

Zen stands in front of Renji the examiner and as soon as he entered Renji knew that Zen was the one who emitted the aura that all the academy felt before.

He smiled a little looking down on his file which showed his name and which family he belonged to.

As he looked at Zen who stood in front of him and said

' So tell me something before i start the test, Zen.

You are Linda's brother, are you not? '

Zen hesitated for a second but then said

' yes i am, she is my older sister. '

As Renji then again asked

' But you are not suppose to be having any gear, so how come you are here and with that much power non the less. '

As Zen didn't knew what to say now, he was confused because he haven't prepared an answer to this situation.

Even Nina asked him this but he didn't gave him any answer, so he thought of not telling him as he said

' Sir, with all due respect i will like to keep that to myself.

If you please not ask me that question again it will be great. '

Hearing Zen's words he grinned at him and passed so much aura toward him.

Feeling all that aura Zen felt intimidated at first but then to give him a proper competition, he emitted his aura too just enough to make his aura ineffective on him.

Seeing which Renji made a mad face and looked at Zen with his angry eyes.

But Zen didn't let it faze him even a bit and kept fighting off his aura with his own.

For the people who were watching this scene it was just the first time they have seen someone trying to out up in front of Renji.

They all were on the edge of their seats where they were setting as just to know what will happen next.

Both Nina and Ferra were also sitting there and were surprised to see that how much Zen was capable off.

Nina was in much shock as she didn't realise that Zen did even had a gear.

As they all kept watching, Renji stepped close to Zen and kept moving toward him.

Everyone was waiting and were making their own assumptions off what was going to happen.

Not even one of them said a single word, because they are so focused on seeing what was going to happen.

In the amidst of these people, Headless was also present hiding under one of the seats as he was scared that Zen might see him and as he told him that he will kill him next time he sees him.

But he had to watch out for anything strange and worth reporting to his master, which was the reason he had to take the risk.

As Renji stepped right to his face and both of their aura are striking with each other now.

Renji's aura was rising in menacing power, so Zen had to keep up with the same.

Zen would have countered Renji's aura and made it ineffective on him just in an instance if he used Dhyaan.

But he didn't because of the examiner who told him not do so, as well Linda told him to not use it.

As they both were starring at each others eyes now, not even one was trying to hold back.

Renji was trying to make him back off but Zen was standing strong and holding his ground.

He knew that if misses this chance of showing him what he is made of, he might not get another chance.

As this battle of aura kept on going, an examiner who was the assistant of Renji came in and said

' sir, i guess it should be better if we stop scaring other candidates and just keep moving on with the exam.

If this keeps up anyone left in the back won't even stay for much to take the test. '

As Renji and Zen turned their head toward the assistant and he felt the death stare of both which made him shake in fear and he passed out.

Looking that all the people in stands, took a gulp and were not even on their seats anymore.

The candidates who were waiting for their turn were getting intimidated just by the sensing both aura's which were making them feel scared and they were just about to leave.

Renji calmed down and same goes for Zen.

They both stopped emitting their aura, Renji looked at Zen and said

' you are more then qualified to pass but still i have to take your test.

So just make that balloon over their pop without touching it or throwing anything at it, just by using your aura.

You know how to do it right? '

As he said that and went toward his chair laughing as he sat down on it.

Everyone else also calmed down and took their seats, the atmosphere around the whole exam centre calmed down.

All the intimidating aura was now gone and everyone took a deep breathe as they had thought if only few seconds they both have left alone in the same stage, they would have fought to death with each other.

Now in front of Zen was a challenge that he had never faced or thought about.

He was given a strange task by the examiner, which he first thought was only possible using Dhyaan's form in which concentrated aura can be used as a weapon.

But then he realised that he can't use it, so he had to come up with something else.

It took him a little while to understand what he had to do but he was able to come up with a trick.

As everyone in the stands were worried, as they had yet not seen anyone pass this test before.

Renji asked many before Zen to do the same but no one was able to do it.

So they were more curious to know how to do it then how Zen will do it.

As Nina was trying to figure out how to do it herself but wasn't able to come up with anything.

Ferry had no idea what was going on, she was just sitting there waiting for Zen to come back and know how he was able to see the ghost.

Renji sitting on his chair waiting for Zen to make his move and Headless trying to sneak peek at what Zen will do in this situation.

As Zen sat on the ground in a concentration position and close his eyes.

Everyone thought that he had no idea what he was doing, but Renji knew what he was doing and same goes for Nina who knew that he will somehow do it.

As he started concentrating his aura around him, not to use Dhyaan but to control the flow of aura around him and bind it into a shape.

It was not like Dhyaan, as in that you let the energy flow in you and control that flow to manipulate the aura to use as a detector, shield, weapon.

But this time he was binding his aura to take a shape and for that he have to visualise his aura taking the shape.

Which he was able to do easily, he was able to visualise his aura that much perfectly that even it was visible to the naked eyes.

As they all were able to see what he has just made in front of their eyes but couldn't believe.

As they had never seen anyone do it before, As Nina was seeing that her mind was surprised to see how much Zen was different from her.

As she looked at the image he created and said

' Thats a beautiful arrow!! '

An arrow, that was what Zen had visualised which he was going to shoot toward the balloon to pop it.

As Renji was seeing this, he had a proud look on his face.

Like he had accomplished something.

He looked at that pure form of aura which was perfectly tuned to it best context and was ready to pierce not just the balloon but also the hearts of many people who were watching this scene.

As Zen had full control over his aura arrow, he opened his eyes and made the arrow move toward the balloon.

The arrow was moving slow due to zen had to make his every single movement through his mind by visualising.

Which was not easy, seeing his made arrow move like that.

Everyone in the stands slowly and slowly started to stand up.

They were trying to keep up their eyes with every single movement of the arrow as it moved closer toward the balloon.

Headless started to move closer To Zen to take a good look and have more data stored in him to report.

In that time, Renji's assistant had also woken up and was standing beside Renji as he said

' Sir, i guess you have found who you were looking for. '

As Renji raised his hand in the air to make him stop talking.

He was also enjoying what he saw, Zen kept moving the arrow and it slowly get embedded in the balloon.

But it didn't pop up.

Seeing which all the people were standing and trying to figure out what was happening.

As the whole arrow got emerged into the balloon and nothing happened, which made them thought that it was all for nothing.

They all had lost their hopes, Nina was not able to understand what happened.

How Zen was not able to fulfil his task. Ferra also thought that she was getting hyped up for nothing.

Headless thinking that it was enough was going to return.

Renji's assistant was also about to say something, but before he could say anything and all the people fully loose their interest.

Renji said

' Boom '

As the balloon popped with a massive boom and a big shock wave was launched out of it.

It was like a meteoroid just strike the surface and emitted all it energy during the collision.

The shock wave made everyone realise that the amount of pressure that Zen was taking with him in that single aura arrow was so much insane that if it had touched any one of them, they would had exploded like the balloon into several pieces.

The whole shock wave made a gust going through all of their heads and just as it passed they all stood up and started celebrating and cheering up for Zen, as they all ran toward him yelling his name.

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