

Various summaries of Game of Thrones fanficions that I wrote over the past few months. Each summary would be 10,000-40,000 words long. If you want to use my summary and write a story based on it then feel free to do so.

Fortunate_Soul · Ti vi
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* Stannis received news about the Tyrell contingent arriving in Kings Landing. Margaery was already pregnant with his child so he didn't need to worry about the Tyrells being his enemy anymore.

He sent Margaery to welcome her family and to set up a meeting between him and her father and grandmother.

Half an hour later, he met with Mace Tyrell and Olenna Tyrell and hosted them in his office.

Mace was angry at him for the death of his son Loras Tyrell. Stannis then explained that he had given his men specific order to take Loras Tyrell alive so that he could be used as a hostage. But Loras died in the Wildfire caused by the foolishness of Cersei Lannister.

Despite his explanation, Mace was still angry but Olenna overruled him and said that they needed to put all the unpleasantness aside and act as allies from now on.

Mace then asked to become the Hand of the king since he was King Stannis' father-in-law.

Stannis has already given that post to Ser Davos so he refused. But then Malisandre came and reminded him how much he needed the support of the Tyrells to fight against the White Walkers so he grudgingly accepted Mace Tyrell as the new Hand of the King.

After that, he quickly explained the situation up in the North to Olenna and Mace. They looked skeptical but already knew that they would not directly believe his words so he called for his guards who brought the Wooden crate and he showed the undead to them.

Olenna almost got a heart attack at the sight of the Wight while Mace almost pissed his pants. But they now believed in the presence of Wights and White Walkers.

He explained to them that the North had a total population of about 5 million people. And if the White Walker defeated the Northern army and went pass the Wall then those 5 million people will join the army of the Wights sooner or later. And at that point, no army in the world would be able to stop them.

Olenna and Mace listened to his words somberly and decided to support him in his war campaign against the White Walkers.

* Stannis showed the Wights to Devon Lannister who was the highest ranking Lannister among his prisoner as well as the other important lords of Westerland. He told them about the danger of the White Walkers and managed to convince them about the danger posed to them by the White Walkers.

He asked them to support him and he will forgive them for their rebellion against him.

They accepted his offer and he released some of them while he kept the others as hostage in case the remaining Lannisters betray him.

* Harry heard about the new King in Iron Islands. He told him Spy Master to contact Yara Greyjoy and send her an invitation to Dreadfort.

She might have lost the battle against the Redwynes but he knew that she was a capable commander and very good at sailing.

She might be of some use to him. But he would have to hide the fact that he killed her brother.

If she decided to serve him wholeheartedly then he'll give her some of his best ships available to him. And if she doesn't then he'll just tell her to leave and dispose of her at a later time.

* Harry looked at the various food reports in front of him and smiled to himself.

Thanks to the HYV, the modern steel farming tools and newer methods of irrigation, his people were able were finally able to grow enough food to last his people for 8 years.

With the amount of grain, whales, cattle and horse that he had imported from outside, it should be enough to feed his whole population for over 12 years.

But if this Winter was going to last a generation then that meant about 15-20 years which meant that he needed to horde more food supplies for his people.

He took a breath and closed the reports before looked outside at the 400 Glass houses lined up outside the first city wall and smiled to himself.

The Glass house construction was coming along well. Once the war against the White Walkers is over and he has more time in his hands, he would use his runes and magic to expand the space inside the Glass houses so that his people would be able to plant more fruits and grain inside them.

The Glass houses were useful because even after the Winter is over, he would be able to use them to grow various fruits and vegetables that would otherwise not grow in the North due to the colder climate.

He also won't have to buy his Coffee from the Summer Islanders.

As he thought about it, he heard a knock on his door and found that it was his Spy Master who had another report for him.

He read the report and found that Stannis has already gained the Allegiance of the Tyrells and the remaining Lannisters.

Stannis was currently in Riverrun and asking Edmure Tully to give him his oath of fealty. And considering how Stannis now had the Baratheon, Tyrell and Lannister forces with him, it wasn't like Edmure had any other choice rather than accept Stannis' rule.

