
Furuichi and the Dimensional Chat Group of Disaster

???: Furuichi give me some Lucky talisman. ???: Furuichi teach me magic. ???: Furuichi do you have a new fish recipe? also erza is pissed and looking for you. ???: Furuichi-san how do you make some friends. ???: Furuichi! ???: Furuichi! ... 'Just how did my second life become troublesome?' I thought. "Furuichi fight me!" some random delinquent run towards me. "Furuichi-kun ? woul you join my peerage?" a sexy red haired devil is tempting me. "Furuichi what's the answer of this question?" an idiot asked me. "How did my life become troublesome?' I asked as I look at the sky and saw a cloud giving me the middle finger. 'F*ck off!!!' _____________________ Inspired by: Cultivation Chat Group and Sis-con with Dimensional Chat group I don't own any characters, this is just an idea and a fanfic

Simping_4_Akali · Tranh châm biếm
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Chapter 31: Project Archive: World Rune

I am now reading the last rune book that I bought from that bookstore. I used my self made reading glass to read the book faster along with typing on my laptop for any important part that I have read.

Picturing some important illustration on the book and used it for reference in the future just on case.

Translating some words that I can't understand from the book and trying to learn on how they are used and see of I can improve it more on my ways of rune.

Right now I was able to increase my proficiency and understanding in different rune base from there, I'm researching on what's their difference and how can they be interconnected along with my way of writing my runes.

"Damn, this is really starting to be headache for me." I said as I scratch my head with my pen as I am finally done in reading the book and looked at my laptop screen full of documents from the rune books that has been summarize along with pictures of some illustration from the book.

Bringing my worn out old rune notebook that I made from testing different words by writing using my crest.

"Alright, my understanding first. Base on my previous research, there is a unwritten and unspoken power that just been tapped by some people and it's still not been fully discovered. Anyone can use it but it lacks knowledge on how to actually use it, they can make a branch of this power which where different runes comes from but that's just it. It's a branch, not from the main power." I said as I am in deep concentration as I look on the summarization that I have made.

Base on my research, there is a unnamed power source that anyone can use by making it a branch of a power like rune and everything seems different but still connected and the same.

"Hmm... let's base it with my spell first." I said to myself as I brought my other notebook about spells that I made and opened a word document in my laptop about the spells.

The way I created my spells and crest are actually the same with runes. I first need to understand what they represent and how it well affect with the world. It was first an idea before I start to understand the weird and unique energy inside the human body.

Implementing this unique energy that I called Mana because I was to lazy to come up with a unique and cool name. This energy is quite adaptive and intangible as it's a versatile energy and it depends on the user on how you use it.

I used it like a spell master from Beelzebub cause it's the first idea that came to my mind and I was reincarnated as a character from that anime.

It's not actually the same as an actual spell master with crest need to have a contract with a demon and they will get the demons power and use it for themselves.

I only referenced the powers, crest and gains of a spell master but I didn't include the contract just yet so if anyone can sense my aura it will be like a spell master but quite different that only I know.

With that I used it as a way to control but I didn't have a external source of power like demons or devil's or whatever supernatural being but I have a internal source which is Ki. Ki is everywhere and in anyone but only few humans can manifest and use it, many other supernatural being can use it but humans are only few.

Now that I have found my source, I used my idea to somehow combine the two with the idea of spell to control my internal source of energy ki but it didn't work as they can't synchronized. They will always collide in some ways.

With Ki, I can control and manifest it outside and do some test on how can I benefits and use it but it can't have a bond with the idea of spells.

With some trials and error, the weird and unique energy exclusive to humans became help as it became the bridge from my ki to the spells and it worked. That energy which I called Mana became the adapter for the Spell to connect with Ki as the source.

Like that it became a smooth sailing for me as I tried various things with that discovery.

With that, to make a crest is like I am writing a rune but I am not writing it as I just draw the crest and use it as a input of command. I create a crest and put the command on how it will work and how it will effect, With Mana became the bridge to my Ki. It will get the required Ki and transform that Ki so that command will function then the results will come out.

It also needs deep calculation as it needs to be precise and no mistake, it's like programming. Input the correct command and it will run, a single mistake the entire command breaks down.

"So, if I can base this and find some ways to connect this runes as one. I might gain surprising results that will surely benefits me or cost me." I said with excitement with my new research project.

"Alright let's name it. [Project Archive: World Rune]" I typed in my laptop.

"Base objective. Understanding of all Rune, Their Connection and Finally Knowledge of the Rune.

Possible Results for this project: Learn the Origin of Rune, Full knowledge of Rune and Maybe possible for Runes to affect the natural laws and true rules of this world." I typed before looking at it and nod before closing the laptop and head outside to buy some cola.

Opening the door I see a green eyes blonde in front of me.

"Furuichi, can you and I have s-" she said to me before cutting her off.


"I am not done speaking."

"And I don't need to hear the whole sentence." I get out and start to walk towards the nearest convince store.

"I thought you humans always likes sex."

"Well, yes we like it but not every time. I mean seriously, do you think all make humans think with their lower brain?" I asked.

"Well yes." she said to me.

"Well sorry, but some people are not always after sex and some people (*cough Other MC *cough) just want to chase some girls.

I have a schedule and it's when I feel like it. I may look like a playboy -"

"Well you are." she Interrupted me.

"Which I am not, I also have other things to do than plan some ways to bang some chiks. I am not like others that chase some skirts and dry humping them because they have boobs and ass." I spoke and we are nearing the convince store.

"But you told me you will teach me how humans have sex."

"I am, but I will call you when I feel like it. It's not like my brain is only thinking of screwing somebody. I also study."

"Really?" this blond devil's doubt me.


"I see..."

"So anyway, want something? my treat." I said to her with a smile as we entered the convenience store.