
Futuristic Fighting Field

In a world where individuals harness unique powers, they battle for survival in a futuristic dome. This dome, a marvel of advanced technology, serves as an arena for combat against creatures from different epochs. Each victory allows participants to ascend levels, unlocking ancient fables that enhance their abilities. However, failure transports them to an alternate realm of endless conflict. Here, warriors fight relentlessly, their reality a cycle of battles and survival tests. The story centers on Hae-Yun, a participant in these battles. Driven by curiosity and determination, Hae-Yun seeks to uncover the identity of the dome's creator. Alongside him are his three friends, their camaraderie and collective strength are crucial in navigating the challenges of the dome and the alternate realm. The ultimate goal is not just to locate, but to access the true paradise that lies beyond the city. According to legend, those who manage to emerge from the five layers will discover the entrance to heaven. However, when the main characters finally reach this elusive destination, they find that it has already been destroyed by the monsters...THE HUMANS

Xsurae · Võ hiệp
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26 Chs

New friend

The realization hit Hae like a bolt of lightning, and he quickly picked himself up, trying to mask his embarrassment. "Oh, how could I forget," he mumbled to himself. Lifting his index finger, he directed the mana that had been surrounding him like a protective shield. It gathered and swirled around him like a sparkling mist before falling to the ground, transforming into ordinary sand.

"There we go," Estelle exclaimed, returning to her perch on Hae-Yun's shoulder. With the path now clear, Hae made his way to the door, finally able to pass through.

Back at the dome, Yesil was growing increasingly concerned. "Wait, he was right behind us," she muttered to herself, scanning the area for any sign of Hae-Yun. Suddenly, a portal materialized in front of her, and Hae came running out. He stopped just in time to avoid a collision.

"Ugh, I don't want to be in a love story," Hae thought, quickly stepping away from Yesil as the portal behind him vanished.

"Oh, you're back. Where were you?" The question hung in the air as everyone turned to look at Hae.

"Don't ask," Hae replied, his voice carrying a hint of exhaustion. He made his way over to the group and sat down on the floor.

Xiang's eyes widened as she noticed something on Hae-Yun's shoulder. Upon closer inspection, she realized it was a fairy. She reached out and grabbed it, curiosity getting the better of her.

"Ahh, what the heck! Let me go, you human!" Estelle screamed, her voice echoing. Everyone else didn't seem bothered, except for Yìchén and Xiang.

"What is that?" Yìchén squealed, his eyes wide with surprise.

"I'm a fairy, what else! Hae-Yun, tell your friend to let me go!" Estelle demanded, struggling to free herself from Xiang's grip.

Meanwhile, Hae seemed unbothered by the commotion. Everyone watched, their hands on their cheeks, as if they were used to such antics.

"You dumb human, why aren't you letting me go?" Estelle screamed, trying to get Xiang's attention, but to no avail.

With a flick of his finger, Hae teleported Estelle back onto his shoulder. She was breathing heavily, clearly agitated by the ordeal. "Have you lot never seen a fairy before?" Mingyu muttered, drawing everyone's attention.

"No, we two haven't," Yìchén replied, his voice filled with awe.

"Well, anyway, it's time to get back. The gates will open any second now," Mae-Noi announced, standing up and making her way towards the gates. Everyone else followed, leaving the commotion behind.

(back at the dorm)

"Did you really have to cause such a scene?" Hae questioned Estelle, who was now perched on his head, glaring at Xiang like a petulant child.

"Of course, I did. What are you going to do about it?" she retorted, her tone dripping with sarcasm. She seemed oblivious to the storm brewing on Hae-Yun's face.

At her response, Hae's patience snapped. He reached up, grabbed Estelle, and brought her down to his eye level. His gaze was icy. "Do you want me to throw you out like last time?" he threatened.

Estelle averted her gaze, not daring to meet his eyes. She could feel his grip loosening, and she would have fallen to the ground if she hadn't quickly flown up. 'What happened to him? He was fine a few minutes ago,' she wondered, her mind filled with confusion and concern.

The room fell into a comfortable silence as everyone settled down, their bodies weary from the day's events. Estelle, the radiant fairy with shimmering blue wings, fluttered down to Xiang, her tiny form casting a small shadow on the floor. She opened her mouth to speak, but her words were cut off by a sudden knock at the door.

"Xiang, go get it," Hae commanded, his voice echoing in the quiet room. He made himself comfortable on a bean bag, its soft material molding to his form.

With a nod, Xiang quickly walked over to the door, her footsteps echoing softly in the room. She opened the door to reveal a girl standing on the other side. "Hello?" she greeted the visitor, her voice filled with curiosity.

"Hi," the girl at the door responded, her voice barely above a whisper. She handed Xiang a poster before turning on her heel and leaving. Xiang closed the door and turned her attention to the poster, her eyes scanning the words printed on it.

"The Witches Festival is next month, starting on Thursday!" Xiang announced, her voice breaking the silence. The news seemed to electrify the room, a wave of excitement washing over everyone.

"Wait, why is it so early?" Yìchén asked, a puzzled look on her face. The question hung in the air, unanswered for a moment.

"Because the team is living outside the city, so they're doing it early so we can go too," Hae-Yun explained, his voice calm and steady. He was still lounging comfortably on the bean bag, his eyes closed as he absorbed the news. 

A sudden wave of discomfort washed over Mingyu and Hae, their bodies tensing up as they felt an unsettling presence. They exchanged a glance, their eyes reflecting the unease they both felt. For a moment, everything seemed to stand still, the room filled with a palpable tension. The anticipation hung in the air, a silent testament to the unease that had suddenly gripped them. Their minds raced, trying to identify the source of the disturbance.

"What are the angles doing here" Both of them thought in their heads.

The presence of angels in their midst was a surprise to both Mingyu and Hae. They shared a look of confusion and curiosity, their minds filled with questions.