
Chapter three

"Sun is thinking about joining the committee, right?" Panji asked Sunny who was walking towards the parking lot.

They had just finished their class, and because there were no more lessons, Rangga happened to be on business today. And just now she had agreed to the invitation to go out to hang out with her friends. That's right, instead of her having to go home, one of the things Sunny most didn't expect to be.

Panji matched his hasty pace when Sunny passed in front of him. A bright smile appeared on his handsome face. Seeing that, Sunny frowned in confusion. Staring at Panji strangely. Then shook her head.

"Help me, please," Panji said. "At the end of this month the student membership is holding an event, and you know that I'm one of the members? I was chosen to be one of the committee members, there's a shortage of people in my team, you want to come, right?" Panji said again.

Not knowing what Panji's problem was, he decided to invite Sunny to join the show. Even though Panji knew very well that Sunny didn't like events like that. It's not just Panji, in it seems that everyone knows very well about it. Sunny is like a person who doesn't want to stand out too much among her friends who have experience as an event organizer. Sunny was the only person in her circle of friends who still didn't have that experience.

"Betra and Ayu also follow, Sun." Panji is still trying to persuade Sunny.

"I know," Sunny answered casually. She had heard Betra and Ayu's conversation when they were hanging out at the campus cafe. They talked about the event which has the term intimate night, they said, since the chairman of the committee is one of the boys that Betra likes, so why don't they join the committee.

"They're also on the same team as me."

Sunny snorted in disgust, "I know." Sunny pretty much overheard the conversation between Betra and Ayu.

"Desty also said that she would think about joining my team too."

Sunny stopped, her eyes narrowed at Panji. Panji smirked and nodded.

"It's unbelievable! Desty joined the event like that," Sunny said, ignoring Panji's grin. "So committee?"

"Ho'oh ... she said she was in a rut, right, this semester, so she joined," Panji explained. "You also want to join, don't you? In my team, there is one less member."

"Not interested, I'm busy."

"Busy what?!" Panji squeaked. "At the very least, you are just busy talking to Rangga!"

Sunny laughed loudly, one eye blinked playfully. "You know that right ... so I'm sorry, with all due respect I refuse to take part in that unimportant event, I'm really busy. Byee..."

"Why don't you just want to join in?! In fact, right, the reward is for helping people who are struggling like me."

"Yeah ... I'm not looking for a reward anymore." Sunny said. "Why did you invite me? Why don't you invite the others? Who knows those who want to join the committees."

"Yeah, why don't you come along?"

"No, I don't want to, idiot!" Sunny said with a snort. "Just invite Bagas or Raja or Windy..."


"So why are you still asking me?!" Sunny cut right away.

"They won't either, you idiot!" replied Panji. "Eh, yes... Rangga will come too, be part of the part decoration's team." Panji tried his last luck, hoping that Sunny would come because Rangga would also come.

"I know,” Sunny rolled her eyes lazily. "You think he didn't tell me what it was about."

Panji smirked, embarrassed for talking about things that Sunny already knew, "Come on, please, just help me this time..."

"No!" Sunny insisted, "I'm not interested, I have a lot of college assignments, I don't want to add to the burden of life."

"damn you!" Then Panji left feeling annoyed, his eyes narrowed at Sunny, don't forget, he ruffled Sunny's hair roughly.

And Sunny gawked at Panji's action ruffling her hair.


Sunny turned when she heard a whistle behind her. Seeing Desty who was grinning at him. Her eyes stared at him disdainfully. The look that Sunny always hated. Because he knows what that means.

"Why the hell?" Desty asked after reaching Sunny's side. "I think he likes you, Sun." He said suddenly.

These words had annoyed Sunny these days. Lately, Sunny has been dizzy to hear Desty who always says strange things that Sunny doesn't understand.

It started when Desty was suspicious because every semester exam, Panji always left things, anything from cellphones to jackets, even books, because of Panji's habit of never carrying a bag when he went to college. She said, what's the point of a bag if all he needs is a book and a pen while he can hold the two things with both hands. If he had a cellphone and a power bank, he could put it in his clothes pocket. Desty said, it was impossible for Panji to always leave things to her even though Panji's gang friend was also in the same class as Sunny, if Panji didn't have a specific purpose or goal. Then, the question keeps popping up over time. Starting from every campus event, Panji often invites him. Or in class, Panji often suddenly sat beside her. Or if Sunny and the others were waiting for the lecturer in front of the class and coincidentally Panji and his friends were also sitting in front of the class, and Desty always caught Panji staring at Sunny with a look that was difficult to interpret with an excited smile on his sweet lips.

"Panji seems to be interested in you," said Desty again.

Sunny squeaked excitedly. "Whatever."

Sunny and her nonchalant nature sometimes make her friends confused on how to react to it. She, too cool for a woman's size. With sharp eyes and a firm face. It makes Rangga sometimes grateful because he is the only man who has managed to attract Sunny's attention until now.

"Don't be like that," Desty replied, not caring about her friend's sour face. "Remember what I said. Panji. Likes. You."

"You forgot that I was with Rangga."

"Besides, you and Rangga aren't dating either, so there's nothing wrong if Panji likes you."

"Yeah, there's nothing wrong with liking people." Sunny opened her car door and invited Desty to come into her car.

"So, I'm confused with you, why don't you just be with Rangga? It's been a year, you know, Sun." Desty asked confusedly, looking at Sunny with very thick curiosity.