
CHAPTER 60 Show me

  "Did you know that dad was hospitalized? He suffered from a heart attack." I smiled. And thought I felt miserable seeing his eyes watch me with pity, I continued.

  "I thought I would lose him." my voice cracked. "He's the only one I have. I'll never understand if he'll take me. And you know what I realize?"

  He tried to wipe my tears but I did it before he could even do it.

  "I realized that there are more people out there who needs me. That sometimes, there are pain that don't deserve bearing. That sometimes, there are battles that don't have to have a loser to have a winner. There are battles that need no winners and quitters because sometimes, they're just on the wrong battles. "

  I watch his blood shot eyes. I smiled lightly and that's sincerely from the pit of my heart.

  "I didn't give you up. I was just in the wrong fight." I smiled while my lips are trembling.

  "Don't give me riddles and shits, Jade. Tell me straight." he said angrily.