
2 Character Information

Name: Adrian Glace

Age :35

Occupation: Botanist

Family: Single, parents died at the age of 4 in a car accident,

Living relatives: World-renowned botanist grandfather taught him as a young man what nature is like and that is why he loves it with all his heart

Personality: Warm, friendly, careless

Hair Color: Black

Eye color: Emerald

Chosen house to be born: House Trant

Location :Stormlands

Year 280 with 3 years to go until the end of Robert's revelion

Gifts: Son of Nature you are, loved by their Gods,

Druid your training dictates your limits.

Companions chosen by the ancient Gods

Elves: Elentari leader

Dwarves: Leader Duran

Dryads: Lunara Leader



Mermen and Mermaids: Leader Mauren





Not all of them have leaders since some are animals that luckily managed to survive and reached the sanctuary.