
From Office Boy To Alpha Male

As Ortega walked out of the room, he heard an unfamiliar ding sound in his head. Confused, he turned around and then a mechanical female voice said, "Congratulations, Host! You have accomplished a great feat by being the first male ever to be accepted as a member of staff in this company. As a result, the universe has decided to reward you with the Alpha Male System." "I'm the only guy in this entire company... Damn! Guess I better not screw this up." For a hot-blooded fella who yearned to lose his V-card, this was freaking paradise! Well, until... {New Quest: Your reputation isn't bad for your status as an Omega; however, it is unbecoming of a host of the Alpha Male System. Your challenge: Seduce the big four!} {Rewards: Power, Influence, ???} {Punishment: Tarnished reputation, poverty, and permanent system shutdown.} "What the hell did I just get myself into?" Ortega couldn't believe his eyes. The stakes only rose higher the more he accomplished. "I have to seduce four powerful women?!" ________ Meet Ortega, an average young man with a hidden, manipulative side. When he gets a powerful system that helps him chase fame, he becomes determined to dominate. Fired up and ready, Ortega is on a mission to become the ultimate Alpha Male. The world better watch out—he won't stop until he's on top! ________ #ManipulativeMC #TwistedRomance #PowerfulHaremMembers #LittleSmut #OfficeDrama

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Scary CEO

Ortega had heard rumors about Velvet's strict policies and her no-nonsense demeanor. He knew he had to tread carefully, but he wasn't sure what policies she was referring to or what he had done wrong.

As Velvet continued to speak, Ortega's mind began to race. He couldn't recall breaking any rules or policies, but he knew he had to be careful from now on. The stern look in Velvet's eyes and the seriousness of her tone made it clear this was no minor issue. He listened intently as she meticulously outlined the company's policies and expectations, trying his best to absorb every detail. The weight of the current economic climate pressed on him, amplifying his anxiety. He couldn't afford to lose his job.

Velvet's voice was sharp and unwavering. She highlighted the importance of punctuality, attention to detail, and adherence to protocol. She emphasized that any deviation from these standards would not be tolerated. Ortega nodded, taking mental notes and hoping he wouldn't miss anything important.

Once Velvet finished her thorough explanation, she stood up and gave Ortega a penetrating look. "Remember what I said, Ortega," she warned, her voice dripping with finality. Then, without another word, she turned on her heel and strode out of the room.

Ortega let out a long sigh of relief, grateful that the tense meeting was over. He slumped slightly in his chair, the weight of the conversation settling on his shoulders. He knew he had a lot to think about and that he needed to be more vigilant in the future. The stakes were too high for any mistakes. As he gathered his thoughts, he resolved to review the company's policies once more, ensuring he wouldn't find himself in such a precarious situation again.


Velvet had a straightforward message to convey to Ortega without sugarcoating it. She didn't want him to goof around with his colleagues and insisted that their interactions should be strictly business-related.

She knew it might have been embarrassing for Ortega to be warned this way, but it had to be done. Otherwise, the productivity of her workforce would diminish and she didn't want things to fall apart because of one new employee.

Although Velvet had approved of his skills, she wanted him to stay true to his word by carrying out his duties to the best of his ability. This was made visibly clear during their conversation.

Her heels clicked harshly against the glossed marble floor as she made her way to her office, the sound echoing down the pristine hallway lined with floor-to-ceiling windows that offered a stunning view of the city skyline. The late afternoon sun cast long shadows across the polished surface, illuminating the luxurious interior with a warm, golden hue.

The office door was a solid, dark mahogany, engraved with intricate patterns that spoke of wealth and tradition. She reached for the handle with a delicate hand adorned with rings that shimmered in the sunlight, reflecting her status and taste. Pushing the door open, she stepped into a spacious office that exuded power and elegance.

The walls were paneled with rich, dark wood, lined with shelves displaying awards, and expensive art pieces. A large, mahogany desk dominated the room, its surface immaculately organized with a leather-bound planner, a sleek laptop, and a crystal paperweight. The windows behind the desk offered a breathtaking view of the city below, the skyscrapers gleaming in the fading light.

