
From You to Me

Analise Smith is a self-absorbed sophomore in college who wants to become a detective. Hazel Railiff is a noble lady in the 18th century who tries to solve the murder of her beloved. Their stories converge as letters link the two mysteries together

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Analise Smith

Why is it raining again? Do those weathermen even know how to do their jobs? Ugh!! Now I have to figure out how to get myself dry before this interview. And I had everything planned out. Well, I guess almost everything. I should note to self to always carry a spare change of clothes. 

Good thing I came here an hour early. I'll have some time to at least get myself to look presentable maybe. Not that it matters. I'm sure I'll get this internship right away. I know I'm the best candidate that they've ever had. I prepared so much, and they should be able to tell of my potential and expertise just by meeting me.

I'm so excited, I never thought that my plans would move so far ahead so quickly. I guess I shouldn't act like I already got the job but there's no way that I won't. I mean I am the perfect candidate. 4.0Gpa, Honour Roll, I may be a little young, but my professor recommended me. So, there's no way they won't see it as a big accomplishment.

Ok. 30 minutes before they are set to arrive. I have all of my papers in order, and I just need to make sure that I look the part. My makeup is still intact. I think the no-makeup look works well. I look a bit older than a sophomore in college. Being mature for my age should score me some brownie points. My hair is damp but not wet so I should be able to work with it. I did all the research I possibly could on my interviewer. 

Clara May, a head detective in the criminal investigation department of the local police precinct. She isn't married as far as I could tell. She has lots of connections with the local government and professors all over the city. At least that's how I was able to get this interview.

I know I'll make the program. I have written so many papers on criminal investigations and how I would have gone about the investigation and those papers have made it to the Universities pages of student accomplishments. There's no way she hasn't seen or read them. I mean random people on the street have complimented me on my paper so of course she's seen them.

Okay I think I'm ready now. I just have to wait for 15 minutes for her to get here. I should go over my notes while I wait. I'll be just fine so I should get myself a cup of coffee. I was way too excited last night to get enough sleep, so I'll need it. Deep breath Analise, you've got this.

I think the door just opened. I can't look nervous or super excited. I just need to be calm. Wow! There she is, Clara May, she has such an intimidating presence. I can't be scared though she's just my gateway to the program. Okay now to wait for her to notice me.

What is she doing? Doesn't she see me?

Thank you for reading!!

Meet Analise Smith, she's a bit self absorbed but I hope you can grow to like her as the story goes on.

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