
From weakest to strongest

In a world where power is everything, Kael starts as the weakest, ridiculed and overlooked by all. After a mysterious awakening, he gains the ability to see and improve his status, a feature unique to him. Despite the existence of guilds, he chooses to walk his path alone, navigating through various realms, each more challenging than the last. From defeating the fearsome Gorgon to retrieving the Crystal of Zephyr from the Mountain of Despair, Kael proves that he is not just a ranker, but a true hero. His journey takes an unexpected turn when he befriends Glim, a gnome from the Enchanted Forest, proving that even in a solo journey, allies can be found in the most unlikely places. "Weakest to Strongest: A Solo Journey" is a tale of determination, courage, and the power of friendship. It's a testament to the fact that strength is not just about physical power, but also about the strength of one's character. Join Kael as he embarks on a journey to become the strongest, proving that even the weakest can rise to the top. Alone.

DaoisTheDream · Kỳ huyễn
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20 Chs

Capter 1:The Awakening

(Part 1)

In the bustling city of Eryndor, a young man named Kael was known as the weakest. He was a laughingstock, a nobody. But everything changed one fateful day.

Crash! The sound of shattering glass echoed through the alley as Kael was thrown out of the tavern. "Stay out, weakling!" the burly tavern owner bellowed.

Kael picked himself up, dusted off his clothes, and looked at his status screen. It was a pitiful sight. His strength, agility, and magic were all at the lowest possible level. But as he stared at the screen, something strange happened. It flickered, then changed. A new option appeared: "Awaken".

With a sense of trepidation, Kael pressed the button. A surge of energy coursed through him, and his status screen lit up with new stats and abilities. His journey from the weakest to the strongest had just begun. But unlike others, Kael chose to walk this path alone, refusing to join any guilds. His solo journey through the realms was about to unfold.

We'll continue to develop Kael's character, his tasks, and his progression through the realms in the following parts and chapters. Each chapter will be divided into four parts to keep the story engaging and Kael stood in the alley, his heart pounding as he stared at his status screen. His stats had increased dramatically. Strength, agility, magic - all had skyrocketed from their previous lows. He could feel the power coursing through his veins, a stark contrast to his previous weakness.

Thud, thud, thud. The sound of his heart echoed in his ears, matching the rhythm of the new energy pulsing within him. He clenched his fists, feeling a strength he had never known before.

"Time to test this out," he muttered to himself. He looked around and spotted a large boulder nearby. With a deep breath, he punched it. Crack! The boulder split in half, dust flying everywhere.

Kael stared at his hand in disbelief. He was no longer the weakest. He was awakened. And he was alone. He didn't need a guild. He didn't need anyone. He was a solo player in this game of power.

As he walked away from the alley, a new determination filled his eyes. He was ready to face whatever challenges the realms would throw at him. His journey from the weakest to the strongest was well underway.

(Part 3)

As Kael walked through the city, he could feel the eyes of the townsfolk on him. They were used to seeing him as the weakest, but there was a new energy about him now. He held his head high, his eyes filled with determination.

Suddenly, his status screen flickered. A new message appeared: "Task 1: Defeat the Gorgon in the Northern Forest."

Kael's heart pounded in his chest. The Gorgon was a creature of nightmares, a beast that even the strongest guilds feared. But he was not part of a guild. He was alone. And he was ready.

Swish! He drew his sword, the blade gleaming in the sunlight. He set off towards the Northern Forest, his steps steady and sure.

As he entered the forest, he could hear the rustling of leaves and the distant hoot of an owl. The forest was eerily quiet, the silence only broken by the occasional growl of a distant creature. But Kael was not deterred. He pressed on, deeper into the forest.

Suddenly, he heard a low growl. He turned around and came face to face with the Gorgon. Its eyes glowed red, and its scales shimmered in the moonlight. Kael gripped his sword tighter. It was time to fight.

(Part 4)

The Gorgon lunged at Kael, its razor-sharp claws aiming for his heart. But Kael was quicker. He sidestepped the attack and swung his sword, leaving a deep gash on the Gorgon's side. Roar! The beast howled in pain.

Kael didn't waste any time. He launched himself at the Gorgon, his sword slashing through the air. The Gorgon retaliated, its tail whipping towards Kael. But he was ready. He jumped, flipping over the tail and landing behind the beast.

Slash! His sword cut through the Gorgon's tail, severing it. The Gorgon roared, turning around to face Kael. But Kael was faster. He plunged his sword into the Gorgon's heart. The beast let out one final roar before collapsing to the ground.

Kael stood over the defeated Gorgon, his heart pounding. He had done it. He had defeated the Gorgon. Alone.

His status screen flickered. "Task 1: Complete. Reward: 500 experience points." Kael's level shot up. He was no longer the weakest. He was a ranker. And he was just getting started.

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