A man died whil walking home from his college hit by a truck, he got reincarnated by rob and will establish an empire through the universe and maybe the multiverse
The Executor
The one of the capital ships of robert is hiding in stealth mode, The people of the imperial army are working at their stations, meanwhile inside the ship there is a room with a specific girl laying on the bed.
She open her eyes and blink, she gets up and rub her eyes to see where she is. She see she is in a room with a regular size space, a wardrobe, a desk and a window.
She is confused of is she in a room but she suddenly get a headache. She remember she try to escape from the britannians and get out of the warzone. She ran into an alley until someone covered her mouth until she lost her conciousness.
She let go of her head and still confused of how did she get here, she gets up and walk out of the bed. She walk to the window and she is shocked of what she see. She see outside the window there is a vast empty space and stars.
She rub her eyes to see if this was real but to her surprise it is real, she look panic of where she is now. 'W–Where am I? How did I get here? Am I in space? Who bring me here and why?' She has many questions on her head.
She heard a sound and see a man standing at the door, The man wears a black suited of armor with sharp claws. He look intimidating, the girl looks scared and interested at this person. "Who are you?"
The man didn't answer and walk forward, the door behind shut on it's own. The man walked until he is right infront of the girl, he is taller than the girl. "Please take a sit miss." He gestured his hand to sit on the bed.
She look at his hand and the bed but she disn't obey him, "Why should I?" She stared at him, while the man lowered his hamd gesture, he leaned down closer to her, "Because If you didn't sit down you will not get out of here and not getting any answers."
The two of them stare at each other until the girl sigh in defeat, she walks to the bed sit down while the man pick up a chair and put it right infront of her to sit. "Alright you can now aks me questions now." The man look at the girl.
"Who are you?" Said the girl stare at the man.
"Well first of all you can call me starkiller." The man introduced himself.
The girl raised her eyebrow, "Starkiller?" She didn't know but the way he said his name making her feels uneasy. "You can say that." Starkiller confirm his name for her.
The girl know starkiller wasn't the man's name but if she ask him agaun who he is he will not tell her. "Where am I?" Starkiller didn't answer her until, "You are in space."
She is surprised by his answer. "Space." She didn't believe she is in spaceship because humanity has not even breakthrough on travel through space.
"Yes, you are in space and now you are in a spaceship." Starkiller said.
The girl is still not convinced of what he said.
"Well if you are not convince you already look at the window yourself, there is a vast space and stars you can look from the window." Starkiller said.
He is not wrong she see herself it was not a dream she was in space and she also in an unknown room with a dark black suited armor creepy man who is ready to kill many people and destroy everything in his path.
He stood up from his seat. "Well if you are still not convince I will show you." Starkiller is waiting fo the girl to follow him. The girl see this stand up and follow him outside of the room.
The two of them walk side by side in the hallway, there are many Imperial officers and soldiers are working. The girl never see the clothes these people are wearing nor the equipment and weapons the soldier are using, they didn't look like britannian nor any soldiers described the characteristics in the world.
They are now in front of a big door, the door open up in automatic. Starkiller went inside while the girl is hesitated at first but she still went in. "Grand admiral she is here." Starkiller said.
The girl who look around suddenly perked up when starkiller talk, she see a man wears seems like an advance suit of armor and a man with a uniform consisted of a black tunic, flared-hipped breeches, and knee-high boots. He also had different color of squares in his left chest.
The two of them look at the girl, "Welcome to the ship yound lady, may I know your name?" The girl look at the two of them, "C.C. my name is C.C."
Starkiller join the two of them. He nod his head and look at her, "Young lady, may I ask who or what are you?" Arkainus ask C.C. but she is still silent and now answering him.
"If you not trust us, it's reasonable because you just met us but don't worry we do not have any attention to harm you." Arkainus said.
C.C. look at the three of them. "If you do not wish to harm me, who are you three and why am I hare?" She Squinted her eyes and the three of them are staring at her.
"If you wish to know who we are and why you are here, follow me to my office." Arkainus said.
C.C. look at the white armored man and decided to follow him, she didn't know these people but if the man said he will tell hear their origin then she will accept it. It is better than living in a ship full of unknown people.
She nod her head, "follow me." Arkainus takes C.C. to his office. Starkiller and kainand watch the two of them gone.
"Do you think the two of them will be ok?" Kainand said.
"I don't know but hopefully it will be done smoothly." Starkiller said.
They hear a beeping and see an astromech droid with white color and blue stripes. "Oh hey R2." Starkiller said to the droid, this droid is R2-D2.
Back to arkainus and C.C. they have arrive in a big room with two sofa facing each other and a big and white desk and holodesk in a room. "Come I will show you who we are." He approached the holodesk and C.C. follow him.
