
Game Design : Step one, heal the players

*Note: I am not the author, merely a humble translator. Crab OG author : 喝一杯红酒 OG title : 游戏制作:从治愈玩家开始 Chen Xu travelled to a parallel world and was surprised to find that many classic and excellent games from his previous life were missing. I had a plan, but why did I get an 'emotion collection system', and the emotions such as happiness, sadness, excitement, fear, anger and other emotions provided by players who have played the games I made can make me stronger? But why is it so much easier to get anger than happiness? Looking at his score, Chen Xu expressed his confusion. As a result, Chen Xu's career as a game designer gradually took a turn for the worse. In Undertale, countless players pounded the table and screamed: I was cheated by this game! In Outlast, countless players screamed, my cabinet moved and I stopped playing. In Dark Souls, when countless players entered the game smiling, "Go away, please go away, leave the Firekeeper behind and go out with your flame, we don't want to link the fire! Soap, Alex and Ghost were sacrificed in Call of Duty; Zack and Aerith were killed in Final Fantasy 7; Arthur and John were betrayed in Red Dead Redemption; Countless players went berserk: "You bastards! Can't we be kinder to the protagonists? Q: How do you feel about the players' anger towards you? Facing the reporter's question, Chen Xu smiled slightly: This isn’t criticism, this is encouragement from players around the world to me, this is love! Thank you all, I will keep up the good work!

Pepper_Crab · Thành thị
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51 Chs

Chapter 43 : A warrior of love

The awards ceremony for the Game Department Science Fiction contest will be held at the Game Department HQ in Shanghai. 

More specifically, the conference hall of the main building, which happens to be in the Capital City. 

Although it was called a ceremony, it sure didn't actually feel like one. 

It was held on National Day, but the building was still bustling with people, Chen Xu couldn't tell if they were actual staff or contractors. 

There was none of the grandeur one would expect from a film or television award ceremony, no beautiful backdrops were constructed, and a lot of the staff were using their phones to take pictures and samples. 

And at the entrance of the building, journalists from gaming media outlets were camped out with signs and cameras, reporting on the event but not yet coming forward for interviews. 

This was because the event had yet to begin, and the gaming press was only allowed inside after the event was already underway. 

The whole affair was simple and direct, with no frills attached. And Chen Xu, who was attending such an event for the first time, found it all very novel.

He arrived on site at 1:30am, half an hour before it began. A staff member came to greet him and guided him into a large conference room, decorated in reds, browns and whites. 

There was a long horizontal table with chairs arranged on both sides. A podium with the national emblem was connected to the table, and two comically large national flags were hung in its flanks. Chen Xu held back a wry smile, since when did this become an international event?

He swept his gaze across the seats, many were already occupied. There were little plastic signs with the names and companies of various game designers put in front of each seat. 

Soon, Chen Xu found his designated seat and made himself comfortable. He turned to greet the person sitting next to him out of an ingrained sense of politeness. 

"Are you Chen Xu? 'To the Moon' was an amazing experience. It really deserves the top spot." Meng Zuo shook Chen Xu's hand, he had a smile on his face but his heart was very complicated. 

Was he reluctant to offer his praise? 


But it couldn't be helped. In his heart was not hatred, but a mix of envy and admiration. After all, he too had played the game, and he too was deeply moved. 

"Senior Meng? Charmed to make your acquaintance. I also enjoyed 'Galactic Heroes' very much, especially the level design in Chapter 3, it was quite outstanding."

Chen Xu gave compliments after glancing at the nameplate from the corner of his eye, hoping not to get the other party's name wrong. He extended his right hand with a smile. 

"Bah, it's nothing compared to the storytelling in 'To the Moon', not to mention your 'Undertale'. I think that one was even more amazing." Meng Zuo shook Chen Xu's hand and began to speak subconsciously. But wait…

Why was this scenario so familiar to him?

It seemed to be exactly the scene he had imagined a month ago!

But there seems to be something wrong regarding the protagonist and the supporting cast…

Meng Zuo let go and fell into silent contemplation. 

Chen Xu took this as a sign of an introvert's social battery requiring to cool down, and he felt Meng Zuo was a kindred soul. He too, quieted down in comfortable silence, happy to meet someone he could get along with. 

