

Various summaries of Game of Thrones fanficions that I wrote over the past few months. Each summary would be 10,000-40,000 words long. If you want to use my summary and write a story based on it then feel free to do so.

Fortunate_Soul · Ti vi
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21 Chs


* It took three days for his female Sworn Shield to wake up after which she told him what happened. After winning melee and surprising everyone else with her identity, she wanted to go back home back was invited by the king for a feast.

After the feast, she was invited by Lord Stark who requested her to protect his daughters for some time. She didn't want to do it but knew that if she refused then her lord would face repercussions so she accepted his request.

In the end, she was guarding him when Lord Stark and his men were attacked by Lannister men because of Lady Stark taking Tyrion Lannister prisoner. She killed most of the men but was overwhelmed when Jamie Lannister joined in the attack and was finally defeated after suffering numerous wounds on her body.

After she finished her story, he felt angry on her behalf and decided to take revenge against Jamie Lannister. So after she went back to sleep, he scried on Jamie's location and found that the Kingslayer had left Kings Landing and was currently travelling to Westerlands with a 100 men. He realized that attacking right now would be foolish and kept revenge for some later date.

* The Male Sworn shield looked at the deranged woman known as Lysa Arryn who was currently breastfeeding her boy despite him being 8-9 years old. Then he saw the farce of a trial that Tyrion Lannister was being given and thought that he would lose his chance to free Tyrion and fail in his mission when Tyrion asked for a champion and he was more than happy to volunteer.

Lady Stark asked him to stand down but he told her that her action would start a war and he that he was given his mission to protect Tyrion. He killed the Knight named Vardis Egen within five sword strikes, something that completely shocked the audience. Then he took Tyrion and they left the Eyrie. Though he was a bit pissed that they didn't give him and Tyrion any horse, which would make them easy prey for the mountain clans.

* As his sworn shield healed, he went to Tobho Mott and reforged one of the Valyrian sword in a curved blade which she prefers to use. Then he gifted it to her for her service to him though he did told her that the Valyrian Steel sword will eventually return to his house once she's no longer able to use it. She was quite happy with his gift and thanked him again and again while he simply tried to brush it off as nothing.

* Ygritte came to him as he was reading about the old Valyria. He showed interest in going there. When she asked him why he doesn't, he told her that there little to no magic in the air down there and that once he runs out of his reserve he'll be stranded like any other normal human which would probably lead to his doom.

He might take some Wierwood Bonsai trees with him but going there was still too risky for his liking. Then he closed the book and kissed her gently. The kiss soon turned passionate before he sat her down on the table and they made love in his office.

* "The king is dead. And Lord Eddard Stark and his daughters are captured by the Queen and his house guards and servants were slaughtered." The Spymaster informed and Harry took some time to understand what he actually heard before he gave a small nod.

This was turning out to be a recipe for disaster. "Oh and Danearys Targaryen is pregnant." Harry gave another nod at that piece of information. The king was dead and the Targaryens were multiplying.

He knew a war was coming and wondered why the peace couldn't have lasted a little longer. Not that he would face much problem was he was better prepared for a war than almost anyone.

* Harry's male Sworn Shield saw that Tyrion had the favor of the Mountain Clans and that things were well in hand. He knew that he should probably escort Tyrion Lannister a bit more but he also wanted to go back and protect his lord. In the end, he made his decision and left Tyrion in the hands of the warriors of the Mountain Clans and left their group before Portkeying back home.

* Harry looked over at the 9,000 men under his command. He also had 2,000 men working as police force but he didn't count them in his army as their main job would remain to keep peace in his city and his lands.

He saw his two sworn shields sparring with each other down below when the Maester came up to him with the news that Robb Stark had called for all the banners. He mulled that news in his mind and then gave a small nod before he turned to his page and told him to call 10 giants.

The giants who once numbered 83 now numbered 109. They had prospered under his rule over the years and would continue to do so. But for now, it was time for them to show him their allegiance. He also called for them to send 2 mammoths. They might prove useful.

* After some discussion with his advisors, he decided to send 7 legions, which amounted to 4,200 men along with 10 giants. He also sent 7 werewolves (1 for each commander) and 1 warg along with lots and lots of food supplies.

Because of the Valyrian Glass candle, he knew that the largest host aside from his was that of the Manderlys which amount to about 3,300 men. He led the host along with his sworn Shields. Jon Snow also asked to come with him and he accepted the boy's request. Now that Ned Stark was dead, he and Howland Reed were probably the only ones alive who knew of Jon Snow's true parentage.

* Robb stared at the 10 giants and 2 mammoths standing in front of Winterfell with some trepidation. Then his gaze went to Lord Bolton who was riding the biggest Direwolf he had ever seen. Even the two direwolves in his house paled in comparison.

