
Crisis on Earth X Finale

Everyone was a bit horrified at the state of this Earth, "So this crap-hole's Earth-X." Sara said

"Wells was right." Oliver stated

"He usually is." Barry said

"It's hard to believe a place like this actually exists on any Earth." Alex replied

"I wish I shared your sentiment, but in all my travels to distant times, one thing which sadly remains constant is men's ability to feel hatred for other men." Stein sighed

Everyone looked to prisoners being brought in, "Keep moving. Move! All prisoners, stay away from the gate."

"Stars and triangles?" Jax asked

"Badges used to identify purported crimes these people have "committed" to land in here." Stein said before Jax saw a man with a pink triangle

"What's the pink triangle for? What did you do?" Jax asked

"I loved the wrong person." the man said before everyone looked up when an alarm went off and the prisoners immediately began moving back as Nazis walked in

"I don't like the looks of this." Stein said as Naruto looked to be man from before

"What's going on?" Naruto asked

"It's roundup time." the man frowned

"Roundup for what?" Naruto asked only for the man to move back as Nazis trained their guns on Naduto and the others

"So these are the heroes." Quentin-X asked as he walked up while Sara looked at him in shock

"Yes, Sturmbannfuehrer." a Nazi nodded

Quentin-X stared at Sara, "Blonde hair blue eyes. This is Nordic perfection. Why would you align yourself with the unpure?" he asked

"Because I like men and I like women." Sara answered causing Quentin-X to huff

"You know, I had a daughter who looked just like you, with similar compulsions. And I expunged that filth from my family line forever." Quentin-X said

"Sounds like your father of the year." Naruto said causing Quentin-X to look at him and get in his face

"I'd be cautious pretender those power dampening collars makes you just like everyone else." Quentin-X warned

"Power dampening collar?" Naruto asked looking down at his collar before he smirked as he looked at Quentin, "Thanks for the info."

Quentin was about to speak but a headbutt from Naruto sent him stumbling back, before Naruto's hair turned white as he easily snapped the cuffs in two

Placing his hands on the ground, Naruto shot forward appearing and punching a Nazi in the face, and blinking out of existence to kick them all into a circle before he appeared above them and shot down a large blast of fire causing them to scream as they were burnt alive

Naruto landed and walked over to the gate, before he looked to the prisoners, "Go to your families." Naruto said quickly the prisoners ran and began to scatter, as Naruto's friends ran over

"How did you do that?"

"Chakra. We need to get off this Earth and save Kara." Naruto said before they all turend to leave but jumped when 3 bullets struck Stein,

"Grey!" Jax yelled as he caught Stein when he began to fall, before Naruto began to run forward catching the bullets as he went, before he jumped and began to kill the Nazis as everyone worried over Stein,

After killing the Nazis Naruto ran over with keys to the collars, and took his off, before doing the same for everyone else at super speed, "We have to get back."

"Its to dangerous to move him." Alex said

"Not if he is Firestorm." Naruto said looking to Jax who nodded

'Grey, take my hand." Jax said to Stein who nodded and took his hand before they became Firestorm

"How are we going to get back? We don't even know how we got here." Barry wondered

Naruto walked over to Sara, and Alex, "You take Oliver, and Firestorm. We need to vibrate at the frequency of your Earth and run at a high enough speed so that we break the dimensional barrier." Naruto said getting a nod from Barry before the two speedsters began to vibrate and they shot forward into portals while the man from earlier watched them with the Earth-X Leonard Snart

Earth Arrow, S.T.A.R. Labs

Naruto and Barry shot out of the portal into the lab, dropping off as Oliver, Sara, Alex, Firestorm went up to the Waverider

Naruto sped through the lab, and grabbed Kara, before he had a clone sped off and free everyone from the pipeline, before he and Barry sped into the cortex where Iris and Felicity were being held prisoner, and Barry kicked Eobard from Felicity before he grabbed Iris, while Naruto sent the Dark Archer flying through some glass after he ripped the kryptonite heart out of Metallo and crushed its skull, before grabbing Felicity and speeding off with her


Naruto was looking over Gideon's coding when Barry and Iris walked up, "Hey man." Barry said

"Yo, how's Stein?' Naruto asked

"Not good." Iris said causing Naruto to sigh

"He's a tough old man, he'll pull through." Naruto nodded turning back to the coding

"Hope so. Hey man we need to talk."

"About?" Naruto asked

"The husks you mentioned earlier." Barry said causing Naruto to raise an eyebrow and look at Barry

Barry began to fill Naruto in on Alchemy and Savitar but before Barry could actually go into detail they got news that Stein had passed and took a break to mourn before everyone gathered


Nate was on his own Waverider standing beside Overgirl's seat in the medbay, "I'm sorry." Overgirl said

"For what?" Nate asked

"For being so weak." Overgirl said getting a scoff from Naruto

"I've managed to stabilize her deterioration, but without a transplant she'll be dead within an hour." Kurama the ships A.I. announced causing Naruto to frown

"You have to prepare yourself for what's to come." Overgirl said

"We will get Supergirl's heart." Nate assured

"No we won't." Overgirl said smiling, "Your fighting another Naruto Uzumaki, and you all are a stubborn bunch. Besides I'm close to going supernova, I'll die before the procedure was done anyway."

