
Frozen heart.

Daphne, the first daughter and successor to the throne in the kingdom of Dnuiran, her younger sister is still at the Royal Academy while Daphne is preparing to take on her role as the Queen of Dnuiran. Things start changing and at a fast pace when she meets her mate or more like mates but the twist is that only one of the two women is her actual mate and there was some twist that went on behind the scenes to make her think the second female was her mate as well. One of the ladies happens to be a new student at the academy but seems like her mate has a lot of unresolved problems and secrets to hide and her second mate as well has some skeletons lurking in her closet from the past that she just can't seem to let go of and has come to revenge mistakes and events that happened centuries ago. She loves her mates and treats them well but the secrets they are individually hiding can't let them freely enjoy their time together until they come clean with the truth of their hidden agendas and that seems impossible until when it happens but when the truth is out there's more to loose than to gain leaving the ladies distraught in their own ways.

Mo_yong · Kỳ huyễn
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47 Chs

Crushed heart.

"Do you really think I'd listen to you or is that what you convinced yourself to believe? Hmm brother?"

"I'd like to think you'd mind your business and focus on finding your mate before I do something about that." Caspian blurted out smugly forgetting who he was talking to for a second.

"You know who my mate is and where he is??" Arwen talked to her desperately trying to process what she just said. She couldn't believe her brother could keep something like that from her despite everything they've been through.

"She sister. Your mate is a she."

"What the fuck have you been eating Cas? I can't with you right now."

"That's what you all believe. You believe I'm going insane and loosing my mind and I don't care you hear me? Because you're going to meet your mate soon and you won't know but she would know and whatever goes on after that is based on the first decision she'd make when she'd meet you for the first time."

"How do you know all this??" Arwen asked confused.

"Our mum had dreams with fragments of the future and she told me on her death bed or more like floor desperately telling and begging me to tell you."

Shouting on top of her lungs with confusion written all over her face and the whole shock and surprise following what Caspian just said to her. Arwen asked slowly but firmly.

"Why didn't you tell ne that before? Why now?"

"I couldn't, you got everything mom and dad's love, good grades, all the good genes, mom loved you so much that she took her last breath begging me to pass the message to you but she didn't even tell me a goodbye so yes I hate you and I an jealous of you." Caspian vent up his built up emotions and all the unsaid words leaving Arwen shocked beyond relief.

"You couldn't even grant mother's las wish on her death bed wha-" Cutting Arwen off Caspian interrupted.

"Death floor, we found her on the floor remember?" Caspian asked smugly.

"I don't understand. You're my elder brother who used to love me so much and I love so much, what happened to you? Why all the resentment, anger, jealousy? Where is my big brother? I want my older brother who gave me a shoulder to lean on the very many times I cried when we were growing up.

My older brother who loved me to bits and pieces. Not the completely obsessed malicious Person I'm staring at right now." Arwen glared at Caspian for a long time rooted to where she was standing trying to come to terms with everything while Caspian sat down making himself comfortable as he stared right back at Arwen with an evil grin on his face for a while before focusing on his work.

After standing there for two hours plus Arwen finally left Caspian's office. She felt numb, totally numb abs she wanted to forget all the pain completely. Her heart was crushed, she decided to go to the club and numb herself with alcohol, weed and probably one night stand.

How does weed work on supernatural? Well it does surprise surprise. Or at least just for me.

Changing to a black strapless crop top that exposed a bit of her cleavage with belts, styled sweatpants with zips running from the top to the button on both sides and she left them open and paired them with ankle high boots Arwen grabbed a leather jacket on her way out but that was not before she but a deep red matte lipstick on her lips and put all her earrings on their designated piercings. Her top exposed the tattoos she has on her arms, chest and stomach, the way she looked was enough to command a whole room if people and bring them to their knees just for her.