
Gacha Summoner

What happen when an avid 18+ gacha gamer transmigrated to the Soaring Dragon Continent where summoning rankers are at the peak among numerous powerhouses?

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29 Chs

Yue Yang’s Combat Style

At that night, Yue Yang was searching around for any useful things in his room.

He was looking for useful things that can be used such as money, book, or inheritances that left behind by his parents, especially his mother's diary.

In LLS, almost half of Yue Yang's success was because he possessed many ancient knowledges that were left behind by his mother in her diary.

Knowledges of runes, information about starway of the heavens, secret technique of dual cultivating, all of these were examples of useful knowledges that were left behind by his mother.

Especially, secret technique of dual cultivating. For a massive lecher like Yue Yang, this technique was akin to ultimate technique that was more important than any killing technique.

Even if Yue Yang currently was still 9 years old, he will not mind to gain the knowledge beforehand.

He also need to get ahold of black jade pendant artifact that imprisoned Empress Fei Wen Li, the mother of Xiao Wen Li, since he need to slowly conquer this mature beautiful lamia and make her join his harem in the future. There is no doubt that she will be one of the most OP girl in his harem, since her power already far surpass the limitations of Tong Tian Tower.

After sorting through the original Yue Yang's memory, Yue Yang only manage to get ahold of few things such as his mother's diary, Yue clan's spear technique, and a few hundreds copper coins inside a small pouch.

"The hell, this guy was truly pitiful. Aside from mother's diary that will immensely help me in the future, there are only a half missing spear technique and a few pitiful copper coins. Well, no matter though, since getting mother's diary is more than enough for the current me, though I will not be able to decipher it for now since my power is still too weak", said Yue Yang a bit disappointed since he can't take a look at the dual cultivation technique.

As for Yue clan's spear technique, Yue Yang didn't have any plan to learn it. There was a saying: It takes a month to learn how to wield a stick, a year to wield a blade, and a lifetime to wield a spear, but a treasure sword would not even be mastered in a lifetime.

Amongst the difficulty level of weapons, after sword, spears were the hardest to master. Without a long time of harsh training, it would be hard to yield any results.

Yue Yang in LLS manage to master sword easily because he has receive the teachings of Heavenly Sword Goddess and the assistance of heaven-defying Innate Invisible Sword Qi.

Yue Yang plan to learn sword technique, but now that Yue Yang doesn't possess both of those, he plan to withold sword learning until 20 years old when he already devoured the Otherworlder Yue Yang and gain his Divine Grimoire and Universal Pouch, thus he will be able to receive Heavenly Sword Goddess's teaching.

Yue Yang was come from a modern world without any fighting experience, nor he possessed sword talent, so even if he possessed few hundreds meter light pillar potential, it's not certain that he'll be able to expertly wield a sword in a decade.

Aside from sword and spear, stick is the easiest to learn but lack offensive power. After mulling for a moment, Yue Yang decide to learn blade technique, at least until he reach 20 years old and manage to get Heavenly Sword Goddess to teach him sword technique.

What he need urgently right now are immediate power as means to defend himself, so he will learn blade technique for the time being.

However, compared to sword, blade has a shorter range and more suited to wielded by an assassins, so if Yue Yang want to learn blade technique, it was more suitable for him to become an assassin.

Not to mention that his first priority is survival, and assassin is an expert at survival technique since they were expert in hiding, disguise, and running away.

Beside, compared to stick or spear, he will not wasted his mastery of blade when he start to learn the way of sword in the future.

After he got Heavenly Sword Goddess teaching, he can embark in the way of sword as his main weapon technique and using blade as his sub weapon technique.

When he was about to enggaged the enemy, he can try to ambushed them by way of assasination using blade, and if his ambush failed, he can openly confronted them using sword technique.

After deciding his own combat style, Yue Yang become more determined to work hard to become stronger.

After all, unless he managed to become strong, his dream of building enormous harems will be merely a pipe dream.

After that, Yue Yang try to look for black jade pendant artifact by flipping over all wardrobe inside the room, but he still can't find it. After a while, he finally gave up.

Honestly, even with his memory, searching through the whole room is a pain in the ass. If he have the assitance of Quintet Seeking Golden Mice, he'll be able to quickly find black jade pendant.

Not only treasure searching, Quintet Seeking Golden Mice can also help him to dismantle traps and breaking enemies's formations.

Many people try to research Quintet Seeking Golden Mice since they were always treasured and loved by Ghost Genius Yue Gong, the puppet maker genius in the whole history of Soaring Dragon Continent.

