
Fuchsbau and Mauvais Dentes

crossover with Teen Wolf inspired MC Scott McCall. When Rosalee comes into town she isn't the only new wesen to show its face in Portland. Juliette got a new employee who is a Mauvais Dentes, fresh out of Beacon Hills High School. Pairing: Scott x Rosalee

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action in the spice shop

While Scott is helping Rosalee in her shop Hank went home after his shift is over and finds Adalind waiting for him in front of his house. She hands him home-made cookies which she actually used as a Zaubertrank in order to make Hank fall madly in love with her and become obsessed with her.

Nick, after leaving the precinct heads over to Monroe's house to show him the list of herbs Freddy kept in his shop, hoping the experienced Bludbad can shed some light on what is so valuable in the late Fuchsbau's shop. Monroe tells him that all of the names mean nothing to him but that there is a chance he'll be able to help with the herbs right in front of him so Nick drives them over to the shop and knocks on the door.

"Another partner?" Rosalee asks, opening the door for the two men while Scott is finishing rolling out a new rug, replacing the one stained with Freddy's blood.

"Sort of, uhm… This is Monroe. Monroe this is Rosalee Calvert." Nick introduces them to each other.

"I'm so sorry, I knew your brother." Monroe tells her, shaking her hand.

"We need to take a look around the basement." Nick tells her.

"Do you need to go with you?" Rosalee asks, not trusting Nick completely with him being a Grimm.

"No, just a little follow up." Nick replies and the two enter the shop with Rosalee stepping aside, letting them pass.

"Wait Nick, I smell something, someone's still here." Monroe says woging and using his wolf-like smell to get a grasp on the person's location.

"Wait, that is…" Rosalee starts to say but Monroe is already in the back of the shop, glaring at Scott, ready to attack.

"Who are you?" Scott asks surprised. In that moment Nick catches up to Monroe and motions for him to calm down.

"Scott? What are you doing here?" Nick asks suspicious of the teen showing up at the former crime-scene.

"He is helping me out, do you two know each other?" Rosalee asks confused.

"He is my new boss's boyfriend." Scott informs her.

"And also a Grimm." She says, assuming Scott didn't know.

"Yeah." Scott says.

"Well anyways, we're here to take a look around the basement. Oh and this is Monroe, he's a friend of mine." Nick says while Monroe loses his transformation.

"Sorry about that, you just have a very strong scent." Monroe says, offering his hand to the younger man.

"No worries. I'm Scott, Scott McCall." Scott introduces himself, shaking the Bludbad's hand.

"Yeah, I heard about you. Didn't figure you to be so young though." Monroe tells him before he and Nick go downstairs to the basement where they look around for anything sticking out.

"This box was opened, and it looked like some vials had been taken." Nick tells his friend, showing him a jar with yellow powder.

"I can't be certain, but it looks a little bit like J.

"J?" Nick asks.

"It's a kind of mold, lethal to humans but it has an opiate like effect on us. It can be a incredible pain-killer but for recreational purposes that stuff is like meth, mixed with rat-poison and helium. Highly addictive and terrible for your liver or brain.

"Did you find something?" Rosalee asks the two, checking up on them with Scott in tow.

"You know of a drug called J?" Nick asks her.

"Yes." Rosalee answers after a short pause.

"Do you know if your brother was selling it?" Nick asks.

"No, but even if he was it's not illegal." Rosalee answers.

"She's right, that's why you, I mean the cop you has never heard of it." Monroe adds.

"I need to know everything in this basement a Wesen would kill for." Nick tells her.

"Will it help you find the man who killed my brother?" Rosalee asks.

"I hope so." Nick answers honestly.

"Then I'll do it now." Rosalee says.

"OK, I'll call later." Nick says and leaves the basement with Monroe following, only getting stopped by Rosalee asking them, "They don't know do they?"

"Who?" Nick asks.

"the cops you work with, they don't know who you are." Rosalee explains.

"No, does it matter?" Nick replies.

"I'm just trying to understand how this works." Rosalee says looking between Nick and Monroe.

"It's uhm a little complicated." Monroe says.

"I can see that, just find the one who killed my brother." Rosalee requests. The two of them then leave the shop and head back to their respective homes.

"I think you should leave now as well. There is not much you can help me with now but thank you very much. I really appreciated your help as well as your company." Rosalee thanks Scott, giving the younger teen a genuine smile, albeit a small one.

"Alright, I'll leave you to it." Scott says as he heads upstairs and leaves the shop.

|10 minutes later|

Rosalee is looking through her brothers' products to make a list for Nick when she hears someone enter her shop upstairs, knocking over a jar while moving through the shop.

Knowing that Nick or Scott would have most likely knocked or announced themselves she hides behind a shelf in the far back.

A moment after she hid herself the two people who killed her brother come down into the basement and look through the boxes with J when much to her horror she gets a call and her phone starts to ring.

"Must be yours." One of the robbers says, checking his phone.

"I left mine in the car." The other one replies.

Rosalee turns off the phone and immediately regrets it as she hears the two men perk up, knowing they're not alone in the basement. She tries to quietly reach the backdoor of the basement but they find her in a matter of seconds, snarling at her woged, showing they are skalengecks.

Rosalee screams out in fear and makes a run for the door, only for one of the men to punch through the wall at the stairs and hold her leg down while the other one makes his way towards her. Scott has actually arrived moments earlier, having returned to fetch the jacket he left somewhere in the shop and is immediately on guard when he finds the shops door left open.

As soon as he hears Rosalee scream when something snarls at her he breaks out in a run, arriving in the basement fully woged barely a second or two later. He sees one man hold her by her ankle while she's lying helplessly on the stairs, trying to free herself from his grip. Scott runs forward and lunges at the man, sinking his elongated fangs deep into his neck, with a sickening squelch, killing the attacker almost instantly. The second attacker immediately opens fire on them, missing most of his shots with only one grazing Scott's arm.