Stannis has also sent missives to Dorne, Vale and Iron Islands.

The Dorne didn't sent back a reply. The Iron Islands were in open rebellion. And Vale, which was now being ruled by a new lord called Harold Hardyng proclaimed that Vale has closed it's borders as they were preparing for the upcoming Winter and won't open it for the remainder of the Winter.

Harry wondered how Stannis would react to this silent rebellion by the Vale.

Then he closed the letters and wondered how Queen Regent Catelyn Stark would react to the Stannis' help.

He remembered that Sansa was still living in Dreadfort even after she was rejected by Dany and Ygritte time and time again.

Currently, Sansa was trying her best to help Ygritte and even if Ygritte didn't like the girl and considered her weak, she was slightly impressed by Sansa's stubbornness and coming around to the idea of having Sansa as a fellow sister.

Dany on the other hand has still not shown any sign of being pregnant but he didn't mind. The Winter won't start for a year or two and the war against the White Walkers will take even more time so she won't be in any substantial danger any time soon and will be free to bear him an heir or two in that time.

* Euron looked at the people working day and night on building war galleys for him in hopes that he would bring glory for them once again. What fools.

The only glory he ever cared about was his own. These men were just a means to an end to him and nothing more.

He looked at the horizon and saw a few ships coming toward Pyke. Probably coming to deposit more wood that they stole from either Westerlands or the North. After all, Iron Islands were lacking in any kind of wood that could be useful for making ships. Which was why they had to steal it from their Neighbouring kingdoms.

Despite all that, building a ship was not an easy task and took a lot of resources. His shipwrights have only managed to build him 30 ships over the past few months. The lack of resources hampering the wait time needed to build the ships.

But he was now the king of this pile of shit and stones and the cunts living here foolishly believed that he cared about them so he had no trouble exploiting them as much as he could get away with.

When winter finally arrives, the people of the Iron Islands will have few resources and would probably die to cold and hunger like flies.

Whether a single person of the Iron Islands will survive or not was debatable. But he would already be raiding the 7 kingdoms with his Fleet and wouldn't have to come back here anymore.

He looked at the Dragonbinder horn kept in a box some feet away from him and remembered the rumors he heard about Daenerys Targaryen and her dragons living in the North.

If he could get those dragons to submit to him then there'll truly be no one in this world left to stop him.

And then he'll be free to destroy and spread his carnage as much as he wished.

He smiled and took out his glass candle, willing to see how the ship construction was going on in the other islands.

* Yara arrived in Bolton lands after a long journey.

As she arrived, she was was shocked by the large amount of ships in Domeric Port. Even Pyke didn't have a quarter of these many ships in the best season.

She and her men docked on the port and looked at the high wall and the moat surrounding the city walls along with the hug Steel gate and realized that even with the whole army of Iron Islands behind them, they would probably not be able to take this city.

She and her men were then welcomed to the city by a portly man who told her that he had been sent by Lord Domeric Bolton to welcome them. She didn't miss the hint of reverence held in the man's voice when he talked about this Bolton Lord. As if he was some kind of god or something.

She and her men then entered the city and were floored.

Never in her whole life had she ever seen a city as prosperous and clean as this one. Not to mention that the city was built in a very methodical manner as well unlike Kings Landing which just grew in size without any sort of plan. In fact, this was also the best planned city she had ever seen.

And a lot of people in the city were riding on horse carriages. Even in Kings Landing carriages were a very rare thing because of the lack of proper road and the human traffic clogging those this cobbled streets.

She told her men to stay in one of the tavern while she went to meet this Lord Domeric Bolton and also enquire about the status of her brother. If her brother was alive, then despite his uslessness, she would take him in and take care of him. After the death of her father and betrayal of her uncle, Theon was the only family left to her.

She was the few men following her were then escorted out of the city on a horse carriage by the portly man who then told them to wait for a while near a open area where a lot of other people were waiting.

