
From Orphan to Billionaire

Ayo, a boy abandoned on the streets of Lagos, finds himself ostracized and ridiculed in the orphanage. With a thirst for knowledge, he devours books, his only companions. His life takes an unexpected turn when he discovers he is the sole heir to a vast fortune left behind by his billionaire father. Thrust into a world of unimaginable wealth, Ayo must grapple with his newfound identity and the burden of his inheritance. As he navigates the opulent world of Nigerian high society, Ayo uncovers a web of secrets and hidden agendas. He realizes that his father's legacy is more than just money - it's a puzzle waiting to be pieced together.

Clement_Ohis · Thành thị
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44 Chs

37: The Unknown Ally

A new player had stepped into the game, and unknown to the convicted board members in prison, things were about to get more complicated for them. This mysterious figure had been quietly gathering information and now decided it was time to act.


Ayo and Sarah were in his office, discussing the urgent need to find a replacement for Ade. They were deeply engrossed in their conversation when Ayo's phone rang. He glanced at the screen and saw it was from a private number. Hesitating, he looked at Sarah, who noticed his indecision.

"Who's that?" she asked, concern evident in her voice.

Ayo shook his head. "It's a private number. I don't know if I should pick it up."

"Maybe it's important," Sarah suggested. "Go ahead."

Finally, Ayo answered the phone. "Hello, this is Ayo."

A deep, unidentifiable voice responded, "Ayo, I cannot reveal my identity at this moment. I am an ally, and in time, we will meet. But for now, you must trust me."

Ayo's eyes narrowed, and he glanced at Sarah, who was watching him intently. "Why should I trust you?"

"Because I have information that could save you and your team from great danger. The convicted board members in prison are planning another attack, and it will be more devastating than the last. You need to tread with caution."

Ayo's heart raced. "What kind of danger are we talking about?"

The voice remained calm but firm. "I can't give specifics over the phone. Just know that you need to be vigilant. Trust no one outside your core team. I will contact you again when it's safe."

Before Ayo could ask more questions, the line went dead. He stared at his phone, his mind racing with possibilities and fears.

Sarah leaned forward. "What did they say?"

Ayo took a deep breath, trying to steady his thoughts. "They warned us about an imminent danger. The board members in prison are planning another attack, and it's going to be worse than before."

Sarah's eyes widened. "Did they say anything else? Who was it?"

Ayo shook his head. "No, they didn't reveal their identity. They said they were an ally and that we'd meet in time. For now, we have to be extremely cautious."

Sarah nodded, determination filling her eyes. "We need to inform the team and tighten security. We can't let anything happen to the community center or our people."


In the prison, the convicted board members were oblivious to the new player in the game. They continued to plot, confident that their plans were unfolding as intended. Their latest scheme involved leveraging Ade's defection to create chaos within Ayo's organization and weaken its defenses.

Obinna paced the small cell, his mind working through the details. "We need to make sure Ade fully commits to his new role. The more he feels isolated from Ayo and Sarah, the better for us."

Chika nodded, a malicious smile playing on his lips. "Once Ade is entrenched in his own venture, we can use him to strike at Ayo's vulnerabilities. The community center will crumble from within."

Kunle, ever eager for mayhem, added, "And when they least expect it, we'll launch our final attack. This time, they won't know what hit them."


Ayo and Sarah gathered their core team to discuss the latest developments. They shared the warning from the mysterious caller and emphasized the need for heightened vigilance and security.

"We need to stay united and alert," Ayo urged. "We don't know when or how the next attack will come, but we have to be prepared."

The team members nodded, their faces resolute. They knew the stakes were higher than ever, and they were ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

As the meeting concluded, Sarah pulled Ayo aside. "Do you think we can trust this mysterious ally?"

Ayo sighed, looking out the window at the bustling community center. "I don't know, Sarah. But right now, we don't have a choice. We have to consider every possibility and protect what we've built."


That night, as Ayo lay in bed, his mind refused to rest. The warning echoed in his thoughts, and he wondered who the mysterious ally could be. He knew they were entering a dangerous phase, but he was determined to protect the community and everyone who depended on it.