

Various summaries of Game of Thrones fanficions that I wrote over the past few months. Each summary would be 10,000-40,000 words long. If you want to use my summary and write a story based on it then feel free to do so.

Fortunate_Soul · Ti vi
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21 Chs


* Harry heard the news that Jon Snow finally came back from his mission or rescuing the Northern lords and sending them safely back home.

Once Jon Snow came back, he took Dany aside and told her the truth about Jon Snow's parentage. She was a bit shocked to know that she still had a family left after the recent death of Maester Aemon Targaryen due to old age. But she still remembered how cruel her brother was to her despite being her blood and asked him to not tell Jon Snow about his parentage.

If she ever felt comfortable enough about it, then she'll go and meet him on her own. But for now, the only family she had was her husband.

* Harry went to the cave under the Weirwood tree and found Brandon Stark, Myra Reed, Jojen Reed, Hodor, the Three Eyed Raven, Summer the direwolf and the the children.

Brandon Stark was currently studying under Brandon Rivers to become the next Three Eyed Raven.

He ignored the teacher and student and went to the Children of the forest and gave them the offer to come with him to live in the Weirwood forest in his domain.

They seemed rather hesitant at first as they were quite depressed with their lifestyles and were simply waiting to die. They frankly didn't knew what to do with the hope he had given them as they expected to die at the hands of the White Walkers in the near future.

When he told them that he planned to grow more Weirwood trees in the future and he would need their help in carving the faces in those trees, some of them decided to come with him with the others were still undecided.

He told them to think about his offer as he would come back later a few more times.

After all, he didn't want their magical species go extent under his watch and would everything under his power to make sure that it doesn't happen.

He gave Myra Reeds a portkey that would return them to the godswood in Winterfell before he left with the Children of the Forest who had chosen to come with him.

* Harry went to Winterfell with his two Sworn Shields and a dozen elite soldiers.

He could have brought giants and direwolves with him but he didn't want to intimidate the other Northern lords too much. Not that his elites didn't look any less intimidating in their Night black armor. He also didn't brought Dany and her dragons for the very same reason.

Upon arriving, he found that most of the lords were already present in Winterfell.

He was welcomed by Lady Catelyn Stark who gave him bread and salt as an offer of guest right.

But considering how the Northeners were butchered by the Frey after being given Guest Rights, he knew that such customs didn't hold as much weight as they once did.

He was then personally escorted by Sansa Stark who made a few attempts to seduce him. He didn't knew what to make of it as he was already married to Dany. He wouldn't mind another concubine but he doubted that Catelyn Stark would accept her daughter as a Concubine. So he simply ignored her advances and put her out of his mind.

* That evening a meeting took place place in the Great Hall of Winterfell where all the lords and ladies were present.

The Starks were sitting at the main table while he was sitting at the front of the table reserved for the lords of the North.

Lady Catelyn started the meeting by telling them that Winter was coming and that this Winter would be harsher than most. Lady Catelyn then asked him how much grain he'll be able to spare for them as he was the primary food and beverage supplier.

He shook his head and said that even if they were allies, he needed to look after his own people before he went about helping others. So he'll only be able to spare them a small amount of food supplies.

He did however told them that he'll be glad to feed anyone who decided to join the fight against the White Walkers.

The room became a bit tense at his declaration that he won't give them much food. Lyanna Mormont stood up and outright told him that he was a selfish person who didn't care about the lives of other people. He accepted her insult and told her that he was indeed a selfish person and he won't change his decision to help his own people first and foremost no matter how much she insulted him.

After a few other insults and jeers from the other lords and ladies, Catelyn Stark brought back their attention to another subject which was the Wall which was woefully undermanned.

He told them that the Boltons will take care of the 9 Castles from Castle Black to East Watch by the Sea while the rest of them would take care of the remaining 9 Castles in the Western portion of the Wall.

Everyone was a little shocked and skeptical of his claims that he had enough resources to field an army as large as the rest of the North put together.

He did a rough calculation in his mind and found that he had 12,000 Unsallied, 22,000 leginneores, 4,000 trained police force, 15,000-30,000 levi and 30,000-40,000 Wildlings. In total he could raise up to 83,000-108,000 men from his lands depending on how desperate their needs were.

He didn't want to spook them very much out so he told them that he was capable of raising 20,000 men due to the Unsallied his wife brought from Astapor recently. This new still shocked the people but not as much if he had told them that he could raise an army of 100,000 men.

At the mention of his wife, little Lady Lyanna Mormont stood up and asked if it was true that his wife was Daenerys Targaryen and if the rumors about her having half a dozen dragons was true or not.

The rest of the Great hall was looking in anticipation and he gave them a nod at which they didn't knew if they should feel more relieved or not.

On one hand, the dragons would be helpful against the White Walkers. On another hand, he could easily take over the North if he wanted to do so.

Lady Stark then brought their attention back to the topic of the White Walkers and they spent the next few hours ironing out the details about the upcoming War and which houses will take care of which Castle in the Wall and which house will contribute what in the upcoming war.

