
Full Moon Bloom

As long and Luna can remember, it's just been her and her brother. They had a simple life as orphans so why did it look like her brother was always paranoid? He is 10 years older and all she has ever known. One day as her and her brother had just escaped from Lady Katherine and her crew after being on their vessel for 8 years, they come across a young boy in need of help. He has the same look as her brother, haunted and paranoid.

Miss_Steffy · Kỳ huyễn
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6 Chs

Lady Katherine

"An infant?! Goodness Kat, what were you thinking!" Katherine muttered to herself as she was carrying the baby trying so hard to console her but no matter what she did, this baby just would not stop crying! "Of course you can't console her, you don't know the first thing about children just smuggling and piracy and here you are taking on not just a child but a young infant too!" Katherine continued to spew out and to no one in particular when she heard someone clear their throat behind her. Katherine spun around to see her first mate, Brian in the doorway.

"Goodness Brian, you scared me."

"I hope I wasn't interrupting my lady but the young lad should be on his way soon with some milk. Have you tried to swaddle her?"

"Swaddle!? What on earth do you think I've been doing this entire time!?" Katherine exasperated. Brian was an older man that has been with Katherine since she was a young girl. Her mother aspired for Katherine to marry into a wealthy family someday and even hired a personal attendant for their household nearly going bankrupt. Brian took pity on Katherine's mother and Katherine and decided to stay with them anyways without pay. Over the years Katherine had grown on him and he felt like Katherine was his own daughter so when she decided she had had it with her mother and wanted to strike out on her own, he had no choice but to go with her. He needed to make sure Katherine was safe. Times were rough, especially for those that weren't from esteemed families. Rumor has it that Katherine's family used to be noble but quickly crumbled and fell to a scandal that no one ever talks about and thus Katherine has suffered. Not being a noble and not quite being a commoner. Her mother raised her to be an elegant young lady and to be able to read and write which was Brian's job as her teacher, in hopes that Katherine would live up to her expectations and bring honor and mostly wealth, back to her family's name. Katherine was a beautiful, tall and slender woman with Honey Blonde hair and light brown eyes. She would have had no trouble getting a noble man to fall for her but refused to play part in her mother's scheme.

Brian's face softened from its usual stoic nature as he smiled and chuckled remembering in fondness Lady Katherine and her rebellious nature now trying to desperately calm a crying infant. He walked over to Katherine and placed a hand on her shoulder, "Here, let me try. Take a breather as the lad should be here soon and maybe that's all she needs." Brian quickly took the infant from Katherine and readjusted the blanket to cuddle her and comfort her. He shushed and rocker her gently and she started to calm down. Katherine was amazed, maybe what her mother had said was true after all, that Katherine had no maternal instincts whatsoever. But if that was the case, then why did she feel the need to help these children? Plus, there was that feeling of finally having a young lady around here as it was just Katherine and a ship full of men. Thanks to Brian she's been able to maintain her safety and dignity. Plus Katherine was not one to toy with, she could cut you up and beat you to a pulp just like any other dirty old man on this ship thanks to her ridiculous upbringing. Katherine had just sat down and taken a breath when there was a little knock on her door.