Rosalee takes this chance to flee, sprinting up the stairs and putting a barricade on the outside as soon as Scott followed her through.

"Come on, let's go." Scott tells her, taking her hand and running down the street with her into an empty alley.

"Man that was close." Scott says, looking at his wound relieved to see it only being little more than a cut.

"Thank you." Rosalee says throwing her arms around him and hugging herself to him with all her might.

"You're safe now." Scott tells her, hugging her back.

"What now?" Rosalee asks once she breaks the embrace after a couple of seconds.

"Do you have someplace safe to stay?" Scott asks her, turning to his side and spitting out the blood he got in his mouth when he killed one of the attackers, cleaning up the rest with his sleeve.

"My brothers' apartment." Rosalee says with a nod.

"OK, let's go. We'll call Nick from there." Scott says, following her to her late brothers' apartment.

"Is your arm OK?" Rosalee asks him while she gets Nick's card and starts dialing his number as soon at the two are safe inside the apartment.

"Yeah, I won't even need to see a doc. Just a bandage should be fine." Scott tells her.

"I'll go look for one after I called the detective." Rosalee says, waiting for Nick to pick up.

"Burkhard." He answers.

"It's Rosalee. I was in the shop and two men broke in while I was there." She says.

"Are you OK?" Nick asks concerned.

"Yes. We're fine, I'm just really shook up and scared." She replies.

"We?" Nick asks.

"As luck would have it Scott came back when the attacker were already in the shop and he managed to free me. We are at my brothers' house." Rosalee informs him.

"Are you safe there?" Nick questions.

"I think so." Rosalee answers, instinctively taking Scott's hand for a moment.

"Can you identify the men who broke in?" Nick asks.

"One of the attackers is probably lying dead in the basement now, and if I saw the other again, yes." Rosalee confirms.

"Wait dead?" Nick asks.

"He was about to shoot me when Scott bit him." Rosalee explains.

"I see. OK, stay at your brothers' house I'll send an officer to pick you up." Nick says.

"How are you going to explain the dead body?" Rosalee asks.

"I'll think of something." Nick replies.

"Tell them I used a rake, my bites look similar to that. We can just say I threw it away when the adrenaline wore off." Scott tells her.

"Did you hear that?" Rosalee asks Nick.

"Yeah, we'll go with that. I'll meet you in the precinct." Nick tells her.

"What happened?" Juliette asks after Nick hangs up.

"Rosalee, the victims' sister was just attacked and actually your new employee is up to old habits of saving people." Nick tells her.

"What do you mean old habits?" Juliette asks confused.

"He mentioned it the other day when me being a cop came up and he just saved Rosalee from one of her brothers' killers." Nick explains.

"Wow, talk about moving being busy." Juliette says shocked.

"Well, I need to head back to the precinct now. Don't wait up OK?" Nick says, giving his girlfriend a kiss before heading out.

Back with Rosalee and Scott

"Nick is sending and officer to pick me up, I think you should probably come as well." Rosalee tells her savior.

"Sure thing, I wouldn't have thought about letting you out of my sight after what just happened either way." Scott agrees, rubbing her back to calm her down.

"Thanks." She says relieved.

"Oh right, bandage. Last time I was here, there was a first aid kit right here." Rosalee says, looking through a drawer, pulling out a first aid kit after a moment of searching.

She opens it and fetches disinfectant, a patch of gauze and a roll of bandage, making her way back to Scott, who is still sitting on her couch.

"I think it's easier if you take off your shirt." Rosalee tells him and Scott complies without objections.

She puts the medical stuff down on the coffee table and grabs the disinfectant.

"This will sting." She tells him, aiming the bottle at the small wound on his arm.

"Do your worst." Scott tells her.

She rinses out the wound with the disinfectant and quickly presses the gauze onto the wound before she starts wrapping the bandage around his arm a couple of times, making sure not to make it too tight or too lose before finishing it with a tape on the end.

"Done this before?" Scott asks.

"It's been a while, but my father was an apothecary, so I picked up a few things helping around the store." She explains.

"How'd you get those if it's OK to ask?" Rosalee asks, pointing at a couple of scratches on his torso which are not fully healed yet while he puts his shirt back on.

"Remember how I told you earlier that my girlfriend was killed?" Scott asks, getting a nod positive in reply.

"Well I was on my way to meet with her and arrived just too late. After the man killed her I attacked him, which is how I got these." Scott explains, motioning to his chest.

"So the attacker was Wesen?" Rosalee asks.

"Yeah, same kind as Monroe I think." Scott answers.

"Blutbad." Rosalee says.

"Yeah, one of those." Scott says nodding.

"What happened to him?" Rosalee asks.

"I killed him." Scott says, looking down at his hands, recalling him ripping the man's throat out.

"I'm sorry that happened to you, and now you're involved in another murder through me." Rosalee says guiltily.

"Don't worry, from the looks of it, it all worked out right? You're safe and sound after all." Scott tells her, taking her hands in his when the doorbell rings, making them lose their contact while they get up to look who it is and see a police officer waiting in front of the door.

"You got it?" Scott asks.

"Yeah." Rosalee replies.

"K, I'll rise out the remaining blood real quick, otherwise the officer will freak." Scott tells her, retreating into the bathroom.

"Hello mam, are you Rosalee Calvert?" the officer greets her once she opens the door.

"Yes, we're just about ready my friend just went to the bathroom real quick." Rosalee replies.

"Take your time." The officer tells her.

"Thank you." Rosalee replies, closing the door while the officer waits outside for them.