
The loser

Part 1

Something many people didn't really know about Ellie, she always hated losing.

From the very first day since she entered school she always realized that she wasn't as good as the other kids.

She wasn't the most athletic at gyms class, she wasn't the best artist in drawing class, she was bad with numbers, she had trouble memorizing the names of countries, and she would often make many grammatical mistakes when trying to write.

Most of her family was very supportive and would just comment that she didn't need to worry so much and just keep trying. But the thing is, Ellie always noticed that most of the other kids didn't seem to have as much trouble as her.

They all seemed to have at least one skill that they exceeded in class while Ellie had none. Everyone had at least one good reason to look forward to school, one subject that they had some fun in doing because they could handle it with ease.