

Various summaries of Game of Thrones fanficions that I wrote over the past few months. Each summary would be 10,000-40,000 words long. If you want to use my summary and write a story based on it then feel free to do so.

Fortunate_Soul · Ti vi
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* Stannis realized that even if the alliance between the Tyrells and Lannisters broke apart, the Lannister forces will still outnumber his forces. Plus, they had the wall to hide behind so they already had an advantage.

To gain an advantage of his own, he went to the Iron Bank to ask for a loan so that he could hire the Golden Company for the duration of the war.

He didn't like this decision as he didn't trust people who fought for gold. But Davos and Melisandre were both adamant that he needed more troops if he wanted to win this war. And despite his stubbornness, he finally bought into their plan and hired the Golden Company.

He planned on attacking King's Landing soon after they arrive in Westeros.

* Harry looked at the thousands of archers working as a unit under one of his Commanders and sending volley after volley of practice arrows on the straw targets. Half of the Archers were women of the freefolk who had decided to apply for Archery unit when he refused to allow to them to join in the melee units like the Spear or Sword units.

He used the magic on the glass candle to look at the units practicing deeper in the forest and founds thousands of newer recruits being trained by the Unsallied.

Each Unsallied soldier was tasked with teaching at least two other recruits how to fight with a spear and shield. He watched over them for a few minutes longer before changing the avenue once again.

This time he was over looking the Glass houses being made by the glass workers. They had already completed 60 glass houses and he knew that they would be able to make about 500 more by the time true winter arrives. And he wasn't going to let them stop even at that point

If this Winter was going to last for a whole generation then they would need as many glass houses as possible.

How wondered how such a long winter would affect the rest of the world. It was true that the winter would hit North the hardest but they were already accustomed to long winters. The rest of the world was not.

He shook the thought off his mind. The rest of the wasn't really his problem. He changed the avenue and gazed at the numerous underground shelters being build around the city as well as the second city wall being built around that.

The second city wall was going to be 40 feet high and was going to be his greatest defense against the White Walkers if they managed to breach the Wall.

He changed the view once again and this time he found himself looking at Dany who was currently busy coddling her 'children' who were all crowding around her and vying for her attention. He chuckled at the childish dragons and looked at the dozens of large werehouses being built by his builders. These werehouses were being filled with wood that was arriving from all the way up in the mountains along the Weeping water river.

The wood was being stored so it could be dried and used as fuel in the cold nights.

He had no doubt that they would run out of wood and coal sooner or later but he wanted to last for as long as possible.

He knew he would not be able to save everyone but he would damn well try his best.

* Down in the South, Tyrion was tried for the murder of his father Lord Tywin Lannister. Tyrion vehemently denied any accusations but all the evidence was against him. When his lover Shae betrayed him, he snapped and asked for a Trial by Combat.

Since Stannis was not defeated and Joffrey and Margaery were yet to be married, Oberyn Martell didn't arrive in the Capital. Because of that Tyrion didn't gain any champion and would have to fight 'The Moutain' himself.

* Harry was experimenting on one of the wights and was currently working on an area wide spell that would break the Necromercer spell on the Wights and destroy their decayed body when his communication mirror started vibrating.

He picked it up and found that he had received a call from Chataya once again.

He picked up the call and she told him about the events going on in Kings Landing.

After the talk, he thought about the usefulness of Tyrion Lannister and decided to save the little guy.

He called for his male sworn shield who was decked from top to bottom in runic armor and had a shield and sword that were heavily enchanted by his magic.

He told him to get ready as they were going on a trip to Kings Landing.

* Tyrion looked at the Mountain and was rapidly losing hope about his future when a large man covered from top to bottom in a black armor carrying a sword and a shield came up to him and asked to be his champion.

He quickly recognized the voice and knew that this was the sworn shield of Lord Bolton who came to his rescue when he captured by Lady Catelyn Stark. Hope being to surge in his heart and allowed the black armored man to become his champion.

His sister looked visibly angry that he might get the chance to weasal out of this death trap with his life intact. But it was too late and she couldn't interfere even if she wanted to.

The fight started and almost like the last Trail of Combat, Lord Bolton's Sworn Shield once again gained an immediate advantage in the fight.

His sword cut though The Mountain's thick armor like butter and one would be forgiven to mistake it for a Valyrian sword.

On the other hand, all of Mountain's attack were easily blocked or parried by his opponent as if there was no weight behind those attacks.

By the end of the third minute, Mountain's whole armor had turned red and he couldn't even pick up his sword anymore as the Sworn Shield had cut off the ligaments of both his arms.

And then almost climatically, the Sword Shield cut off Mountain's head and a huge pressure was taken off of Tyrion's head.

He walked proudly to the middle of the stage and told everyone that the god's have decided that he was innocent. He hoped that his sister would just let him go now. But his hope was shattered as his sister once again showed herself to be the bitch that she was.

