
Full-Level Rich Daughter Makes a Strong Comeback

After failing her tribulation, Ye Leng'an returned to the first world. In her previous life, she was the fake daughter everyone in the Ye family hated. With the real daughter around, she seemed even more worthless in comparison. Meanwhile, the real daughter was adored by everyone. Ultimately, Ye Leng'an was tortured and killed by the real daughter's admirers. She suffered a terrible end. After she died, her soul transmigrated into the cultivation realm. Thanks to her hard work, she cultivated until the tribulation period, and she was only one step away from ascending as an immortal. However, during her tribulation, she failed because of her inner demons from her time in the first world. In this lifetime, she returned with all her glory. She was no longer a loser. Hehe. Now that she had reincarnated, she wanted to regain the honor that once belonged to her. Anyone who stood in her way would be annihilated. Was the real daughter a medical genius who had the potential to become a miracle doctor? Apologies, but Ye Leng'an was the real deal who could bring the dead back to life. She had spiritual pills that countless bigshots would kill for! Was the real daughter a computer genius who could easily access any part of the internet? Apologies, but Ye Leng'an was the one who invented the internet. She was like God, who could control who lived or died in it. Ye Leng'an reincarnated in the world of cultivation and took the world by storm. While countless bigshots found themselves falling head over heels in love with her, a mysterious man who had secretly had a powerful background directly pulled her into his arms. "You belong to me, Honey," he announced. Ye Leng'an helplessly rolled her eyes. "This guy really does get jealous easily!"

Summer Powder · Thành thị
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1038 Chs

Yuan Silei

Dịch giả: Dragon Boat Translation Biên tập viên: Dragon Boat Translation

"Yes!" Ye Leng'an nodded. "However, I don't have the time right now."

She did not mind forming a good relationship with him. Besides, this old man was also a kind person. Saving him could be considered a good deed. His heart disease could only be solved through surgery, but the old man was too old. Normally doctors did not dare to operate on him because they were afraid that the old man would not be able to get off the operating table.

However, this was only a small matter to her. As an alchemist, it was essential to master medical skills.

"I can wait." His eyes lit up when hearing that. "We can exchange contact details. You can help me whenever you're free."

He didn't know why he trusted her without question. Perhaps it was because of her imposing aura, or her indifferent temperament. Moreover, given the current situation, this little girl probably really had such an ability.

After exchanging phone numbers with the old man, Ye Leng'an finally knew his name, Chen Kang.

"Miss Ye, you can contact me any time when you're free." Chen Kang said, "I'll always be waiting for you."

"I have some other things to deal with, so I don't have the time recently." Ye Leng'an thought for a moment and said, "I'll start treating you half a month later. However, let me make it clear in advance. If you want me to treat you, that'll cost a lot."

She could save his life today for the sake of his merit, but this did not mean that she would treat him for free. Moreover, it was obvious that he was rich. She was really a pauper now, so she would not let go of such an opportunity to make money.

The next morning, Ye Leng'an walked out of the police station with a household register in her hand and a faint smile on her face.

The best thing was that she had finally moved her household registration out of the Ye family. Her surname on the household register also changed, no longer the Ye of Ye Li. In the future, she would have nothing to do with that Ye family.

When she thought about this, even her footsteps became lighter.

However, even though she no longer had anything to do with the wealthy Ye family, it didn't mean that her grudge against Ye Xiyuan was written off. She had to take revenge for her death. Moreover, she didn't think that Ye Xiyuan would let her off.

At this moment, her phone rang. She glanced at it, her expression a little dazed. The caller was her good friend, Yuan Silei. However, this good friend later became Ye Xiyuan's good friend and stood on Ye Xiyuan's side to condemn her.

"Hello, Silei?" There was an unreadable look in her eyes, but her tone was the same as usual. "What's the matter?"

She had mixed feelings about Yuan Silei. They used to be best friends. They had known each other since kindergarten and had been good friends for more than ten years.

But her best friend stood on the opposite side of her in the end. But Yuan Silei saved her once without Ye Xiyuan's knowledge.

So, she did not have much resentment toward Yuan Silei. But there was no way to maintain the friendship without any grudges.

Of course, they hadn't fallen out yet, so her attitude couldn't change too much.

"Leng'an, where are you now?" Yuan Silei sounded worried. "Is there anything you have to deal with? Why didn't you show up in class today?"