
Frozen heart.

Daphne, the first daughter and successor to the throne in the kingdom of Dnuiran, her younger sister is still at the Royal Academy while Daphne is preparing to take on her role as the Queen of Dnuiran. Things start changing and at a fast pace when she meets her mate or more like mates but the twist is that only one of the two women is her actual mate and there was some twist that went on behind the scenes to make her think the second female was her mate as well. One of the ladies happens to be a new student at the academy but seems like her mate has a lot of unresolved problems and secrets to hide and her second mate as well has some skeletons lurking in her closet from the past that she just can't seem to let go of and has come to revenge mistakes and events that happened centuries ago. She loves her mates and treats them well but the secrets they are individually hiding can't let them freely enjoy their time together until they come clean with the truth of their hidden agendas and that seems impossible until when it happens but when the truth is out there's more to loose than to gain leaving the ladies distraught in their own ways.

Mo_yong · Kỳ huyễn
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47 Chs

Find me.



Technically I had to text Caspian to ask if I'd be staying at the dorms and oh well to my surprise he said I will be staying at the dorms."

'Good thing I made provision already.'

"Good afternoon ma'am."

"Evening, what can I get for you?"

"I need my dorm room number and directions in how to get there please." I asked as I got to the counter staring directly at the blonde lady who stood on the other side of the glass wall.

"Please wait a second." She said.

"Yes." I She took a second to run her fingers through the keys and fetched one. Turning to me she said.

"Aha." She exclaimed lowly as she found what she was searching for.

"And here's your map." She said extending her hand handing me the mapped out paper.

"Thanks, tho need to know if I'd have a roommate."

"Yes you have a roommate and she moved in three days ago." The lady patiently divulged before moving her gaze to the laptop situated in front of her.

"Ok thanks." I said turning around.

"No trouble." She replied absentmindedly.

Heading over to my dorm room, I mind linked Caspian to appoint someone to bring my things from the pack house and also it won't be stressful since I barely own two suitcases of clothes. Why?

It's because I don't really see the need of having so much clothes when I'm always home training in my workout clothes, undies and so on.

He replied to me saying he was gonna send Arwen over with the things I needed.

'Just great he just had to send over Arwen of all people.'




Great, the room is nice and also the best part is that it is painted with neutral color and almost everything in the room is black.

'My type of scene.'

Zelda said to herself only to be interrupted halfway by the presence of someone else in the room who turned out to be none other than Tala who she just met not long ago.

"How did you find me? I didn't know you were so interested already.'' Tala said smugly.

''So much for the whole 'I'm not interested speech.' Anyways what are you doing here?" The woman asked as she adjusted her position in the room moving from the bathroom door to her side of the room.

"I'm moving in." Zelda responded not really giving so much thought to what she was saying.

"Shut the hell up, why are you moving in and who said you could?'' She asked trying to phantom the situation.

"Because you blockhead are my roommate. Surprise." Zelda responded happy that for once she managed to be the one shutting her up instead of it being the other way round once again.

"Cool I guess. A little shocked that we are moving in together already and we haven't even talked properly yet. Just a passing hi and bye and we're moving in already, speak bout quick. Atta 'gurl." Tala said making Zelda on the other hand cringe just thinking about all the various places her mind had dispatched to already.

"I'm not interested in a relationship but I really don't mind a fuck buddy I mean why not, I mean there is no harm in anything right?'' She asked trying phantom the situation.

"I'm not taking you seriously right now." Tala answered making the woman's face scrunch up in confusion.


"There are two ladies behind you making all kinds of different expressions and some of them look like you." Tala divulged trying hard not to laugh but failing miserably.

'Ugh Katerine and Arwen, thought Caspian was only sending Arwen over? But apparently it's double trouble kill me now.'

'Caspian will kill us if we let his one true love be killed while we're still alive.' Katerine 'kindly' reminded her of the sticky situation she happened to find herself in.

"He seriously needs to get over his obsession with me." Zelda sighed.

"Don't call them ladies it makes them sound so dignified and trust me they are not." Zelda replied to Tala addressing the former statement she made.

''Who's gonna kill who?'' Tala interrupted confused by the whole talk about killing and obsession and all the discrete sentences she was hearing from the women.

''Did she just listen in on our conversation?'' Katerine asked in surprise.

"Yes she did and she's a mind reader just incase y'all didn't already figure it out, Tala the dummy on the right is Arwen she is a mind reader and shape shifter. While the one on the left is Kathleen and don't even get me started she's the person who makes me loose sleep 355 days out of 365 days." Zelda introduced them to each other.

"Careful hun that sentence sounds a bit ambiguous and will give anyone the wring idea." Katerine 'kindly' reminded resulting in Zelda throwing her a bombarstic side glare.

"Not anyone, just dirty minded pussies and dicks like you." Zelda bit back at the comment.

'Oh so they are dating, fuck buddies...what do I call it?' Tala concluded while Arwen kindly corrected her assumptions.

"Sorry to disappoint chica but no they are not together, they are not fuck buddies or anything."

"Oh fuck, you have already gone that far with your imagination Tala. Kill me now." Zelda facepalmed while groaning.

"Let's go in, I'm tired of standing out and also I think your little friend here will catch a cold from standing out too long in only a towel." Katerine reminded the others while the person in the towel herself already forgot she was in a towel.

"Shit I forgot I was standing in a towel. Just come in while closing the door and I'm going to change." She ushered them in while she scurried off to go change.

"Zelda. Have you seen your sister yet?" Katerine asked carelessly making the subject of discussion slightly tense.

"I haven't seen her yet as I was too busy with Kaithly-'' Zelda couldn't finish before Arwen interrupted cutting her off.

"Oooooooh I'm sure you two found some discreet locations to fuck around unnoticed right?" The distraction herself asked.

"Wrong. She doesn't even know I swing both ways dude."

"Keep telling yourself that, it's because I know you're not straight and I've been bugging a special friend for a while now that she mind linked me when she saw you in the first place." Tala joined in.

"So wait I didn't mention anything like that at all to give or sell myself out?"

"Well did you think bout anyone's ass or boobs or something?" Tala asked the obvious question.

"Err yes I did..."