"He cheated. Ser Meryn Trant, capture the little monster and kill that black knight who fought for him as well."

Tyrion watched his brother try to talk sense into their sister and was about to speak on his own behalf but they were getting surrounded by Lannister men. And then he couldn't even say anything as the Sworn Shield picked him up like a sack of potato and carved a bloody path among the Lannister Soldiers before escaping from the place.

The Lannister soldiers tried to chase after them but then the Sworn shield entered an empty street and a Crack sound was heard.

By the time the Lannister soldiers came up to the empty street, there was no sign of the Black Swordsman or Tyrion Lannister.

* With a crack, Tyrion arrived in an empty room in Dreadfort via portkey and promptly emptied his breakfast and dinner on the floor.

He didn't notice as the large sworn shield then pulled out a mirror and communicated with someone else before leaving the room.

A few minutes later, servants came and started cleaning him up. And all the while, Tyrion tried to came to terms with the fact that he was no longer in Kings Landing anymore thanks to some kind of disorienting magic.

He didn't knew what to make of it until it was time for dinner and he was called to dine with Lord Domeric Bolton who told him the truth about him being a wizard.

When Tyrion asked Lord Bolton why he bothered to save him, Lord Bolton became serious and told him that a difficult time was ahead of them and he wanted as many good and capable men under him as possible.

Lord Bolton then gave him the post which was similar to the Hand of the King under Lord Domeric Bolton and told about the upcoming harsh winter and the White Walkers that were coming with it.

* Harry stood on top of the wall with a hundred elites all of whom were holding a long rope which worked a portkey for their transportation.

He sat on a transfigured chair and used the Glass Candle to scry the areas North of the wall in search of any White Walker that had less than 300 wights under him and was isolated from the other White Walkers.

Once found, he would transport his whole team of 100 elites (all of whom were wearing magically enchanted armor) and they would then slaughter the wights before finally killing the White Walker leading them.

He knew that there were a limited number of White Walkers so he was trying to scout and kill as many of them as possible before the Winter arrives and the true war begins.

Unfortunately for him, he was not able to scry the location of the Night King as some form of magical barrier stopped him from doing so which was why he still didn't have a true estimation of the number of Wights they had under them.

When he found a particular White Walker with about 240 Wights under him, he started enchanting the rope that would be used to transfer his elites.

Since it was going to be a very powerful portkey, it took him half an hour to make it after which they portkeyed near the location of that White Walker where his elites quickly made a formation around him while facing the White Walker.

White Walker also saw their group and ordered his wights to attack them.

He would have said that it was a gruesome battle but it truly wasn't. His elites were the best of best who had trained very hard for this. Their formations were unbreakable and their armor were without any weak points and were so heavily enchanted that the wights couldn't even put a scratch on them.

When the number of wights started deminishing greatly, the White Walker took charge and joined the battle and but it didn't even reach the first line before it was peppered with multiple javelins made of dragon glass and broke into thin ice.

Throughout the whole battle, he stood at the centre of the formation and watched the battle in silence, trying to find even better ways to deal with the Wights and White Walkers.

Once the battle was over, he spent another half an hour to create a return portkey back to their military base and once it was completed, they went back home safely.

* When he apparated back to his room, Dany and Ygritte were waiting for him, looking slightly worried.

He told them about the success of his mission as they started to remove the magical armor he was wearing. He then took a hot water bath with his two girls and was about to jump in the bed with them when his Spy Master came with a message scroll from the Starks.

He opened it and found that the Starks were calling all the lords and of the North to Winterfell to make preparations for the Winter and the White Walker invasion.

He committed the contents of the scroll to his memory before burning it down.

Dany asked him what he was going to about the invitation and he told her that he'll give them a visit sometime in the future.

Then he pulled both her and Ygritte in a three way kiss and went into the bed with them.

* Down in the south, the relations between the Lannisters and the Tyrells have become fragile in Kings Landing. The queen had become more ruthless in attacking the Tyrells in indirect ways. The only reason that the two houses were still allied with each other was because King Joffrey Baratheon found Margeary beautiful and interesting.

In the West, without any retaliation, the Iron Islanders have grown bold and Yara Greyjoy and the other Iron Islanders took over the Shield Islands of The Reach, leaving Highgarden in a venerable position.

Now, it seemed very likely that the Iron Islanders were mustering their forces for a big attack. No one knew what they would attack but it was clear that it would be either Highgarden, The Arbor or Oldtown.

Because of this, half of the 80,000 men of the Reach were sent back home to deal with the Iron Islanders once and for all.

In the South, Dorne has still not shown any movements.

In the east, Stannis Baratheon had finally arrived in Storms End with the 20,000 men of the Golden Company. Along with his 45,000 men of the Stormlands, he now had a total of 65,000 men and had a good chance of winning against the 70,000 men stationed in Kings Landing.

He ordered his men to board the Royal Fleet and his army finally sailed toward Kings Landing.