

Various summaries of Game of Thrones fanficions that I wrote over the past few months. Each summary would be 10,000-40,000 words long. If you want to use my summary and write a story based on it then feel free to do so.

Fortunate_Soul · Ti vi
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* He finally arrives back in Dreadfort and finds that a Tourney was being held in honor of Lord Eddard Stark visiting his Lands as well as the other Northern Lords. He understood that the other lords had come here to whine and complain but that didn't mean that they shouldn't be treated with due respect. Leave it to his aunt to play the political game. He apparated back to his room and called for his aunt. She informed him that Lord Karstark had also arrived in Dreadfort and asked him to make peace with him. After a little argument, he finally complies as the Karstarks might be weaker than him but he didn't want to start a blood feud with such a powerful house without a very good reason.

* The next day, he made a show of coming from the Port on a ship and then met with Lord Stark who had already been a guest in Dreadfort for a few days after which he met the other lords. He talked with Lord Karstark and made peace with the Karstark house, allowing them to buy grain, glass, books, weapons, etc from him at the same price as the rest of the North. Karstark also offered him a betrothal for his granddaughter Alys Karstark but he refused stating that he was too young to make such decisions at this point. But the truth of the matter was that he knew that his house will only continue to grow stronger from this point onward and he had his sights set high and would not marry someone of lower standing than himself.

* During the day, the tourney started. Unlike the South, there were no jousts here. Only melee. A melee that even some lords took part in. In the end however, the winner were his two sworn shields. Something that shocked every lord present, not to mention angering them a little as his sworn shields were both not of the North. Then his sworn shields fought each other and the female sworn shield won in the end by a small margin. He had seen them fight before and knew that both were warriors of equal skill and any victory was a matter of luck and chance between them. He gifted the winner 10,000 gold dragons. Something that made every lord and knights in the stand grumble in discontent. After all, North was the second poorest Kingdom out of the 7 kingdoms and 10,000 gold dragons meant a lot to the people here.

* After seeing the prosperity in his lands, the lords didn't complain about their peasants leaving their territory anymore which was wise of them as he didn't give a shit either way.

* Harry found Jon talking with Ygritte in the godswood as the Children sang around the Weirwood trees. He sat down with them as Jon stammered his apologies while Ygritte openly laughed at Jon being so nervous of him. After they talked for a while, Lord Stark arrived and he once again use legilimency on the lord and found a bit of fear in his heart once again. Except that this time, he saw a bit more of the memory in which Lyanna Stark asked Ned to protect the baby before telling him that the baby's name was Jaehares Targeryan. He frown and wondered about what happened to Lyanna's and Rhaegar's child and why Ned was afraid whenever he talked with Jon and then it all clicked at once. Jon Snow was not Ned's bastard child but that baby named Jaehares Targeryan. This news came as a huge surprise to him and he was glad that he knew this secret as with this secret, he now had a hold over the Starks and a good blackmail material.

* He gifted Lord Ned Stark a male and female direwolf pup to take care of since House Stark had the sigil of a Direwolf and should have them. Ned Stark accepted them with some trepidation and he reminded the man that Direwolves are loyal creature and would protect his family if he treated them well. Ned accepted the gift with a thanks before handling the direwolves to Robb and Jon to take care of.

* As the Starks and the last of the lords left Dreadfort, he turned to his spy master, a slave whom he had rescued form Essos and told him to send some men to Citadel in order to find out if Rhaegar and Lyanna were married or not. Once that was done, he turned to the city that was forming around Dreadfort and wondered what he should name the City. Wintertown seems as good a name as any. He also decided to build a moat around the City as there was a river nearby and such a thing would make it harder for people to invade his castle. Yes, a deep moat filled with water and a drawbridge for gate would go a long way to making his castle inaccessible to the enemy forces.

* After thinking for a while, he decided that it was finally time to invent Steam engine. Problem was that he did not knew how a to create a sophesticated steam engine. He had a basic idea of how a simple steam engine worked but nothing more than that. He realized that it would take time and a lot of experiments before they found out a way to create Steam engine. But before that, they needed fuel for the Steam engine. Which meant that he needed to find Coal.

* After he spent a good time scrying, Harry finally found a good deal of coal deposits in the Hornwood land. Problem was that the Hornwood territory didn't fall under his jurisdiction.

That meant that he would have to talk with Lord Hornwood about the coal deposit.

* Harry sat in front of Halys Hornwood in order to create a business deal. He claimed that he had found a large coal deposit in the Hornwood lands. He told lord Hornwood that he would tell the location of the Coal deposit only if Halys allowed him to take 50% of the Coal and buy the other half. Halys Hornwood was not happy with this but he also knew that with Lord Bolton's help, he would never know where the coal deposit is and would have nothing. So in the end, he accepted Lord Bolton's deal and a contract a quickly formed according to which, the Boltons would also create a railway line to the mine so that transport of coal would be easy.

