
Hidden Bosses

"That's a bit of a strange skill but it could be useful as long as I'm lucky."

As he was happy with his updated status, Ezra started looking around, and after a while he found another secret. However, this was not an item like before, it was a hidden doorway behind the portal that would have allowed him to leave. He had to be careful not to accidentally enter the original portal, and once he entered the door, it shut behind him and he was faced with another enemy, in other words, a hidden boss.

The enemy in front of him was a large green snake that was covered in light yellow patterns. It seemed like it was asleep, so Ezra started to approach quietly. He readied his sword just in case, and luckily this paid off as the snake began to stir when he stepped on a branch hidden under some leaves.

It raised its head and looked around, but the source of the sound was nowhere to be seen. Out of the snake's line of sight, Ezra was crouching behind a rock in hopes of performing a sneak attack. The snake turned to check the other way, and Ezra saw his opportunity.

He ran forward trying to be fast but also quiet, and when he felt like he was close enough, Ezra performed a vertical slash on the tail of the snake. It hissed in pain, as the end part of its tail had been severed, and blood was spewing from the wound.

The snake turned quickly and lunged towards Ezra, but he managed to dodge out of the way right before a pair of large fangs snapped closed where he had previously been.

Seeing the opportunity for an attack while the snake was dazed from its missed attack, Ezra stabbed forward and took out the snake's eye with ease. This caused the snake a great deal of pain, and made Ezra's life a lot easier.

The one eyed snake could no longer see Ezra out of one side, which allowed him to only attack from his blind spots without the snake being able to react.

Ezra easily killed the large snake with multiple cuts in the same spot on the back of its neck. This was the easiest way to defeat it, as the thickness of the snake meant a single attack would not be able to cleave it in two, and therefore attacking the same spot repeatedly would give him greater chances of winning, as it meant he could cut off the snakes head. This plan worked even better, as the burn effect of his sword activated a few times which caused further damage to the snake which seemed to be somewhat wood element based.

- Level Up -

- Level Up -

- Level Up -

As he had managed to kill the hidden boss, a chest had appeared in front of the corpse of the snake. He walked forward and opened it, and inside was a black chest plate which he immediately checked the status of.

Name: Failed Black Ogre Bone Chest Plate

+ 50 Vitality

+ 50 Stamina

+ 10% Chance Of Reflecting Damage

"This is great, even though it's a failed product it'll be really good for boosting my stats early in my career."

Ezra put on his chest plate, and it fit him perfectly, it did not weight down on him and he could immediately feel his own life force get stronger.

A portal had appeared for him to leave once again, but Ezra decided to look for more hidden areas or treasures, and he knew the first place he was going to check.

Ezra approached the corpse of the snake and opened its mouth; he crawled inside and began to traverse through the snake's body. This was because normally the corpses of monsters disappear, but in this case the corpse was still there which was suspicious.

As he had expected, Ezra found a key inside of the snake's body, and once he ripped it out of the sack it was inside, the body of the snake disappeared. As he had the key, Ezra needed to find something to put it in.

This took him another fifteen minutes to search for a keyhole, as it happened to be hidden in the rock which he had previously crouched behind to hide from the snake. He put the key in the hole and turned it, and the rock moved aside to reveal a trap door which he opened and dropped through to the room beneath.

The room was dimly lit and seemed completely empty. However, there was a faint noise of growling that Ezra could hear quite clearly. He looked around for the source of the sound, and before he could find it, a creature dropped on top of him from the ceiling.

His instincts reacted and he threw the enemy off of himself. Ezra got a look at his attacker, and saw a green coloured lizard that was about as large as a dog.

It darted away quicker than his eyes could keep up with, but Ezra knew the monster to be a poison tongued lizard. It was a monster known for its annoying speed which meant it was hard to hit, alongside its dangerous poison which slowed down anyone infected with it, while killing them slowly.

Ezra looked around quickly in the area the enemy had ran off to, and located it quickly. The monster continued trying to launch itself at Ezra, but he managed to dodge them and learn the enemies attack patter better.

It would run away to the left after attacking him, always going anticlockwise which meant Ezra knew where the monster would go before it moved. It would then immediately boost forward off of its back two legs and try to lick him once it got close enough, but it always attacked his right side.

Ezra allowed the monster to perform an attack, and then he watched it run away before it attacked again. As it was readying its jump forward, Ezra pre-emptively stepped backwards and swung his sword upwards and sliced the lizard clean in half. This immediately killed it and meant he had defeated another hidden boss.

- Level Up -

- Level Up -

The body of the monster disappeared, and a small wooden chest appeared which when opened revealed a bottle in the shape of a four leafed clover and Ezra looked at its status.

Name: Luck Potion

+ 10,000 % luck for ten minutes when ingested

"That's incredible, this will be so useful in the future, I should save it for a time that I really need it. I wonder if there could even be any more hidden things around here, or if this is the last one."

On that note, Ezra began to look around the empty room for something that could possibly hidden. Luckily for him, he found what he wanted without too much difficulty.

This was not because it was easy to find, but rather it was because he tripped over and fell through a false area on the ground. This landed him inside a grand area which was much more detailed and intricate than the previous room.

It was covered in drawings that looked ancient, as well as finely chiselled pillars and walls which had crumbled, seemingly part of an ancient temple of some sort.

He walked around the area, and found an altar with a broken statue behind it, and it seemed to be depicting what Ezra assumed to be a powerful entity.

He put his hand on the altar and the ground started to shake, the statue started moving to the left and a passageway was revealed. Through this passage was a large area that had been covered by metal bars which Ezra cut away with his sword.

He entered the area which was almost cage-like in design, and immediately felt a powerful presence which caused him to feel terrified for his life, unlike what any other monster had caused. This monster moved forward and revealed itself.

It looked like a lizard man, but it had the head and features of a crocodile, it also had mouths with razor sharp teeth in lots of places over its body. Instinctively, Ezra knew that he had no chance of winning, and despite wanting to save it, he immediately drank the luck potion in preparation for trying to survive.