Nate frowned, "I'm not ready to let you go."

"Its okay." Overgirl said holding Nate's hand, "You remember what we used to talk about?"

"How we would leave the Reich and live to our hearts content." Nate nodded

"This is the perfect opportunity for you to do that. It was the true end game all along, us getting out of this life that was forced upon us. I'm being set free, now I want you to free yourself." Overgirl said as Nate frowned, "Promise me."

Nate looked at Kara for a moment, "I promise that I will live my life to the fullest and abandon the path I was forced on by the Reich. Promise of a lifetime." he said causing Kara-X to smile before she and her husband kissed

'Why is he coddling the weapon?' The couple stopped kissing and frowned as their sensitive ears picked up the conversations of Nazis wondering why Nate wouldn't just kill Kara-X

"Eobard was right, if it came down to the Reich and the alien the Furher would choose it over the Fatherland.'

Nate narrowed his eyes as he stood up straight and walked off

'We should deal with him when the opportunity strikes.'

Dark Archer and the men stopped talking as the door opened and they saw Nate standing there, before lightning began to flow off his body


Everyone was in a room planning, "Where are we with locating the other Waverider?" Oliver asked

"We got a pretty good idea. I mean, we've all heard of the Chandrasekhar Limit, I assume?" Curtis asked

"The data indicates it's still in the vicinity of Central City." Zari said

"Which also indicates that Overgirl isn't long for this world." Ray said

"Which means that this world isn't long for this world." Cisco added

"Failure's not an option. Losing is not an option. We are gonna win. And we are gonna show these people that this earth belongs to u-


Everyone braced themselves as they looked out into the skies to see the other waverider in the distance blowing up as distorted air sucked it into a void before it was gone completely leaving everyone in shock

Everyone jumped when the distorted air appeared a few feet across from them and Nate caked in the blood of his victims appeared carrying Overgirl in a bridle carry

"Hello." Nate said smirking

"You killed your own men. Why?" Naruto asked walking forward a bit

"Because I felt lime it. Now, I'm here to talk about a truce."

"Truce? After everything you've done." Oliver asked

"If I wanted to really kill any of you I could have." Nate smirked

"You killed Martin!" Sara yelled

"No, Eobard sent you all to Earth-X, when I left with your Kara to began the procedure to save my wife. If the old geezer is dead blame it on the man with the weird name." Nate said

"What are you offering?" Naruto asked

"I will leave peacefully, in exchange for you healing my wife." Nate said

"You really expect for us to believe you?" Harry asked

"I have lost everyone I've ever loved. I am not ready to lose my wife, so if I have to beg for the help of a room full of nerds who may be able to save her then I will." Nate said as a few looked offended at being called nerds,

"How do we know this isn't a trick?" Alex asked

Nate sighed, before in a distorted air a bloody and beaten Eobard was spat onto floor, "A gift. I was going to take him with me and force him to watch as I killed every Thawne in the multiverse but you can keep him. Now will you help my wife or what?"

Caitlin walked up to Nate, "Bring her." she said causing him to nod before he followed after her with Overgirl

"Are we really doing this?" Citizen Steel asked

"Nate what's the play here?" Oliver asked

"The look in his eyes is the same one I had whenever I had just successfully pranked people in the past, and also of fear. He doesn't want to be alone again. I'd suggest trying to save Overgirl, because if he loses her there is no telling what he'd do." Naruto said walking off

Everyone sighed before the scientist began to try and find a way to save Overgirl, while Eobard was dragged to a cell

Naruto walked up to Nate who was looking at Caitlin and Alex examine Overgirl, "We were planning on leaving the Reich." Nate said causing Naruto to look at him, "We needed to cause a big enough spectical so we could just disappear and live our lives the way we chose too."

"You couldn't do this after the wedding?" Barry asked causing Nate to chuckle

"Yeah sorry about that." Nate said before he sighed, "You know I've always wondered what it would be like to play hero in one of these settings. I might looking into another Earth to settle down on."

"Have any in mind?" Oliver asked

Nate smirked as he glanced to Oliver, an Earth appearing in his minds eye, "Oh yeah." he said,

After a moment Caitlin, and Alex deleivered Nate the grim news that Overgirl was too far gone to save and that she was set to blow at any minute now

Nate walked over to Overgirl, as she smiled at him while everyone watched, "I'm sorry." Overgirl said sniffling as she began to cry

"You have nothing to apologize for."

