
" Finding"

" You are strong enough to face it all, even if it doesnt feel like it right now."

- Unknown


Lying has always been the part of being a human. It has been deeply enrooted within us that whenever we feel insecure or uncomfortable, we tend to lean more on the idea of lying. So whenever we want to trust someone it makes us wonder whether they are being true or not. But we have always been told that truth can never been hidden and it is always the truth that prevails. I do agree on this point because when you clearly understand this ruthless world, you can differentiate whether that person is lying or not.When a person lies there are major changes in his character and expression. Their bodily expressions may not match what they are saying out loud and the direction of their eyes feels uncanny.

Jack was lying and I could really sense those changes in him. He said that he had no idea about the will but his eyes betrayed him. His facial expression was doubtful and he seemed solemn too. I couldn't understand what he was feeling and he was truly lost in that picture and document. He seemed as if he remembered something but he couldn't point out what it was and It would seem certifiable but I swear that I heard him murmur "Mom". This had me thinking that he might be my cousin.

I had already investigated about Jack and it was really dubious. I knew that he was adopted at the age of five and there was nothing that would hint about his biological parents and his adolescent years; It was as if someone had wiped it clean out of the system. Not only that, upon closer inspection I could see some vivid resemblances between him and my Aunt as if they were from a same tree. I had already doubted that he might be my missing cousin but there was no concrete evidence to prove it. It would really be awkward if I confront him without anything to prove my stand but I really wished for him to be my missing cousin so that I could have someone to call a family. There really had to be some connection between him and my Aunt and I had to find more on him. But before anything I had to save Elisa first.

The image was centrally focused on her and the background being blurred out. The kidnapper was really sly and clever to blur out everything that could indicate her location. I had always been a genius in re-creating things and there was once a case where I recreated an ancient map my dad found and that lead to us to a hidden treasure which later helped us to be the most famous mafia family. I knew this work has to be a piece of cake, I scanned the image thoroughly as I tried to segregate the background and fore ground into complete different file. It was much easier but the real problem was how to unblur the image again.

I was about to draw the background when something caught my eyes. Elisa has always told me that her parents were against having tattoo and I couldn't figure out their reasoning against having tattoo but Elisa was dead serious on following her parents word. It would sound delusional but I could clearly see some traces of drawing underneath her blouse sleeve and that really ticked me into believing that it might be a tattoo. If it was a tattoo then I was sure that the girl was not her. And I know that Elisa wouldn't be that of desperado to go against her parents words. I dont know how to explain it but i could say it might be my guts feeling that there really was something wrong with the picture.But when my eyes feel on that pitch dark hair flowing through her shoulder beautifully and those twinkling eyes that it screamed of her, I was confused whether to believe my guts or my heart. After an intense internal conflict I settled on to follow my heart.

She was in colossal pain; her face bruised, bloodied and unconscious. I could see that she was struggling internally and was trying hard to remain strong. She looked exhausted and I knew that I had to work faster to find her before any major thing happen to her. If anything more could happen to her, I knew that I could never forgive myself for being incompetent and careless. I really wanted to turn the time and stop her from leaving. I regretted for leaving her alone and despised my deep thirst for revenge that time.

We had come to a conclusion that the image might be of some abandon factory and to our amazement it was indeed a factory. The word in background was much clearer now but the only complication was that I couldn't read the first word. The next two words read "Sugar Refinery" and we had to search for every possible factories. I was about to call my IT guy when Jack snatched away my laptop .

Jack seemed focused as his finger moved swiftly over the keyboard. Lengthy code covered up the c screen as he decoded and coded the code. I had some knowledge on hacking but it was really surprising to see how well versed he was with hacking . It took him exactly 7 minute to hack through the security system when he showed me all the detail about the factories. There were approximately 30 factories and we had no time to waste.

I immediately deployed all my men to respective factories and continued with my work. Elisa has always been my guiding angel and without her there would be no light waiting at my end of the tunnel. I had to find her safe and I inwardly prayed for her wellbeing. She had always supported me and never turned her back to me. I had to work smarter and faster for her.

The night became dark and cold and time seems to move faster yet there was no lead. I had a cup of coffee and a toast at breakfast still then I was not hungry. All those work and stress filled me completely . Jack was busy with the system while I stared unto the descending night. The abyss was dark and I kept staring at it. I was lost and there was no accurate object I could focus but the abyss directly targeted me. It was as if my target was aware of my move when I was still searching for it. There had to be some hint but we couldn't point out what it was. I tried to close my eyes but I couldn't get over my nightmare, those images of her lying dead on the cold floor and her eyes clearly reflecting the disappointment in me was too much to cause headache.

The birds chirped with its usual delight and people started their daily chores, my eyes were still glued to the computer screen. I was trying to decipher the images and there was some bright indication of success. Even though my eyes were blood shot, I couldn't stop and I had to get to the end of it. There was no news from my men and each passing minutes was a sharp stink on my conscious and heart.

After what felt like an eon, the image was finally clear. It was the "Wilson Sugar Refinery" that was exactly 20 km from our place. I grabbed my jacket and ordered my men to proceed towards the place and Jack with this limping leg held on to me and requesting me to include him in this rescue mission. I really wanted to say "No" but his eyes clearly reflected the pain and fear that I couldn't neglect.

The factory was indeed the perfect place to keep her hostage, it was far away from the city and it has been abandoned for the past 10 years. I could clearly see the identical empty jars in the photo but we were at our wits' end; everything was cleaned and there was no traces of any evidence. The things were all there but everything seemed untouched and it was as if no one was here before us.

We went further inside the factory and everything was natural. It was futile searching the place so we decided to head back. I was really sad and worried about her that I couldn't focus clearly. My mind was in mess and I couldn't process anything. Jack was worst then me; with some beard growing around his chin he looked much older than his age.

We were in dire straits and everything was a vicious cycle. We tried to track Elisa but it was futile. Not only that the driver that I assigned that day was missing too. I had always trusted my team but to my dismay as if there was someone informing the kidnapper of our move. Because it was impossible of them to know that we would be here and it could take half a day to clear evidences but everything was done swiftly and carefully. I had a thought they we were intentionally not informed about their whereabouts so that they could move out and when we are made aware, they would be off to another place.

We had to move further so we were able to exit the factory, that's when Jack found a note typed on a paper. The note was typed with the same font Calibri of sized 20. It was unusual and confusing with a riddle. "What is at the end of Christmas that has been surrounded with lair of veins spitting fire balls? You give me that I will return her immediately." How could I possibly remember something that would be end of the Christmas and there was only those Olympic touch with fire and lair of veins surrounding it. And I highly doubt that the kidnapper wants that torch. Even if wanted that I was ready to give it but it was highly true that it was not what he meant.

We had been working on this riddle for a half a day but nothing came out of it. Jack was searching for every possible answer that would make some sense and while on other side I took the note again tried to read between the lines. It was really maddening and I kicked the table and flipped it upside down. I knew I had to calm down and it wouldn't help me being angry so I rearranged the table after my anger was flushed away. It was that time I noticed the envelope and it ticked me.