
Chapter 26

  Erika’s POV

  I narrowed my eyes. As they approached, I

  recognized that it was Richard. But he was only twenty-three years old and he

  would be the alpha next year. Was Charles dead? Did his enemy kill him or did

  Richard challenge him? I had so many questions on my mind.

  Richard walked over and greeted Derek. Derek didn’t

  seem surprised at all. I looked at him in confusion and he signaled me to calm

  down. I tried my best to calm down because I knew last time the visit was

  ruined by me. I couldn’t ruin it again. But all I was thinking about was

  Charles on my way back to the pack house. It was not that I had a deep feeling

  for him, but he was the one who saved me when I was almost killed. He brought

  me up and I wouldn't have survived without him.

  And the most alarming thing was that no one ever

  told me about it. Orsen didn’t tell me about it. Even Derek didn’t let me know