
Game of Thrones- THE ALLFATHER [Dropped]

Son of the God of wisdom, MIMIR Takes up the mantle of the Gods in GOT universe, how will he get out of the clutches of R.O.B.,, how will North prosper under him? The MC is Asgardian infant...

STEVIOL_GLY · Diễn sinh tác phẩm
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6 Chs

THOR Midgardian years -2

/At the site of Mjolnir crash/

Arne continued driving his car, which now had bump sat the front and the back of the car due to a certain someone coming in its path "intentionally" according to him.

In the place where a car has its song controller, Arne's Hi-fi reinforced Mini cooper had a TV screen, which was actually to be blamed for the bumps in the car.


On the screen was playing the anime /City Hunter/ as the chance of another incident such as last night happening was increasing at a steady pace.

Finally a crowd of people was in sight, with an SUV tying to pull something up.

Arne bowed down to turn of his TV when the SUV that was pulling Mjolnir with a chain had its chain snapped.

The SUV roared and came running down straight to Arne's and boom!

The SUV turned upside down as the driver ranted about how he will come down and show Arne his place.


Mimirsen came out of the car and walked past the crowd to go down the crater.

He was stopped by men in black suit who had just arrived, dispersing the crowd and covering the crater, although it was too late as the news of a hammer meteorite was all over the world.

"Sir, I would have you to turn back from here, we are investigating the site and there wont be any visitors until we are done with this." A man with a receding hairline took the helm among the other agents, showing his F.B.I. badge to Arne.

"No, no, no, that thing is my nephew's toy, I just came here to take it for myself." Mimirsen tried to explain even when he knew it would not be taken as a serious statement.

The son of coul looked at him with a face 'Are you kidding me?' while Mimirsen just turned around to go back as he knew staying there would just come back to bite him another time.

Arne just started his engine to go back and take a bite in the nearby town, leaving a dusty trail with his car.

"Note down his identity," Coulson said to his deputee.

"But sir that man was clearly joking, he looked 19 and a meteorite from outer space throwing all sort of radiations while being unbreakable, made of unknown elements not available on earth and releasing electric sparks while not having any known power source can be just his nephew's toy?"

"Our task is not to question agent, it is to find out what this thing is, and a lead is better than no lead." saying so Coulson turned to contact his superior for further instructions.


Turning back his car TV, Mimirsen was driving his car while vibing to the new soundtrack of the New Show he had invested in, Lucifer.


Tell me everything and a baby I'll believe

Dancin' with the devil sweating gasoline

Rollin' down the river

Cause it's automatic, so dramatic, every times guaranteed'

He shifted his eyes towards the sound station to increase the volume when.


Thor enters the store and approaches a Pet Shop Clerk.

"I need a horse." Thor asked the clerk, The clerk astonished started his shop advertisement quote as he had practiced 69 times before.

"Sorry sir we don't sell horse, Just cats, cats and cats, or you would like a... cat?"

"Then give me one of those, large enough to ride." The Pet Store Clerk looks confused. Just then, Thor hears a car horn. He turns to the open door. Across the street, Jane calls to him from the SUV.

Thor crosses the road, or he thinks he was doing that when he was thrown off the road, with his head bashed into a sign pole.

"Ah- shit, to think if that would have happened for real!" The read mini-cooper had his steering wheel rotated at an unprecedent speed, drifting on the road to make a complete O.

This time, Thor came close to the car and held it by hands, which rendered the car to not been able to pick up speed as was the only thing it lacked in due to its heavy weight.

"Thats the man who should be legally responsible now! We just hit him once, he had it his way thrice now!" complained Darcy as she was still counting the hits delivered to Thor so that she could have a permanent candidate to blame should Thor fall dead the next minute.

Arne came out of the car on his own, knowing well that this time he had do man up and take responsibility, which could be easily guessed by the change of his demeanor, having a compressed magic construct in his hand marked "Mind control" in Asgardian.

"One second in this charm and all pain would begone."

"Just then he recognizes the man he had "accidentally" stuck down was none other than his nephew, Thor, he hushed the magic away, to slap him awake from the daze and adrenaline he had been in by pulling his car.

"Ah! Uncle! What a coincidence it is! to meet an Asgardian after so long, where are we thought?"

"Just sleep."


Thor woke up hours after, telling the circumstances he was in and his banishment from Asgard, while Arne just chugged cola with the human friends Thor had made.

"So you want to go get Mjolnir?"

"Yes! thats the only way I can prove father I am worthy of being the King!"

"Can you pull Mjolnir out of anywhere as you used to do that earlier?"

"No Uncle! but Why should that matter?"

"Well as you told me that Odin just enchanted it to be a sentient weapon capable of choosing who should be able to life it, means that if someone is indeed capable of picking it up, he or she could also call it and use it to gain your power and your identity as the crown prince."

Thro was godsmacked by the revelation that he could not pull Mjolnir now. Initially he had been hopeful that it was just not complying with the call, but with the info now, his ego had shrunken for being unworthy of his long found companion like a grape become a raisin.

Depressed, he came about drinking the night after, and the night after, and the night after, drowning himself in alcohol to side his worries and insecurities.

His companions, Jane, Darcy and Dr. Selvig just took whatever info Thor slipped for their studies, while caring and taking care of him.


Days after, Thor conjured what little courage he had with him, ignoring his uncle's word of him being unworthy, he took a ride with Jane to go to the crater, where he would find Mjolnir.

Behind a mirror, was a bald man or alien due to his head being disproportionally larger than his body was observing as the universe found its course.

Like what was initially bound to happen, Thor followed the vent transpiring that lead to him being questioned by Coulson, him confirming of being unworthy of wielding Mjolnir and let off by the agents by the help of Selvig.

Watching this, the bald caped alien, or to be known as Uato the Watcher smiled. But he could not help but shiver when he tried to watch any of the moments that held the entity Mimirsen Arne.

He was an anomaly, one that was not present in any of the know universe, unique to earth-616 prime. It was strange of a universe to be dubbed as prime, but he was not the one who numbered and categorized the universes into numbers, marvel Dc or otherwise.

Trying to fetch a last glance at the Mimirsen before changing his sight, he looked to the bet Arne was supposed to be in.

Confused he looked left and right, only to meet the person sitting in a chair, eyes looking deep straight onto him,

"Hello there."

Afraid Uato ran, from the place, flying off to his residence to never look into that earth for eons to come.





Give me your power stones, otherwise no chapters.

Yes, I am threatening you.

Leave your power stones here or I will come there and hunt you down.