

After graduating from Su Shi University, Su Jing was in a bad mood and went back to his hometown to adjust his mood. However, he discovered that his own backyard had become the Galactic Garbage Station. Every day a large amount of trash is deposited into his backyard. Some came from the Tomb of God, Battle Through the Heavens, Coiling Dragon, One Piece, Naruto, Bleach, X-Men, Captain America, Iron Man, and other novels, animes, and Marvel universes. As the owner of the garbage station, Su Jing has the obligation to deal with this Garbage. At first, he thought it was a hard and unprofitable task, but he discovered that he has found the most beautiful and cushy job in the world. Before anyone says anything, I am the original translator of this novel/fanfic.. I am uploading it here to get a larger fanbase and to get some support on my Patreon (https://www.patreon.com/GGS6395)

DarkShadow95 · Người nổi tiếng
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
1409 Chs

Chapter 1107 Unidentified Flying Object Part 2

At a certain port in the Strait of Malacca, a cargo ship belonging to the Galactic Corporation Group was forced to stop. It was surrounded by U.S. warships, and the crew had already been ordered off the ship. 

The U.S. military, using the excuse of searching for antimatter weapons, thoroughly searched the cargo ship, leaving everything in a state of disorder. Naturally, they did not find any antimatter weapons, yet they still showed no intention of releasing the ship.

"Fuck them, the United States is nothing more than a bunch of bandits," The crew members exclaimed angrily as they saw the heavily guarded U.S. military on the coastline. 

They were all law-abiding citizens who earned their living through their own labor, but now their ship was arbitrarily detained. If this batch of cargo was confiscated like this, what would they earn? 

Why go through so much trouble traveling such a long distance? Of course, the most worried person was not the ordinary crew members but the captain. At this moment, he even wished for death.

"Just look at the various revelations from the CIA in recent days. It shows how domineering the United States has always been. It's just that this time, we personally experienced it," Someone said.

"Why can't China be more assertive and help us reclaim our goods?" Another person suggested.

"We have always emphasized the importance of maintaining peace. Besides, we are facing the United States. Even if we want to be assertive, it would be difficult to match them. Just look at their warships, can we defeat them?" Someone reasoned.

"Getting involved with the United States is even scarier than getting involved with nearby pirates for the Galactic Corporation Group. Maybe we shouldn't have taken their cargo in the first place," Another person pondered.

"But according to the information from the Galactic Corporation Group, they bought international insurance and can get compensation. Even if it's not enough, the Galactic Corporation Group will cover the rest. We won't have to bear the loss," Someone explained.

"It's hard to say if the insurance company will honor the claim when the cargo is seized by the U.S. military. As for the Galactic Corporation Group covering the loss themselves, let's hope they are truly that generous," Another person replied.

Just at that moment, an alarm suddenly sounded from the U.S. warships. At the same time, people looked up to the sky and were first stunned, then their eyes almost popped out of their sockets at the scene in front of them. 

They saw an unidentified flying object (UFO) hovering in the sky, resembling something out of a science fiction movie. Everyone was dumbfounded and they could hardly believe their own eyes.

"Am I seeing things? What the hell is that?"

"Oh my god, a UFO?"

"Could it be a new type of fighter jet from the United States?"

"The U.S. military is sounding the alarm. Obviously, it's not from the U.S."

The crew members on the coast, as well as the residents near the port, were all shocked by the hovering object. Even the U.S. military was taken aback and went on high alert. 

They attempted to communicate with the unidentified flying object and broadcasted a message, requesting it to identify itself. After all, this was not American territory, and as audacious as the United States may be, they still had some reservations.

Just at that moment, the UFO suddenly launched an attack on the warships below it. Energy beams shot out from both sides and struck a U.S. warship, accompanied by a thunderous explosion. The warship burst into flames and was instantly destroyed and ripped in half.

The other U.S. warships reacted swiftly. Dozens of them concentrated their fire on the UFO. The UFO flew overhead, evading some of the shots, but a portion hit its surface. 

However, all the ammunition exploded around the UFO without causing any damage to the craft itself. It was evident that there was an energy shield protecting the UFO.

At the same time, the UFO launched another attack on the Warships. Each attack resulted in the destruction of a warship. The U.S. warships appeared feeble and vulnerable in front of it, and it was as if they were made of tofu.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

In a matter of moments, all the U.S. warships were destroyed, and several cargo ships belonging to the Galactic Corporation Group were also affected, with some sustaining damage.

After the bombardment, the UFO didn't linger and swiftly flew away. Most people at the port were left dumbfounded. However, a few individuals managed to capture photos and videos, eagerly sharing them online. 

Of course, to prevent the videos and photos from being blocked, Su Ti and Luo Qilin's Lightning Stands took some actions behind the scenes. 

It often joked that they could come after you along the internet cable, but with the coordination of Su Ti and Luo Qilin's Lightning Stands, they could indeed traverse the internet cable. 

They had the ability to infiltrate any place, making it nearly impossible to block the information under their subtle manipulations.

These photos and videos quickly spread across the internet.

"Oh my god, this is a UFO straight out of a movie."

"Is this real or fake, could it be a movie promotion?"

"It should be real. This is definitely not a movie."

"If it's real, then the U.S. warships are really pathetic."

"And that UFO has an energy shield straight out of a sci-fi movie, blocking all attacks. This is terrifying. It must be an alien UFO."

"Could it be that aliens have really discovered Earth?"

"If it's really an alien UFO, why did it specifically go to the Strait of Malacca and disappear after bombing the U.S. warships?"

"I just want to say, the United States has been having a terrible time recently."

Online discussions went wild. Upon receiving the news, the U.S. government was shocked and furious. 

They were already overwhelmed by the massive leaks of highly classified information from the Central Intelligence Agency, and now this bizarre incident suddenly occurred. It seemed like a string of misfortunes was raining down upon their heads.

The United States launched an investigation but couldn't find any information about the UFO. It appeared out of nowhere and disappeared into thin air. It was as if it only came to punish the U.S. warships for some reason.