* After the discussions about the war was over, he reminded them that the war in the South was at it's final phases and would probably be over within a few months. He asked Catelyn Stark what they were going to do about whoever ended up in Iron Throne.

Catelyn Stark told them that according to King Robb Stark, the North was now an independent kingdom. And she'll respect her son's decisions. So if Bran Stark is still alive and found then he'll be crowned the king upon coming of age. Or else, the crown will go to Rickon Stark when he grew up. Until then, she'll rule as the regent from the North.

The rest of the Lords and Ladies cheered at her decision and he wondered how foolish they were.

He stood up and the people became silent instantly.

Then he pointed out that if Stannis won the Iron Throne, then he might be persuaded to send men and supplies to fight against he White Walkers.

At his words, the hall went silent and Lady Catelyn gave him a glare. But then she thought about the situation and accepted his words, saying that they'll bow their heads because of their desperate need to survive this war.

Howland Reed then stood up and said that if the war went to the Lannisters, then his house would do it's best to man Moat Cailin and make sure that any southern army doesn't cross the Neck.

The meeting then went on a little longer before they lords and ladies finally dispersed.

* After he meeting he approached the little Lady Lyanna Mormont who was the most vocal in the Great hall and asked for some of her time. To say the truth, he was quite intrigued by this girl who had to take the Ladyship of her house at the tender age of 10. Not to mention that she did such a wonderful job of leading her people despite her age.

True he himself had to rule the Bolton lands at the age of 7. But he was an old soul in a young body and he had magic to help him. Lyanna only had her wits and cunning to help her. And he was quite impressed by her capabilities and her strong character.

"You're quite bold Lady Lyanna." He told her as he sat on a table in front of her and quietly sipped a mug filled with coffee (it should be mentioned that he had to search for a long time before he was able to find coffee beans in this world). "Especially when I've helped your house so much by giving you free resources for such a long time. And when my house is the Primary supplier for food and weapon in the North."

Lyanna Mormont remained stoic but he could see that she was becoming a little tense at his words. He used legilimency and found that she was very nervous sitting alone in a room with him and was panicking and thinking if she did the wrong thing by going against him.

The fact that she was panicking inwardly but she still able to hold his gaze with such confidence only made him more impressed by her.

"I only pointed out the blatant truth. Nothing more. Nothing less." She said stoically while she wondered what she should to get out of this ugly situation without losing the support of House Bolton.

He smiled and said "I like you. I myself had to become the lord of my house at a young age and know how hard it can be."

Her shoulders relaxed a little at his words.

"You're a capable young girl. And I see a lot of potential in you. Under the right guidance, you could become someone great." He told her.

"What are you suggesting Lord Bolton?" she asked in a frigid tone and he smiled.

She was a feisty young girl, wasn't she.

"Simple. You're a capable person Lady Lyanna. And I like having capable people working under me." He told her.

"I'm the lady of House Mormont." She said with narrowed eyes. "I'll not leave my people during this perilous time and work for you. MY DUTY to my people comes first and foremost before anything else." She said and stood up from her seat and pointed at the door behind him "If there's nothing else Lord Bolton. I suggest you leave."

Like he said. A feisty one. She showed such confidence even when she was inwardly cursing herself for letting her emotions get the best of her.

He sat quietly in his chair, unperturbed by her temper tantrum and sipped on his coffee as he maintained eye contact with her.

Then he put a little pressure on her as his eyes slightly narrowed and he said "Sit down."

Lyanna had a rebellious look on her face but she was quite intimidated by him and sat down on her seat while looking at him with narrowed eyes.

"You'll serve me if I promise free food, weapons and other supplies for your people." He told her with a smile and her eyebrows frowned at his words.

"I'm not a property you can just buy with food and weapons." She refuted him and he hid a smile behind his coffee mug.

"Oh but that's exactly what I'm doing right now." He said with a smug smile that he knew was getting under her skin. Then he became serious and said "Serve me. And I'll see to it that your people survive this winter relatively unscathed."

"I'm still the lady of House Mormont." She said, looking unsure for the first time in the meeting "I can't just leave them."

"They're not kids Lyanna." He told her, ignoring how her eyebrows cutely scrunched up at him not calling her a lady. "Bear Island won't crumble to dust in your absence. Believe me. Your people are capable of taking care of themselves."

"You'll surprised at how inept people can be sometimes." She japed with a cute frown and he chuckled at her words.

"So it's settled then." He said and she shook her head quickly.

"No. I have one more condition." She said.

"And what would that be?" he asked, feeling a little amused.

"I'll serve you…" she said with a cute frown "If that is what you want. But I still want to spend 3 moons in a year in Bear Island. Or the people will forget me."

"One month." He said in a finalized tone while giving her a look which said that this discussion was over.

She narrowed her eyes and huffed in indignation while glaring at him but didn't said anything more.

Smart girl.

"You can go back to Bear Island after the meeting here is finished." He told her getting up. "I'll come to Bear Island to take you away after a month is over." He said with a smile and then left the room, glad to have gained such a capable girl for his fledgling Kingdom.