"I'm leaving you alone." Overgirl sobbed

"No your not, you will always be with me." Nate said placing a hand on his heart, "And I'll keep my promise to you."

Overgirl nodded, "I love you."

"I love you too." Nate said tears streaming down his face as he and Overgirl kissed before she was sucked into a void of distorted air and dropped into Earth-X at the rebel base

The rebels all stopped what they were doing and looked at her in shock before she exploded

Nate stood up drying his face, as he looked to the cautious heroes, and walked up to Caitlin, and Alex, "Thanks for trying to save her." Nate said getting a nod from the two before he looked to Naruto and walked up to him, "We'll have to fight again sometime."

"Can't wait." Naruto smirked which Nate returned, "So what are you planning now?'

"Unease, anxiety, tension, stress, worry all forms of fear that are caused by too much future, and not enough presence. Guilt, regret, resentment, grievances, sadness, bitterness, and all forms of non-forgiveness are caused by too much past, and not enough presence." Nate recited

"Eckhart Tolle." Harry said

"Living in the moment means letting go of the past and not waiting for the future. It means living your life consciously, aware that each moment you breathe is a gift." Naruto recited to Nate who rose an eyebrow

"Who said that?'

"Oprah Winfrey." Naruto shrugged causing Nate to laugh along with everyone else

"See you around Naruto." Nate replied shaking Naruto's hand

"See ya, Naruto." Naruto said before Nate was sucked into a void of distorted air into his eye


A funeral was held for Martin Stein, before everyone began to leave, with the Legends going back in time, and Kara and Alex going back to their Earth, "Nate, I need to talk to you about Savitar."

"Dont worry Barry, I'll deal with it." Naruto smiled as he held his phone that had a video of Joe speaking to Iris and Whitney, "Take care of her."

Barry smiled and looked back at Iris, as he nodded, "I will, you be careful."

"I'm always careful." Naruto said

"Thats kinda hard to believe." Barry said before Naruto chuckled and sped off vanishing in a portal as he returned home

Unknown Earth


"Who the hell was that guy?" Kyle asked upset as he held a bag if ice to his bruised jaw

"The local vigilante. Goes after rich guys."

"Clearly, he's branching out." Kyle glared

"Things have gone sideways lately. That hood guy. Kyle shooting a cop." Kyle's mom said

"You're the one warned me he was a cop." Kyle said

"So you would take his gun, not shot him."

"Your mother has a point." Mr. Reston said "Maybe this is a sign we need to hang it up. Head for Mexico. Retire."

"No, we don't have enough. We said that we wouldn't quit until we had enough to set ourselves up for life." Teddy said wiping his bleeding nose

"The kid is right, we need to hit another." Kyle said frowning

"We can make do. We'll be okay." Mr. Reston sighed

"I didn't spend five years risking my life and my freedom to just be okay." Kyle said walking up to his dad and glaring at the man "No, set for life. That was our deal."

"Okay. One more. And then we're out."

"Aren't you, supposed to be the king?"

The Reston family jumped and looked to see Nathan sitting on the hood of their getaway van,

"Let's make this easy, put your hands up, and none of you have to be sent to the hospital." Nathan said

Nathan was answered by Kyle moving to pick up, his Ak47, and retorted by appeared over the man and stomping on his head into the ground and applying pressure till he went slack, before he dodged gunfire from the other Reston family before he appeared behind Teddy and a chop to the back of the kids neck knocked him out,

Mr. and Mrs. Reston shot at Nathan who began to catch the bullets as he walked toward them and when they .of bullets he was now in front of them, and dropped the bullets as they looked at him in shock

"You both are terrible parents." Nathan said before a flash of red was the last they saw as they collapsed,

"We can agree on that.' Nate said causing Nathan to turn to him

"Who are you?' Nathan asked

"Doesn't matter." Nate said before he shot forward and a vibrating hand pierced Nathan's chest as Nate's Sharingan glowed as it turned into a Rinnegan, "Just now I'll take care of things here."

Nathan began to groan as his veins began to glow a blue light as Nate absorbed his power before he ripped his soul out

Looking up to the moon as tomoe began to appear on his Rinnegan, Nate smirked, "Lets fuse things up."

The moon reflected the RinneSharingan as Nate in a tornado of lightning had a large seal on the ground before he sped through 250 hand seals and slammed his hands on the ground before the seal expanded to cover the entire planet and the moon pulsed repeatedly and the entire world began to change people dying, and things that shouldn't be appearing.

Nate stood up and stretched before he sped off to Nathan's home to see Moira and Thea getting ready for a fundraiser

With Naruto

Naruto walked into his house to see Whitney and Iris looking at a book, "Hey, uh I got something I need you both to see." Naruto said getting their attention

"What is it?' Whitney asked only to gasp when Naruto showed them the video of Joe and pressed play

"Hi Iris, and Whitney, Nate told me what happened.." Naruto stood up walked off as the sisters listened to Joe and teared up.