She asked why they were waiting here and he told them that they were waiting for a thing called 'train'. A large metallic vehicle created by their Lord Domeric Bolton that ran without any horse carriages.

'Without any horse carriages? Then did it have masts like in the ships that it used to travel?' she thought and waited for a few more minutes till she heard a loud sound coming toward them and was floored when she saw the Black Iron monsterocity for the first time in her life as it left a trail of black smoke in the air and travelled far quickly than any horse she had ever seen in her life.

The portly man told her that at the moment, the train only travelled from The Domeric City to Winter Town which was built around Dreadfort.

Lord Domeric had started the construction of many other tracks to lead to the other important areas in the Bolton Lands but their construction have been halted for the preparation of Winter.

She gave a nod and didn't tried to show the fear in her eyes as the Black Iron Monstrosity finally arrived in front of them.

The Portly man took them to the front of the train where the best seats were held and told her that she was the esteemed guest of Lord Domeric so it was only right that she sit in a luxurious coach.

And luxurious it was indeed. The coach held the softest sofas she had ever sat in and had very beautifully decorated table and a few beautiful women occasionally came to offer them food and beverages throughout the rest of the journey.

During the journey, she continuously saw golden fields that were filled with grains ready to be harvested. Not only that, there were also numerous large farmhouses which held hundreds if not thousands of buffalo, cows, sheep, pigs, goats and horses each.

If anyone still doubted the prosperity and wealth of the Boltons then those doubts would be blown away by simply looking outside the window from the train.

Then the journey ended and she was left shocked once again. After all, the journey ended far too quickly when you realize that the distance between Domeric Port and Winter Town was easily 150 miles.

On foot it would have taken them 4-6 days to travel this distance while on horse it would have taken them 3-4 days.

But on this 'train', it only took them about 2 hours. And all she had to do was sit on a luxurious couch for 2 hours and drink some whiskey during those 2 hours.

She could now understand why Lord Domeric would spend all the gold and steel to build this thing.

After all, she was sure that the railway tracks and the train itself had enough steel to arm more than 10,000 men large army with more to spare.

Then they arrived in Winter town (which looked more like a city at this point) and if she realized that this place was even more prosperous than the Domeric Port.

At this point in time, she was so sick and tired of all the things she had seen that she didn't think that she would surprised by anything anymore.

But the large red colored forest surrounding the city, the construction of the largest city wall she had ever seen in her life, the presence of true 'Giants' among the construction workers and the sight of hundreds of Glass houses was enough to leave her with her mouth agape and looking like a fool for a good amount of time before she regained her senses.

She remembered hearing that the Boltons had found the secret of Glass making. But she truly had no idea about how much glass they could produce.

After all, glass was so expansive that the Iron Islands didn't have a single glass house in it. And even in the North, only the Starks have four Glass houses to their name.

They then went out of the train and went in a carriage before they were taken to Dreadfort where she was made to wait an hour before she was finally able to meet Lord Domeric.

Just like she had thought in her mind, the first thing she asked of the lord was about the whereabouts of her brother Theon.

Lord Domeric told her that for the murder of multiple Stark Guards, Ser Rodrick Cassel and two young and innocent boys, Theon Greyjoy was sent to the Wall.

Yara asked if he was still there and Lord Domeric told her that Theon along with 90% of the Nights Watch died in the Great Ranging a few years ago.

Yara looked for the traces of lying in his eyes but couldn't find it. And for some reason, she believed him. She was sad to find that her brother was killed like this but life was harsh and there was nothing she could for him anymore.

So she asked him why he invited her over to his home.

Lord Domeric told her that his ships are recently being attacked by some pirates and the Whalers of Ibenesse. He might have dealt with those attackers personally but he was too busy at the moment or he might have sent Dany on her dragons but she was still not used to flying such long distances so he needed an experienced and ruthless naval commander like her to deal with the enemy forces.

After some thinking, she accepted his offer and he smiled and then told her that when he'll prepare one of the largest and deadliest ship in the world for her.