Chen Xu did not realize that he had accidentally caused significant psychic damage to a young designer's mind. 

Some other designers noticed the small chat and came over to speak to Chen Xu, and it was surprising to him, because many were already well-known and very enthusiastic. 

After a while, Chen Xu figured it out. 

These people, even though they didn't know him personally, they all had one thing in common. That is, they had all been ripped apart by Zhong Mei in the past. 

Among them, many either missed the chance for a good rebuttal or had no good public response to give. 

None of them had witnessed such a glorious frontal assault like Chen Xu before. They felt like a damsel watching a heroic knight trample over a hated cretin. It was a cathartic experience. 

Although some feelings of envy towards such a successful young designer was inevitable, there was no point in holding grudges now that the winner was clearly decided. 

Besides, connections were always important, having one more friend is like one more new path being opened for the future. 

Chen Xu's phone was now filled with the contacts of a bunch of game designers, and he was also added into several small communication groups and chat rooms. 

Soon, one of the heads of the Games Department made his appearance in the conference room. 

Chen Xu recognized his face, he recognized the faces of all the heads. There would be opportunities to make deals with them in the future, and he wanted to be prepared. 

The award ceremony officially began. Yang Chen, the current director of the Games Department, took to the podium to give his speech. He was a middle-aged man in his fifties. Tall, thin, and sporting a pair of gold-rimmed glasses. The very picture of a traditional intellectual. 

The content of the speech was also, suitably traditional and formal. 

Even after the speech was over, and the award ceremony commenced, Yang Chen continued speaking in his solemn tone, not showing the slightest hint of excitement. 

Despite that, the atmosphere in the room was good. The designers were having fun in spite of the somber host. Or maybe the whole thing was made funnier because of his presence. 

Amidst the applause, Chen Xu walked forward with a smile. 

He was handed his prizes; A large certificate placed in an embroidered holder, an elegant commemorative medal, and a customized red notebook with the printed logos of the Games Department and his own Nebula Games company. 

The next step was to give a speech of his own, addressing the crowd and expressing gratitude for the victory. Chen Xu had already come prepared by copying the acceptance speech from last year's contest winner and making modifications as needed. 

Whether he would get any backlash from this later, he genuinely didn't care. It was just a minor matter. 

"Thank you to all the leaders for taking their time to organize this event. I am honored to achieve first place in this competition. I am humbled to be standing here at this moment…"

After Chen Xu's speech, the audience burst into applause, but Meng Zuo, who was positioned near Chen Xu again, had a strange expression on his face. 

Why was this acceptance speech so similar to the one he wrote last year?

When all the winners finished their speeches on the stage, and the last photoshoots were done, the event grew to a close. 

As the game designers were leaving the facility, the reporters waiting outside finally made their move, moving forward and surrounding them one by one. 

Of course, the main targets were Chen Xu and Meng Zuo, as they were the names being brought up the most in the heated discussions leading up to the event. 

[ Mr Chen, what are your thoughts on winning first place in this year's competition ? ]

[ Mr Chen, do you have any announcements regarding new projects at this time? ]

[ Mr Chen, will your company continue to focus on games like 'To the Moon' in the future? ]

The group of reporters came up to him with various questions. 

But they were simple, reserved questions. After all, this was not an exclusive interview. If Chen Xu answers, everyone here will be able to publish it, all that mattered was speed. 

"I have to say, it was a very unexpected and pleasant surprise. Didn't think the leaders would be so optimistic about 'To the Moon'. At the same time, I feel some pressure. It would be embarrassing to release something of lesser quality than your previous work, after all. I will work hard to do more in the future, and continue contributing to the gaming industry…"

Listening to his obviously prepared answer, the surrounding media were somewhat depressed. 

You're supposed to be a hot-blooded, young designer right? You responded so magnificently when Zhong Mei provoked you, why are you giving us such a boring response now?

That's so lame.

But Chen Xu's next words soon made them even more depressed. 

"As for my next project, I have no idea. I can't say if it will be a heartwarming game, but I do personally prefer to make those types. After all, I've always considered myself to be a warrior of love. So let's do it!"