Her office chair was plush and comfortable, upholstered in deep burgundy leather, positioned perfectly to face the desk. On one side of the room, a small sitting area with a velvet chaise lounge and two armchairs invited guests to relax in opulent surroundings. The air was scented with a hint of vanilla and sandalwood, a fragrance that spoke of sophistication and success.

Pulling out her phone, she dialed Gabriella's number, her perfectly manicured nails tapping lightly against the screen as she waited for her assistant to answer. The atmosphere in the office was one of focused determination, a reflection of the woman who inhabited it—a leader who commanded respect and authority with every step.

"Report to my office this instant," she said as soon as Gabriella answered her call. Velvet was curious about how the orientation went and wanted to hear Gabriella's perception of Ortega. She cut off the call and collapsed onto her rolling chair, tossing her phone on her desk as she leaned back to rest. Being a young CEO had its challenges, but she was determined to maintain a productive work environment for her employees.

In a matter of minutes, Gabriella walked into the office, "You called me, boss..." she said after closing the door behind her. "Hope there's no problem?" she asked carefully, anticipating a reply, but all she got was a cold stare.

"Have a seat, will you? Then we can get to business," Velvet said after a tense period of silence, and Gabriella did as she was told. When Gabriella was settled, Velvet began, "Now, tell me about the orientation, and don't leave out any details about him. I also want you to explain your reason for not keeping an eye on him," she leaned forward, emitting a chilling vibe as she spoke, "As that was what I deemed your priority as his superior."

Gabriella regained her composure before responding to Velvet's words that had annoyed her.

"The orientation went well, ma'am. Ortega is diligent and I approve of his work ethic."

"Why weren't you watching him? And why wasn't he briefed on the company's policies?" Velvet asked, she wanted to know.

"I gave him a task," Gabriella said, meeting Velvet's intense gaze. Eventually, she looked away and added, "Those policies were created because of him."

Velvet only chuckled as a reply; she didn't feel the need to explain her actions to her subordinates. It was a fact that Ortega was a new addition, and for that reason, the rules had to be tweaked a little.

"Is that all you have to say about him? Or is there something you aren't telling me?" Velvet pressed on. She knew Gabriella as someone never short of words.

"Yes, it's all I can say."

Velvet was a little taken aback by Gabriella's terse behavior, and her lips pressed into a thin line as she concluded in her mind, "Something is off somewhere, and I'll keep digging till I find it."

Meanwhile, Gabriella was conflicted about how she was going to explain to her boss about the little incident she had involving Ortega, but quickly pushed the idea to the back of her mind.

Merely recalling the scene made her cheeks flush with embarrassment, and there was no way she was going to recount the happenings to Velvet, who was bound to overreact once she got wind of the matter.

It wasn't intentional, and Gabriella could let it slide, but not Velvet. Gabriella still couldn't understand what Velvet had against men that made her so biased towards them. So she decided to play it safe and keep the matter to herself.

However, if Gabriella knew that Velvet could read her like an open book, perhaps she would have put more effort into covering her tracks.

Velvet's piercing gaze shifted from Gabriella to the door. The silence in the room was heavy, but Velvet broke it with a cold, assertive tone. "You can leave now," she said, crossing her arms. "But know that I need you to be around him like a moth, giving him a hard time. Do not let him get off easily. He needs to learn his place in this company. Is that clear, Gabriella?"

"Yes, ma'am."

"Good. We're done here," Velvet nodded.

Gabriella stepped out of the CEO's office, her mind racing with thoughts. She couldn't help but clench her fists as she tried to make sense of what had just happened.

Velvet had seemed so determined to antagonize the only man in the office, and Gabriella couldn't understand why. What did she see in Ortega that made her decide to hire him despite her apathy towards men? And why did Gabriella feel like Velvet was always one step ahead of her?

Even though Gabriella had received what seemed like a slap on the wrist, she knew that it wasn't the case. She couldn't shake the feeling that she was somehow falling behind, and she was frustrated by her inability to understand the situation.

As she bit her bottom lip, her mind conjured up Ortega's face, and she couldn't help but feel a twinge of anger. She hated getting an earful, and she swore to herself that she would give him a hard time the next time he came to work. But even as she made this promise to herself, she couldn't help but feel like it was an empty gesture—she knew that she needed to do more if she was going to get ahead.