
From FFF to infinity

Due you feel to die? Would you like to gets reincarnated in a novel with 10 wishes see how a past life God becomes a novel addict and reincarnates in a novel in his third life

Only_omnipotent · Tranh châm biếm
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Lake of sad songs. A lake that harbours mermaids. This lake also has a sleeping Titan inside. The chaos Titan, Ullullu (yep, this is the name.).

From past 5000 years, mermaid sing a sad Lullaby to keep Ullullu asleep.

Ullullu is a 500 feet large Titan. He has a face of catfish but a humanoid body.

After arriving at the mermaid lake. We first looked around for some place to rest after a 2 day travel. Just near the lake ,mermaids had set up a town. This town is actually more of a mating grounds for mermaids.

We entered the town where lanuval leaded me to a inn. This inn belongs to a mermaid, who is also a hero. Aqua, the mermaid princess.

Aqua has lime-coloured wavy hair, hourglass figure and deep aqua-blue eyes. She was someone who wants someone mate stronger than her.

I entered the inn. Aqua was cleaning the floor. She looked at me and showed a shocked expression.

"Damn! What are those abilities?!" She exclaimed.

As she was a hero, she can also see my status. When she saw my skills she could easily tell the difference between me and her.

She immediately took a fighting stance and got ready to fight. She was a mermaid beauty and had a rare hourglass figure, so why not.

G in my skills means God-rank. And even with one God-rank ability, my physique will be automatically strengthened. What I am saying is that my body is also God level.

Aqua was looking at me excited eyes and was ready for my move. But then her face changed to pure shock as I had just disappeared from her sight. Actually I had not disappeared but moved so fastly that even afterimages had disappeared. Even my casual speed so fast.

In a split second, I was behind her and my hand was near her neck. In my hand was a sharp dagger that I just created with all creation.

"You lost" i sald calmly.

I looked at her again but now her face was filled with love and lust.

I kept the dagger away and asked, " Can we get two rooms please? "

Hearing my voice she came back to her mind and quickly nodded. She guided me and lanuval to our rooms upstairs.

She looked at me before going downstairs, she said "I will be free after 6 pm" and rushed away.

I entered my room with a smirk while lanuval who overheard us rushed in her room with a blush and a little anger.

Inside my room i sat on my bed. I folded my legs and first i set up a barrier of absolute concealment around me. Now for this universe I am something that doesn't exist but at the same time exist.

Now I can finally confirm my powers.

"System, show me descriptions " i said.

[ Race - ancient void god.

Racial features-

1) non existence : you can exist or not at your will.

2) void resemblance: you resemble void so every creation fears you.

3) one with void : you will never have a end. You can end whatever you want.

Racial ability-

1) Void manipulation: you can manipulate any existing void(end).

2) Void creation : you can create a void of nothingness anywhere.

3) void nihility : you can end the end. Resulting in eternity.

Racial appearance-

1) you will have a humanoid nase form outside.

2) internally you are filled with void energy, that can be used to transform or grow a extra part if you want.

3) you can copy the racial features and appearance of anyone who you kill.]

[ Job - Variable.

1) 100× growth rate.

2) all power you have will be permanent. Even aging can't weaken you.

3) Super luck.

4) you are a variable. Even if you kill everyone, 'will of the universe' will not interfere.

5) everything you want can be nullified. Even the time.

6) you are free from all laws of the universe like fate,destiny,reincarnation etc.

7) more you go against the plot, more powerful you become. ]

[ (Lock/unlock) -

1) you can lock your status. Will not level up, age, devolve etc.

2) unlock your status. ]

[ That's all]

I knew that I was op but not expected such abilities.

I used void nihility to end any possible ending I can have. Now I am completely eternal.

At starting I was worried about this 'will of the universe's but now I am free to do anything.

I had to get stronger first.

Level is one thing I will have to increase. I used all-creation to create exp potions. Exp potions don't exist in this world but who is stopping me? No one.

[Level 1⟩ level 999+ ]

Now I have to create some important skills. Although I have no idea what type of skills I will need for now.

[ All-creation activated.]

[ Created skill : star energy]

[ Star energy : Pure energy from the first stars. ]

[ Created skill : chronokinesis ]

[ Chronokinesis : Manipulation of time]

[ Created skill : strength generator]

[Strength generator : get stronger every second. Can be switched on/off]

I stretched my arms after completing my creations. I was pretty impressed by my creations.

Tomorrow we will subjugate Ullullu, so to pass time i started to read novels from my mind library.

Soon hours passed. Good novel really interferes with your sense of time.

I heard a knock on my door. I thought that lanuval might have come. But when door opened, i remembered something.

Inside the room came a lime-haired beauty with a sexy shoulder less dress. Her dress was giving a sense of erotism. It was Aqua.

I looked at her. Her face was red and you can look hearts in her eyes. She was really horny.

It was already seven.

It was time to claim the first one and finally lose my virginity.