
Gaia: Calamity

Gaia, a super cosmos is expanding outwards and devouring planets to increase itself. Earth is on the list, and it has passed its many trials, leaving only the calamity left. However this calamity is in the shape of a centipede whose sole duty is to destroy and devour everything. Who will succeed? This is my first novel, if you find any errors please tell me and I will fix them.

FantasyMan · Kỳ huyễn
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2 Chs


Earth 2026

The year in which the first process of Earths assimilation into Gaia started. Gaia is a massive super cosmos that is constantly devouring other planets in its periphery to grow bigger. On May 22, 2026 foreign energy invaded the planet and started to change everything humans knew.

Animals started to get stronger and plants started to get out of control. They infested roads and cities making it exceedingly difficult to travel to other regions. The energy also affected communications, almost like a giant EMP, it destroyed all electronic communications. The energy also created an exceptionally large shield around Earth.

Humans were still able to take control and with the use of weapons were able to successful repel the beasts that wandered out of the hills. They were also able to contain the plants very easily.

After many years, the beasts got too powerful and they contained humans in their cities. It was a very bleak time for humans, they the once alpha species, now being forced to stay in their cities. It was a very shameful thing.

Then… Gaia phase 2 occurred and introduced its system to everybody on Earth. It was the very first time that people understood what was occurring. In front of all people over the age of 10, blue words were written in the air in front of them. Occurring almost as if they could touch them, however when they tried to it passed right through their fingers.

The message read, "To all those mature, this world has entered its second trial phase. Congratulations to all those who have passed the initial test… Earth is going to go through a rapid change due to the natural energy mana that is being supplied by Gaia. People, animals and plants can make use of this energy to grow stronger and empower themselves. The second trial is warring against the ever-stronger beasts, will your race make it or will it fall…"

The message stayed in front of everyone for 5 minutes, making sure that all people had enough time before it disappeared to be replaced by floating screen in which one could see little holographic version of themselves with stats on the left.









Humans had the ability to consciously gather the mana into the air to reinforce their bodies. They used this to gain cultivation levels and fight back against the monster of the world. This continued for a thousand years, having many different tests until on day they hit the last training trial.

"Residents of Earth congratulations on your successful transfer into the cultivation world. As this is last trial, after the successful completion, the mana shield around Earth will dissipate and you will come to know the true world of Gaia. The last mission could be a quite simple mission, or it could be the most difficult mission Earth humans have faced till this day. In 24 hours a calamity will be spawned, this calamity may be either a monster or non-flesh type lifeform. To successfully end the trial period, the calamity must die…"

24 hours later, "Calamity has been born."