



(...My ears are ringing and I can't see shit)





(Why am I still alive?)

(I thought we were dead meat when the ship malfunctioned while we were hyper-jumping through dimensions...)

(But that's not what I need to think about right now, I need to make sure my colleagues are safe and confirm if we're still being followed by the Pomoids...)

As he thought about all this, he tried to stand up properly, but he couldn't because of a certain leg sprain

(Augh! My leg hurts like hell!)

And a short while after, he hears mumbles from a distance inside the ship



(Ah, my hearing is starting to clear up-...)

"Hey!! ~~~~ ~~~~ ~~!!"


(Wait, my vision's clearing up too...)


After his vision returned to normal, he was shocked by what he saw

(What the... Is that... Himendrez?!)

Himendrez, his colleague and soon-to-be spouse, pierced with a metal rod on her stomach

"Gaahhh!! Why the fuck did this happen?!!" He screamed while running towards their direction...

"HIME! HIME! WAKE UP!" Screamed Kylee, Their co-pilot and Himendrez's Ex

"Kylee! What the fuck happened to her?!"


"Not my damn point, but nevermind, I'll

carry her out of here!"

"What?! Why?! Isn't it safer to just stay inside this ship? Why do we fucking need to get the hell outside?!"

As Kylee whined over, He carefully carried Himendrez

"This ship's Forcefield Generator has collapsed; look at that..."

He pointed to a huge glowing ball on his right

"The whole thing's misaligned, and is about to drop any minute now... Come on, we need to get out quick before it drops out and explode!"

So he and Kylee rushed out of the ship, hoping to see people outside that can provide them with help

(Himendrez's wound stopped bleeding, that's good, but she still has the metal rod sticking in the middle section of her stomach, which is not good. We need to find help as she's slowly losing consciousness; Kylee is just as red-headed as ever, the ship is already useless, and I feel completely shit.)

As they arrived outside, running. They were stunned... In a negative way




"We're... In a... Forest..."


(Are... Are we still on Earth?)

"Looks like... We're going to die... Right here..."

(No... Wait...)

His statement was taken aback by what he saw in the distance

"Hey, I think we're not gonna die here yet..."

"OH! How can you say that Captain Optimistic?!"

(Curse that mouth of yours...)

"Look over there... See that?"

"See fucking what?!"

Kylee was stunned again by the sight of a Unicorn

"That's... A Unicorn, A mythical creature..."

(You damn right it is, so it's possible that we haven't really got back to earth...)

They managed to run away far enough from the ship and moments later, it exploded.



The sound of exhaustion from running was audible, but they need to seek help for their comrade Himendrez...

(I need to save Hime, I can't get tired now!)

"Hey, Kylee!"

"What now, Captain?!"

"Carry Himendrez for me! You can go ahead and save her, I put my trust in you! You still love her after all, don't you?"


He carefully placed her in Kylee's arms and waved...

"Alright! Move it!"

"What the fuck are you up to now? Gonna switch places because you're tired?!"


"Then WHAT?!"

He hesitated to tell Kylee the truth... But he had to

"The thing is... I'm Infected..."

Kylee's face stiffened; He couldn't believe what he just heard

"You're... Infected?"

"Yes... but that doesn't matter. Go save her now before I become one of them"


Kylee was trying to hold back his distress due to not knowing what to do, but he chose the latter, and so he just ran away from him...


Kylee called his name out loud... and Juryad heard it from far away


"I'm really sorry, Kylee... Sorry, Himendrez my love... Sorry, for all the people who believed in me..."

Grabbing the pistol from his waist, he pointed it on his head

"...Everyone, take care of yourselves... Goodbye..."

After saying his final words, He pulled the trigger...


A loud sound resonated in the forest, and Kylee heard it as well...

"Gotdamnit, Juryad! Gotdamnit, Juryad!! GOTDAMNIT, JURYAD WHY?!!"

Distressed, He continued on fleeing to seek help...



Kylee was now also growing tired... His physique, despite being good, still can't put up against Juryad's




He felt that his body would collapse any minute, but his will to save Himendrez is what's pushing him further...

"Heeeyyy!!! Anyone there?!!""


All of a sudden, Kylee heard someone other than themselves in the forest, but he wasn't sure from what direction where it was coming from...

To be continued...

ok a new story, this time, it's somewhat serious because I'm fishing for attention lawl

DankatronV9000creators' thoughts