
Gaara: Walang Malaking Nakapupuwing

If you don't know yet this will begin with chapter 8 because I'm too dumb and wrote it in a default account. It baffles me really. Read chapters 1-7 with the same title first before reading this. I'm too lazy to do everything over again. The effort. I'm tired. I just want to get rid of my thoughts by writing them down. I don't own anything just don't sue me or something I'm a nice guy. When asleep. Really.

erra_jinn · Tranh châm biếm
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32 Chs

Kapitulo Otso

"Danzo what has gotten into you!? Those people are our people how can you simply just make a decision like that without consulting the council of elders and the Hokage? Does my position hold no weight to you anymore now that you hold power?"

"Sarutobi, you and I both know that this ticking time-bomb is close to blowing up on our asses. I just made the call you will never make. I dirtied my hands for you, for the village. You can stay clean and pure, as you have always been. As for me? I will take all the blame, the dirt, and the pain. I will do everything I can, in order to ensure the safety of Konoha and its people. No matter the cost."

The Third grew quiet, he is truly at wit's end with the Uchiha clan situation for a while now. He always believed in Hashirama's ideals of peace, justice, and the innate good in people, but was helpless in solving something that everyone saw coming. The truth is that the major clans feared for the inevitable rise of the Uchiha clan and worked together to suppress them.

It was the truth that the clan is indeed being bullied in their own village. Tobirama himself who is considerably an unprecedented genius of ninjutsu and science believed that the Uchiha clan is a clan controlled by demons. The biased opinion based on the clan's long history made other clans reluctant to make dealings or interaction with them, let alone making friends or allies.

To pacify their thirst for acceptance they are made to hold a position of false power as Konoha's police force. The higher ups of the clan knew of it but chose to endure. Over and over, time after time, the fear that accumulated turned to hate, and hate turned to resolve. The clan had enough and decided to take up arms in a coup to change their fate. Break the status quo. They can not endure anymore. They had to make a stand.

Unfortunately for them, Shisui and Itachi along with other members of the clan thought otherwise, they feared the outcome of the coup and the damage it would bring to Konoha. Danzo saw an opportunity at this, so using their weaknesses as people who wished for the benifit of the majority. An entire major clan came onto the verge of extinction in one night. A scandal devised by the very people who swore to defend each other's backs from enemies known and unknown. A good fu**ing stab in the back.

'Don't make it sound like you made a great sacrifice Danzo. I know full well of your plans and intentions, I swear to my ancestors and my predecessors that as long as I live, you will never be Hokage.'

"You will only sow fear and the village will burn down to ashes if you took the lead. Alas, I am too late once again."

Sarutobi turned to leave along with his anbu escort visibly angered, frustrated and in pain. He endured, his advanced age may have weakened his body but it also made his will as solid as steel.

"What did you find?"

The Third asked as he took quick strides out of Danzo's nest.

"There are five unaccounted newborn children of the Uchiha among the casualties. There are traces that shows someone else's involvement in the massacre, the Inuzuka are on it as we speak. Two of the anbu lurkers are incapacitated with an unknown poison. We have no lead so far because there are no matches in our archive but we are looking into it. There is a non-zero chance that an unknown power intervened in the event, the informant refused to tell us anything about the whole incident. He should be heading to Amegakure as we speak."

The Hokage nodded.

'It shouldn't be Suna, their Kage is incompetent and they can not afford trouble at the moment, not Kumo they wouldn't have enough time to prepare due to their geographical distance, and definitely not the Iwa who is very much weakened by the last shinobi world war, they may not even be interested about our affairs.'

"Leave the boy alone for now he's done enough service for the village, so much so that we should be announcing another hero... *sigh Contact our men from Kiri and gather intel about their activities. Tighten the surveillance on our borders and report immediately if there are developments. I want this to be over and done with before the Uchiha clan is six feet under. Clear?"


The anbu gave a salute and disappeared into a gust of wind and falling leaves.


A group of Gaara's clones sat in a room full of TV monitors.

*ring ring ring

"Leaf Monitoring department, what can I do for you?"

The clone answered, it was a call from the original.

[Is there any strange movement from Konoha in the past few days?]

The voice of another Gaara can be heard from the other line.

"The past three days hmmm... here it is. The Leaf deployed a few teams heading to all of its borders, but from the looks of it they have significantly sent more teams towards the border of the Mist."

[Keep a tight lookout and report immediately if there are new developments.]

'I don't think they even suspected Sunagakure to get involved in their internal affairs at all. The new batch of the more realistic CCTV models will be available in the upcoming months. Hopefully we can monitor the entirety of Konoha and a part of the major villages before the beginning of canon, setting up relay and transmission stations in between villages secretly will be a huge pain in the bun. No way around it.'

Gaara who is in his own living space inside the gelel mine secret base put down his mobile phone. He has many things on his plate already. He still did not know what to do with the babies in his custody (they are technically kidnapped). He saved (kidnapped) them because they are the most viable option at the time. Easy to carry, no memories and are not yet brainwashed into the will of fire bullshit of Konoha. Except maybe if one of them is a transmigrator like himself or something similar.

"Hey its your turn to change the diapers!"

He smiled wryly after hearing his clones bantering about who would change the diapers next. Someone already found out the bitter taste of carelessness when he opened the forbidden diaper while the baby is still in the process of pooping. A small piece flew off due to a fart and directly into the shocked opened mouth of the clone who poofed out of existence for no particular reason much to everyone's displeasure, now everyone experienced it in their head. Bitter. Truly bitter. Lingering in their tongue is an unforgettable experience worth sharing with loved ones to laugh on.

'Gotta make some nanny bots in the future. Baymax or something, it shouldn't be difficult.'

"Alright I'll do it this time." One of the clones volunteered.

*beep beep beep

Gaara turned towards a big monitor. It showed a secured message transmission from Sunagakure which required his immediate attention or sometimes progress reports on his projects and businesses.

[The incoming batch of computers we ordered has been attacked by bandits. This has been the fourth time this quarter. No major damage incurred to the package but we lost twenty escorting ninja of genin rank. They are paid ten times the agreed value and their families are taken care of.]

[Spy activity is on the rise at the heart of Suna. Suspicious people are coming and going without hindrance or intervention from the Kazekage. Satisfaction rating of the current administration is at an all time low of thirty six percent.]

[Yggdrasil managed to secure more deals with Yuki no Kuni for their tech...]

[Exploration of the ruins of Roran...]

[Hiring/Sponsoring promising scientific research...]

[Bla bla bla...]

'Bandits? This is why we need a better transportation system. Tutubi can be mass produced in the future but this is not something that can be done right away and setting up railways from Sunagakure to the port town is going to require a huge expenditure of resources and time. Slow and steady... those spies still have their uses... bandits it is, let's go.'

Gaara stood up and walked towards the dock for Tutubi. The pesky bandits will not just kill themselves without proper reason. No better reason of death than becoming a nuisance to the gold laying egg of Sunagakure's 'secret weapon'. On the plus side, the bandits will get plenty of learning experience to bring in their next world, hopefully they will learn to live a better life than the one they've led so far. If they reincarnate at all.

Dang it. Can't say the whole thing did not affect me at all. Somehow my enthusiasm is dampened to a degree.

Give me pointers.

Heads up, this MC will be avoiding direct confrontations and will most likely go for a hit and run tactic if the enemy is strong.

Piss off already if you dont like it.

erra_jinncreators' thoughts