious, wide bedroom lightly then headed inside. She was still wearing her torn and dilapidated simple brown attire. There was no grime on her body yet her hair was still a little dishevelled.
Seeing her like this, I will need to buy her new clothes, instantly I thought of little Mia and Mary. Seems like I need to go shopping. I also need ingredients so that I can cook me some soap, never thought the school science project will come in handy now.
"I finished picking the pretty red balls master" Pylis said with a happy smile, she had an expression as if waiting for praise.
I hopped off the bed and patted her messy hair.
"Great job" At my words and patting, her smile got happier and she closed her eyes in contentment, she reminded me of a dog that just received a treat somehow.
To the left of the door was a large glass window with a direct view of the sea and the picturesque scene that resulted from the reflection of moon on its surface.
Directly underneath and a little closer to the corner was a table made of polished wood, which I placed the pouch with the blood marbles inside on top of after taking it from Pylis.
Now, time for my nightly bath, I didn't take a bath yesterday so I look forward to it. While I did use COMFORTABLE so that I don't have any bad smell or dirt on my body, it still doesn't beat a nice, warm bath.
"With me Pylis" I gestured with my hand as I headed downstairs towards the pool sized bathtub on the ground floor. She quickly followed.
When we finally arrived at the room we were both amazed. Marble lined the four pillars at each corner of the square pool in the middle, with dragon heads at their base.
The walls were made from light brown and beige marbles. Everything had gold outlining it, further adding to the feeling of luxury.
The ground was made of a lighter shade of rock from the walls, it wasn't marble though as that would have made slipping all but a certainty.
The only problem was....the pool was fucking empty. And I haven't a clue as to where to get water from anywhere near here. Seawater wasn't an option.
I rubbed my temples in frustration, even if I have water, how am I supposed to heat it? I could actually think of a few ways but they are all time consuming.
Suddenly an idea struck my mind, it was the fact of its obsurdity that made me like it. With a crazy, excited smile on my face, I began undressing. Opting to leave my mask on in case of any mishaps.
I was completely topless when I realized Pylis was frozen in place beside me. She seemed to be in a daze staring at me.
Amused, I made a 'You don't see me' John Cena gesture infornt of her... Still no response. Suppressing a chuckle, I began to flex using whatever bodybuilding poses I still remember.
As soon as I did this, I swear I saw drool dripping from Pylis's mouth, her breathing was ragged and face hot and red.
"Oi, wake up! Ooooooooi!" Seeing no response, I grasped her shoulder, but as soon as I touched her skin, she tremblingly moaned and the sound of flowing water came right after.
Did she seriously just orgasm? How perverted is this woman!? I have a feeling she and Mia would become great friends, but while Mia is naughty, this...this is a level too high.
"Haa...haaa...S-sorry master" realising what she's just done, her face turned beet red and her face became one of shame. It seemed she thought I would be disgusted by her behaviour, and if I were to be honest, most men will.
....But I'm not most men.
With a wide grin, I cupped her face strongly squishing her face before leaning down and straight into her hazel eyes with my blue ones.
"What were you doing my dear Pylis?" I teased.
She remained silent and her face reddened in shame. She couldn't believe she did what she did Infront of her crush.
"You couldn't have been a pervert all along now can you?"
She smiled awkwardly and tried to play it off, yet her eyes that were darting all over in an attempt to avoid mine betrayed her, " W-wat do you mean, m-master? He..hehe.."
Moving my head a mere hair away from her, I whispered.
"Please don't lie to me, I would rather have a lewd, honest servant than a prude one. Besides, I like naughty, perverted woman more too~ Especially ones as lewd as you." Feeling my warm breath on her face, I can tell she was about to have another orgasm, so I let go and waited for her response.
[🙄This paragraph was from a fanfic I just read, credits to Prince Of Nazarik, check it out if you want, it's great👍]
My words seemed to have broken through to her even when she was hesitating whether to take my words at face value. Then, her breathing went ragged and her face flushed even more, honestly it was impressive her cheeks can get that red, even her ears were not spared.
"Those heavenly muscles! That unique white, flawless skin! I just wanted to burn that memory into my brain before it faded!" She shuddered and her eyes fluttered as she reminisced, "Oh how I wish I could touch them forever! They were perfect, so muscular, so manly, ahmn~"
She admitted, still wondering if it was okay to say it this brazenly.
"You know, we could do SO much more once we go to bed~. But let's have a natural shower first." Her eyes shined as she jumped up excitedly and practically began dragging my hand upstairs. I applaud the enthusiasm.
"Knock" "Knock"
Stopping, I turn to look at the door with only one thought in my head. 'Did...I just get cock-blocked?'