C.C. is confused of the big blue screen in a circle like device. "What is this?" C.C. ask him and pointed to the holodesk.
Arkainus look at where she is pointing. "This is a holodesk and prepare to be amazed." He press some buttons suddenly a flash of emitter displaying harmlessly in the middle of the room was a hologram of their galaxy.
"What the…?!" C.C. almost jumped as the hologram rings of star systems unfamiliar to him appeared around him.
"What's wrong? A little scared?" Arkainus grinned and C.C. almost glared at him before turning back to the hologram.
"What is this?" C.C. asked.
"This is the galaxy where we come from." Arkainus said.
"You're serious then?" C.C. said in awe. "Space travel? It's possible?"
"Yes in our world space travel is possible. It is surprising your world has not achieve space travel." Arkainus said.
"Of course not! No one has!" C.C. composed herself again. "It's a scientific possibility the world has been trying to break through, but still I never throught it was possible to travel through space."
"Well, considering your planet, specifically this Empire of Britannia has produced such advanced weaponry like Knightmares, it surprises me you haven't achieve it." Arkainus said.
"Well you can say that." C.C. Still mesmerized of the picture of the galaxy she never thought in her life she will see an entire galaxy in real life although it is only in hologram.
"you say this is your galaxy?" C.C. could barely fathom people calling a galaxy a home. "And these stars? What are they?"
"They are star systems with planets of their own with billions of sentient beings and modern civilizations of their own." Arkainus said.
"You mean other worlds out there?" C.C. could hardly take all of it in. She remembered how during her immortality she travel the world and see the stars througout the night but never would in her immortal life she would expect there is another life outside of planet earth.
C.C. keep looking at the hologram. "Are all these worlds civiliazed?"
"Not all of them," Arkainus said. "There are some star systems that are deemed inhabitable, some of them very savage. There are star systems out there that are yet to be explored and then there's the Unknown Regions."
"Unknown Regions?" C.C. questioned. "Does that mean, my world is…?"
"No." Arkainus said. "The Unknown Regions are a part of our galaxy. The thing is… we lightspeed into your galaxy."
"My galaxy." C.C. questioned.
Arkainus explanied. "Well this is gonna take a while but me and the others are not from around here, we hailed from another galaxy."
"Wait does that mean you and the people in this ship are all aliens?"
"Well if you people of this planet called it like that, then yes we are aliens." Arkainus said.
C.C. tried to process of this, "Great now first I have been captured and now I have been abducted by aliens." She sigh at her life after get out of the prison.
"Don't be dissapointed you are the first person from planet earth on this ship and you are not abducted." Arkainus explained to her.
C.C. said "If you are from another galaxy why are you here? Surely you can go back." Arkainus is silent.
"We are here because we have a mission to complete." Arkainus said.
"Mission?" C.C. is confused of what he is trying to said.
"Well to be exact we have previously travel to this galaxy for a very long time. We wre here because of a mission." Arkainus said.
"Then what is the mission?" She tried to get answers if they have a mission here she wanted to know but she doubt he will answer her question.
"Our mission is to get you and see the progress of the geass." When he said geass C.C. is surprised. "H-How did you...?"
"Calm down. We do not have bad intention towards you and I have concealed your presence to avoid V.V. geass with my power." Arkainus said.
C.C. now is even more shocked and afraid this man knows her connection towards V.V. but she is also interested in his power to conceal her presence towards V.V. because she never heard the power to counter geass.
"What is your power and how did you do it?" She wants to know what did he do to conceal her presence towards V.V.
"It is because the power of The Force." Arkainus said.
"The force?"
"The Force is what gives a Jedi his power. It's an energy field created by all living things. It surrounds us. Penetrates us. It binds the galaxy together."
"All living things?" C.C. was becoming even more baffled. "As in all matter? As in everything in existence?"
"Observe." He reach out for a cup but suddenly the cup levitate. The cup fly into his hand. C.C. observe the whole process.
"So..." she remember what she just witness. "It is some sort of telekinesis."
"Something like that but it can do more than juts telekinesis." Arkainus said.
"Like what?" C.C. questioned.
"You can jump higher, pull or push things, choke people, conceal yourself, tricking minds, seeing things before they happen, and many others." Arkainus said.
C.C. thinks this force is more useful and more versatile than geass. "Are you the only person who can use this force?"
"No I am not the only one in my home planet there are many people who can use the force." Arkainus said.
"There are more?"
"Yes, there are more in my world not only me, by the way starkiller can also can use the force."
C.C. is surprised about this, 'that guy can use the force?' She would never expect that.
"By the way C.C. I have a proposition for you." Arkainus said.
C.C. raised her eyebrows interested, Ho~, what is that proposition, I may ask?" Arkainus is silent for a minute. "I want you to join our side or to be exact join our empire."