
Animals Inside The Kingdom

After I had taken care of everything for the day, it was time to go home and check how everyone was doing.

I also had a few things to talk with Agatha about since I was going to need her help in the near future.

Unexpectedly, she also raised a topic I was unaware of.

She noticed that someone was picking the random flowers of the Kingdom. 

Although she doesn't know who's responsible for that, she's sure that it is done with intent, as other plants were left untouched.

I thought it could've been the work of the horned rabbits, but she hadn't gone to the forest, and they don't often go to the unforested area since the girls train nearby.

The number of suspects was very limited. Among them, there are plenty of oddballs that would do it for God knows what reason, but since this wasn't such a big deal to me, I decided to ignore it for now.