Behind Lord Bolton were his two famous Sworn Shields riding horses of excellent quality and they were surrounded by 3 more large Direwolves. Behind them were 7 men riding on horses, each followed by a direwolf of their own. He wondered if these men were the minor lords living in the Bolton lands.

Then he looked at the large host behind them and his eyes widened at the numbers. They were then followed by an even larger number of wagons filled with enough food to feed the whole Northern army for a few moons. He was already feeling more confident about his cause.

* 5,600 men. That's how many men he brought at last as there were a few minor lords serving under him and they too received call from Winterfell and arrived with their own levies and guards.

His army was now probably twice as large as that of any other major lord in the North. Not that he cared as he knew that if he wanted then he could have brought 10,000 more men just as easily.

There was also the fact that he and his men arrived within two weeks of Robb's call while the rest of the lords would easily take a whole moon worth of time to assemble. The lords from remote part like the Mormonts might even take two whole moon worth of time to come and the men from Skagos will probably never come.

* The army arrived at Mott Cailin and waited a few days there before the rest of the lords arrived and added to the Northern army. By now he had 23,000 men under his command.

Robb wanted to send 2,000 of his men as diversion for Tywin Lannister as the main army joins with the Freys and attacks Jamie Lannister.

Harry watched all this with mild amusement and didn't offer much advice as he was not a master a warfare even though the men working under him clearly were. Fortunately, Robb's idea turned out to be successful and Jamie's forces were captured in the ambush.

At the end of the ambush, Jamie tried to carve a bloody path toward Robb Stark before the two giants tasked with Robb's protection stepped in and easily decapitated his horse and put him down like a dog.

After that small victory, Robb quickly attacked the other Lannister forces surrounding Riverrun and routed the whole of Lannister army. As the army was running away, Harry sent his horse archers as well as his direwoves after the Lannister forces.

350 horse archers and a dozen direwolf tore through the escaping Lannister army and the result was the death of about two thousand Lannister men before they escaped back to the Golden Tooth after which his forces returned back to Riverrun.

* Robb then planned on going to the Westerlands and so Harry used his wargs to find a mountain path which the army used to navigate into Westerlands without the forces in Golden tooth knowing about their march. Robb also sent Theon to the Iron Islands during this time.

Harry didn't knew what to make of this decision and decided to keep an eye out on the Iron Islands for the time being. Though even if the Iron Islanders decided to attack the North, they would never tough his lands because his lands were in the Eastern part of the Kingdom and far away from the Iron Islanders influence.

* Robb and his forces surprise attack the Lannister forces that were being trained in the Westerlands and by the end of the battle, not a single Lannister managed to escape. Even Ser Daven, someone who was said to be a very capable person and was leading a retreat was captured by Harry's forces.

* Harry watched from the Valyrian Glass Candle as the Greyjoy ships completely ignore the South and goes up to the North instead. He rolled his eyes at Balon's foolishness and then uses the Mirror and told his aunt to send 3 legions to Deepwood Motte and 1 legion to Moat Cailin.

She accepts and he gave her his thanks before telling Robb about the Ironborn leading an attack to the North. He told Robb that he had already sent for reinforcements and that he shouldn't worry about the Greyjoy forces and Robb accepts this explanation.

He usually didn't like being the subordinate of other people but the Starks were truly honorable men so he didn't mind working under them for the time being.

He also wonders about his contribution to the war so far and decided that it would be better if he simply takes the Stark girls and bring him back to the North. That way, they could go back to the North and ignore the Southerners from then on.

He told Robb that he'll take his most trusted men and try to rescue his sisters. Robb reluctantly accepts this idea and Harry then leaves his forces under the leader of the 1st Legion Commander named Bronn. He also left his male Sworn shield with Bronn and took his female sworn shield with him as they left for Kings Landing asap.

* Once they left Robb's main army, they went to Kings Landing with Portkey. There, he quickly found Sansa Stark being beaten by the Kingsguard in the middle of the Grand hall. He was disgusted by this and rescued Sansa Stark that night.

Unfortunately, he also found out that Arya Stark was not in Kings Landing and was in fact missing. He then asked Sansa for her blood which she gave willingly. He then used the blood to create a ritual and used the Valyrian Glass Candle to find that Arya Stark was in Harrenhall at the moment.

Unfortunately, he had not been in Harrenhall personally so far so they portkeyed to the nearest place and then travelled from there to Harrenhall. By this point, he knew that obliviating Sansa Stark and implanting false memories won't be practical. So instead, he bound her in a magical oath so that she won't tell anyone else about his magical abilities.