
"The Past"

" For once I want to talk to you again, just like the old times"

- Unknown

Elisa POV

The pain crept silently through my nerves as it reached the brain and transmitted evenly throughout the body. My body was no more normal, my fair wrist was marked with bluish mark and my face with some scars. My body shuddered as they poured cold water on me; the coldness sipped deep into my skin and intensified the pain I already had. A blonde woman walked towards me in a skimpy skirt that showed her panties and a blouse which was plastic transparent as I could see her breast. She just sneered and started to attack my hair again. I couldn't take any more as I started to scream louder, the pain was too much and my body was tired of it. My eyes begin to droop but I tried to remain awake, until darkness envelope me completely.

I heard someone murmuring about how she would be okay and that made me wonder who that girl could be as I laid on something comfy. The only thing I could remember was the intense pain and the blonde girl who grabbed my hair mercilessly, after that was just blank; an empty slate. I tried to open my eyes but it was too tried as I feel back to sleep.

The light beautifully nestled on my face as it playfully urged me to wake up. Slowly, I opened my eyes, the room was spacious and luxurious with a large teak table placed centrally with a leather padded chair made up of maple tree complementing it and adjacently there were rows of shelf with books in it. This place was not the one where I was held hostage and there was immense contradiction to that place which made me wonder where I was. I shuddered to the thought that they might have sold me somewhere which brought sweat to my fore head. I abruptly stood up making me stagger a little and proceeded towards the door but unfortunately it was locked. I panicked and the only thing which occupied my mind was the thought of escaping until I was brought to reality when someone cleared his throat.

I turned around see a man standing and facing my direction, some wrinkles had adjusted perfectly under his eyes yet his face was strong, defined, handsome and firm. He had dark eye brows that accentuated his face impeccably, his jaw line was as sharp as razor and I wondered whether it could even cut my feared existence into half and he had those tousled dark hair that just made him perfect. Even though he seemed to be in his fifties, he had some kind of unique charisma that could make anyone turn their head but that mischief grin enhancing his face had gainsay to his smart face and it had me go weak in my knees with fear.

He walked a step towards me as I walked a step backward, he came closer and I stumbled backward until the cold wall touched my back. I knew that I had no other way to escape and panicking was not the solution in this situation, I closed my eyes and breathe deep. I was faced with those dark orbs that were too magnetic, sucking me completely into it; he was indeed striking. He turned away and directed me to sit on that comfy sofa; I sauntered slowly and unwillingly proceeded towards the sofa. He handed me a glass of water but I hesitated for a while, sensing my discomfort he sat near me and told me that he added nothing in the water.

My hands held the glasses tightly bringing it near to my trembling lips, he just smirked and went back to sit on that maple tree chair. It was awkward as no one was willing to speak, uneasiness circulated within me and I couldn't take the noiseless anymore. He stared at me and laughed out loud making me wonder what amusing thing was happening. He leaned back on the chair and asked me whether I wanted to listen to a story. I had no choose, even if I disagree to his request he would definitely force me to listen, I nodded my head slowly as he started off with his so called story….

"There was once a King who loved his queen so much that she became his one and only world. They were such an ideal couple that their fame spread wide beyond. Everyone respected and had utmost loyalty to their king and queen that everything seemed happily ever after.

The god became jealous for their happiness that he decided to bless sorrow for them. As a result the queen was never pregnant even after they had been married for many years. An heir or the first borne of queen was necessary for every monarch to lead the country further. The pledges from the people, her desire for motherhood and the guilt for not bearing an heir drove her to madness that she decided to isolate herself. The four walls became her shield, no more pledge and stress; she felt secured.

His only love disappeared from his life and everything became vague for him. His only light for salvation was extinguished and he had no one to guide him to the brighter side. His face was filled with frown and wrinkles from all the stresses and worries for his queen. He was desperate for a solution, he thought long hard for one until he decided to adopt a child.

The boy was abandoned by his biological father when he was an infant, he never knew his origin and he became a wandering soul so children called him, "Rover." As a kid he was never allowed to voice out his thoughts and was oppressed immensely. His silent cries for help left unheard and every ounce of warmth shattered, he was a mere puppet living without a soul. Never was a day when he was not bullied yet he couldn't utter a single complaint in front of the matron. He felt suffocated and depressed that made him consider suicide.

It was a warm morning; the dining room was filled with the scent of baked bread and coffee, the scene was tranquil and calm until the loud sound of horse hoof destroyed it. All the children became scared but the boy never showed any sense of fear, his dark pupil devoid of all sense of pain and fear. A handsome man approached him and crouched in front of him, he offered him a home and family that he never had. Hesitation surrounded him yet that affectionate gaze compelled him to accept the offer. The once "Rover" was named the "Light Knight."

The queen was elated, her four walls were destroyed and she was able to walk beneath the warm sun. The boy lived peacefully and happily, there was never a day he didn't sleep with a big smile on his face. He was taught all the ethics and discipline to be the next heir, it was a dream come true for the innocent boy. He thought that the god has finally granted him his ultimate wish but he was very much in wrong.

After 4 years of his adoption, the god decided to revoke his blessing of sorrow to the couple and the queen gave birth to a healthy boy. Happiness marked the cute infant and everyone showered him with love and care. All the care that he was showered upon was no more and once again isolation became his best friend. Still then, he loved his small brother and never thought of hurting him.

The bond between brothers was so strong that it seemed unbreakable.

It was that winter morning, the front lawn painted white with snow and the weather cold and bitter, a young girl in her teens stood smiling towards the brother that she took the breathe away from them.The girl was innocent and lost in love that she decided to be with "Light," she became the only one for him and he had nothing to lose except her. Everthing was beautiful for Light and he happy living it.

It was that evening; the rain fell hard on the ground as the soil jumped with fright. The thunder kept raging to mark his majestic and everything was pitching dark, assassin loomed near the house where Light lived. He was unaware of the danger lurking; he was out in the dark enjoying the fresh rain that's when he was attacked. He ran faster to his parents but what laid in front him destroyed every hope he had.

The girl who promised to love him and the brother who promised to always remain by his side embraced each other will the all the love and endearment. On top of that he was devastated to know his parents were the one to be responsible for his assassin. He couldn't think better as he ran to the direction where his feet directed too until he was taken under by a mafia family.

He planned day and night for the revenge and to win back what he had lost. He killed his own adoptive parents and even his brother yet he didn't even shed a drop of tears. He was too blinded for revenge that nothing matter to him anymore. But he couldn't kill that women whom he loved, he took her under his care and looked after her until she disappeared. He was furious for his stupidity and trust in her; he searched her day and night until he found her. She was there smiling beautifully to her baby bumps as she sat among the roses. All the thoughts of revenge plunged to nothingness, he wanted and needed her unaware of her perspective and thoughts. It was that day when everything turned upside down…"

He stopped and I could see his eyes raging with revenge and sadness. He looked like a wounded child waiting for someone to hold and embrace him tightly; he really needed a shoulder to lean on. I mustered up my courage and walked towards him, I offered him my shoulder yet he yanked away me rudely. After sometime he was back to his normal self, rude and cunning.

He was insane as he ordered me to work as his maid, I wanted to go home back to those warm embrace and loving nights with Sam but it seemed impossible when those bulky guy came towards me and urged me enter one of the maid lobby. I was being dragged, all my resistance futile, my eyes scanned his room once again and that's when I was faced with that familiar photo of young lady in her flowery dress which enhanced her angelic vibe.

Enjoy to the fullest!!!! and soon it will be the beginning of ending

Rintatocreators' thoughts