
From Zero: Red

Blood Red Eyes, Shaded White Cyan Hair, Fight Driven personality, Smart when it comes to Fights, and former Vice-president of one of Tokyo's 3rd generation gang "Bloody Lotuses" starts a new life in Korea.

THADDEOUSSo7 · Thành thị
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16 Chs

Chpt. 14

At home Ken was laying in bed after coming home from a hard days work but he could not ignore the fact that he is finally in the rankings, specifically ranked 15th replacing Jun ko.

But something is bothering ken even more, yesterday at school he was called by three thugs to follow them to a cafe where Ken met an admin of the Rankings Website.

the 21st ranker Jinhyouk Park was the person Ken met at the cafe Ken was thrilled thinking there would be a fight that would boost his rank instantly but he just had to sign some papers regarding official collaboration and questions Ken had to answer like "What group are you affiliated with?" Ken answered none on that question, the rest was answered.

When Ken had found out that he's in the Rankings, he didn't expect paperwork in such line of violent works.

Afterwards Ken had left after buying an Americano, then headed home looking at his new access point on the Rankings. At home he was able to access many new information now that his status was from Viewer to Ranked Fighter.

looking from his new point of view he had found different ways to start articles by hiring a Rankings' Journalist, Find information from Rankings' Intel group, and Can call out other Rankers below him and also Ranked Fighters before him but only the ones who are placed two before him.

The next day Mrs. Han screamed in surprised when she found Ken at the counter wide opened eyes smirking while typing in his phone, "Oh dear, Ken did you sleep last night?" Mrs. Han asked Ken. Mr. Han ran down the stairs in hurry when he heard the scream but found out it was just Ken looking like a zombie, they had breakfast and relaxed since it was a nice day.

Ken thought it was a nice day until he went outside for some air to meet up and learn with his Korean Literature and Reading from Joseph, but Ken was lost on Gangnam's streets.

Wandering the streets Ken looked at his app that mapped Gangnam and soon found the self service steakhouse and saw Joseph eating with a girl.

Ken had walked closer and noticed Joseph menacingly looking at her, Ken approached him confused on why is he angry at her then some of Joseph's goons blocked Ken's way. "Hey.. Uh~ my friend is there Joseph" Ken firmly spoke to them, they responded "No one named Joseph here so back off" and "If you don't want to things will get messy" said by the other as he laid his hand on Ken's shoulder and gripped threatening Ken, "Ha~ fine maybe another day" Ken left thinking 'I shouldn't fight today I didn't sleep yesterday, I'm low on energy and in need of a coffee'.

Back at the steakhouse Joseph was speaking to Jia Lee but not many well know her by that name she is the Lady of Hearts.

Joseph:"So you want my help to win a bet that is targeting someone, by giving you my analysis of a fight that is due to happen tomorrow", Jia:"That is what I said", Joseph:"I refuse",

Jia:"This is something I cannot back down on, that Lord of Clover 'Hanchol Jong' douchebag crossed the line by taking information from my spies and using it to give himself credit from the 'Emperor'. And plus he decided to choose one of his goons to fight, I unfortunately didn't thought of who he chose but I chose the 16th ranked person Mina Jin",

Joseph:"Hmm not bad choice but who is it that he chose and who is it that you both chose to go up against", Jia:"His goon was actually Dea gul Na, I cannot understand how he got him. And the person we're targeting is

The Phantom--",

Joseph:"You're both are going to lose (Munching) ", Jia:"Why so?",

Joseph:"Ken Shigura the Red Eyed Phantom is someone who's been underestimated by most, though ranked 15th he beated Gunpyo, Junko, the Tigers twins and went up against Harold within the first few weeks he got here. Plus he is aware of Dea gul and has prepared something and Mina will lose within two minutes due to the big gap of Endurance",

Jia:"So how am I supposed to win this bet?" Joseph:"(sip) It's all about the timing, when Dea gul Na and Ken Shigura's clash ends aim for Ken's head is what Mina should do. He'll be too exhausted from the fight to dodge, but you have to watch out for Dea gul since he's unpredictable so worry more about him not Ken",

Jia was in thinking then Joseph finished eating and said "Your paying for the food" and left.