However, their endeavor failed, and after a long time Quintet Seeking Golden Mice gradually considered to be useless without any combat power. They guess that maybe Yue Gong love them because they were his first puppet creations.

Nowadays, there are no any sane people that want to contracted Quintet Seeking Golden Mice. Not only their use is unknown, but they also took up 5 page in the grimoire, since Quintet Seeking Golden Mice consist of 5 mice of element: Fire, Water, Metal, Wood, and Earth.

However, this kind of contracted Quintet Seeking Golden Mice in to 5 different mice is actually a foolish things to do.

They should be contracted at the same time in one summoning pages to reveal their true ability. Thats why people never able to find their true worth since they contracted Quintet Seeking Golden Mice in separate contract.

Bronze rank grimoire only have a total of 10 pages. Yue Yang's grimoire already used up 3 page: first page dedicated for his own summoning rank and inherent skill, second page for his guardian spirit beast, and finally third page for Lucy.

If Yue Yang contracted Quintet Seeking Golden Mice at the same time, he'll only used the fourth page, and left with 6 summoning pages.

This way, Yue Yang will have enough leeway when he got anime characters from gacha in a few years.

When his summoning page was left with one page, at that time Yue Yan will start to level up his grimoire to silver rank.

Yue Yang was kind of reluctant to contracted Quintet Seeking Golden Mice, since they were not beauties. After all, he want all his contracted summoned to be beauties.

Maybe in the future, he can get an anime characters that will possess the same ability like Quintet Seeking Golden Mice.

However, this things most likely will only happen in the far future since the characters that he will get from gacha are random. If not, then there is no way Yue Yang will agreed to have Lucy as his first contracted summoned.

Anyway, tomorrow when he trained with Fourth mother he will try to ask her to give him Quintet Seeking Golden Mice. It should be fairly easy considering Yue clan treat them as useless.

As for the reasons, he can tell Fourth mother that he have some interest to study puppetering. He'll not tell her that he plan to contracted Quintet Seeking Golden Mice, since Fourth mother will most likely refused.

After that, Yue Yang take a look at his mother's diary before put it away in safe place. He can't stored it in his gacha inventory since he already tried it before. Looks like gacha inventory could only be used to store items from gacha spin.

Yue Yang then take a look at the Yue clan's spear technique manual, and a few hundreds copper coins.

He plan to put them away in the corner room since he considered them useless but halted his actions after he think for a moment.

He remember his Anime Gacha System descriptions that told him that he can convert any amount of gold, mana, spiritual energy, pills, materials, and any other item with sufficient worth to get gacha points.

He want try to put both his copper coins and Yue's clan spear technique manual to convert them to gacha points.

Firstly, he activate his inherent skill. As usual, a gacha spin interface and an inventory appeared virtually in front of his eyes.

He try to put the copper coins to the gacha spin and the copper coins vanish immediately.

He try to look for anything that change, but his gacha points remained zero. However, before he feel disappointed, he unintentionally saw a silinder that resemble a thermometer beside the gacha spin.

Before, he saw that this thermometer remain transparented, but after he put a few hundreds copper coins, there is a blue liquid that filled it, though the liquid only cover less than a tenth of the thermometer.

Most likely, this thermometer is like an indicator that told Yue Yang about the items worth, and if the liquid fill it fully, he'll get a gacha point.

To test his speculations, Yue Yang try to put Yue's clan spear technique to the gacha interface. After the manual was absorbed to the interface, the thermometer was filled to the brim, before finally vanished, filled it again, and vanished again, only to filled it again until they reach 20%. His gacha points also increased by 2 points.

After he managed to proved his speculations, Yue Yang decide to call this thermometer as gachameter.

Anime Gacha System also told Yue Yang that he can no longer use Yue clan's spear technique to get gacha points.

Well, it was understandable, otherwise he'll be able to spam points by taking a bunch of Yue clan's spear manual and convert them to points.

In other words, precious manual, book, or secret technique can only be converted once to gacha points, and Yue Yang can no longer get point by converting the same manual, book, or secret technique.

However, for other currency or precious materials, Yue Yang can repetedly convert them for many times.

After he finish experiments to get gacha points, Yue Yang decided to call it a day and go to sleep since tomorrow morning he'll start the training.

He will try to spin gacha again in the morning before he start training.

I edit this chapter regarding Quintet Seeking Golden Mouse. They were actually only required 1 page.

Many thanks to 'Notsuspicious' for saving the day.

Your suspiciousness help me greatly, since this matter will affect the story greatly

GaRagecreators' thoughts