* It took him some time and a lot of experiments but Harry was finally able to create a workable steam engine. It was still not good enough to power a train but it worked well enough in mines. The production of iron, copper, silver, coal and marble from mines and mountains was increased by four times with the introduction of steam engine. By now, he had already found and opened 13 mines in his lands as well as 3 mines in other lands. Two of which were coal mines found in the Hornwood territory and one Copper mine that he found near the Barrow Hall as a gift to his aunt.

* Harry looked at the 7th school that was being built near the large settlement where the Free Folk now resided. Most of the freefolk nowadays worked as fishermen, herders, Horse breeders, soldiers in his army, miners or workers in his factories. By now, he had already located more than 10,000 free folk from North of the wall who were willing to bend their knee to him. Some of the Men of the Night's watch had already suspected some foul play but had no proof about anything.

Over the past few years, he had used a substantial amount of his wealth in opening the 'Central Library' which would rival Citadel for the spot of the largest library while being open to everyone. He was also focused on creating schools that would teach at least 1,000-2,000 children at a time. Provided that such a small number was still not enough in his mind as his lands now held about 800,000 people but this was a start. Now he was planning to open a school that would focus on military aspects of Westeros and create officers who would lead. Such a school would undoubtedly take time to create but he was confident that he would be able to do so given enough time and resources.

* Harry watched his army which has grown to 6000 in number by this point. There were ten legions each of which numbered 600 men. Each legion had 200 bowmen, 100 pikemen, 100 light infantry, 100 heavy infantry, 50 heavy cavalry and 50 light archer cavalry. He also had 3 wargs with him and he taught each of his legion and their commander to work with the wargs as a warg was better at tracking and scouting than a hundred scouts.

He had also gifted 30 heavy armors to the giants by this point. He had cast runes on them to make them even more sturdier and lightweight. Those armors would protect them from all the arrows, spears and swords easily. The helmets also had glass on them so no one would be able to hit them in the eye either, In essence, they would be tanks in battlefield. He had also gifted each one of them with a giant sword each of which was larger than 'Ice' of House Stark which the giants used with one hand as well as a shield that they used with the other hand.

In essence, his giants would easily be able to pierce through any army at this point. Even cavalry. He didn't show it but he was rather proud of his army. Especially because if he included the levy then his army now easily numbered 12,000-15,000 easily. Which was easily more than twice the number of men any other great house in the North could produce.

Meaning that House Bolton was now easily the richest and most powerful house in the North. The other houses probably knew this as well but not the true extent of his power. Good. As long as people let him be, he won't attack anyone else.

* Harry looked at the yearly wealth report in front of him. He was now 14 years old and was the lord of the 3rd richest house in Westeros after the Lennisters and Tyrells. He knew because he had checked. The Lannisters were not as rich as he had thought as their gold mines had run dry.

He now owned several businesses including weapons, grains, beverages (wine and whiskey), books, glass, metals from mines, etc. But he also had to pay for a lot of things such the material for cement, payment for the workers, payment for his standing army, payment for building the port, payment for the schools he was building, payment for ships he bought, etc.

Despite all of that, his house still earned 564,000 gold dragons last year taking his total wealth to- 3,300,000 gold dragons. None of the other paramount house was as rich as his house. Not the Martell, not the Baratheon of the Storm's end, not the Arryn of the Vale and definitely not the Greyjoy or Starks. Even the other rich houses like Arryn of Gulltown, Redwyne, Hightower or Manderlys were not as rich as him. And he was rather proud of that fact especially because he knew that he would become the richest man in the seven kingdoms soon enough.

He was also wondering if he should open a Bank of the North but knew that he'll have to find someone capable to run this bank because he knew nothing about running a bank and didn't want the additional responsibility and headache.

* Harry looked at the Valyrian Sword he had taken out from under the lake and realized that it could have been none other that the Dark Sister. It was the fourth Valyrian Sword that he had found over the years. The second sword being an unnamed Valyrian sword that he found in the bottom of the sea while travelling in the Narrow Sea and Blackfyre which he found in Dragonstone along with the dragon eggs. He wondered if he should melt this one down as well or keep it as it was.

Having this sword would increase the Status of the house but then he was worried that the Royal house might become greedy and ask for his swords. So he simply put it in his bottomless bag and decided to not show it to others for the time being. Perhaps he could commission a Valyrian Steel armour for himself. But it seemed a little unnecessary so he decided not to do it for the time being.