
Chapiter Two.

-My Queen!!

-What is it, Kurt? replied Normaniy

-We collect today, remember? We get the human blood delivery from the Factory.

-Oh, yes. You're right, we do…

-Are you alright? You seem tired.

-I had a hard night...

-Another vision?

-Yes, but this time It was about the humans finding out about the breeding… Also, there's was another war, but this one was massive destruction and death.

-At war? But with who? asked the councilman

-With the Dark Fairies.

- B-but we currently are at peace!!! he replied almost screaming

-As I said earlier, the humans found out in my vision. Do you ever listen properly Kurt?

-H-hun! I do listen!!! he fastly replied

-Please don't scream! I have a headache! Normaniy said with a hurry and angry voice

-My apologies, my Queen...

-Leave now councilman.

-Yes, see you this after afternoon

Then he left. Normaniy sighed at the reminder of the council meeting this late during the day. With the visions recurring more and more often, she gets tired easily. Simply because the visions keep her up all night, draining her energy.

Later at the council meeting:

Claude and Kurt are upper chairmen. The other council members are Jimmy, Hannah, Misse, Alumantes, Mikcael and Coraline.

-Council woman Misse, how are you doing today? asked Normaniy

-Much better my Queen. My legs are completely healed, thanks to your healing spells!

-I am not that of a healer!! Stop flattering me!! said Normaniy while laughing

-How are you all doing? said the Queen

-Never felt better, said Alumantes, a council woman

-Councilman Mikcael?

-Had better days, my Queen… he replied

-The others? asked the Queen

-Doing okay… replied the councilman Jimmy

-Never felt younger! said council woman Hannah

-You're not that old, Hannah!! Normaniy laughed.

-I feel normal, like all the other days! Coraline answered with a big smile on her face

Mikcael is just like Normaniy, a royal vampire, a pure blood. He is her cousin, and he has visions just like her. He saw the same things last night.

-Normaniy, did you have any visions last night?

-Yes, why? she questioned

-Then, that means you know the reason why I had a bad night. I saw the humans finding out, the war, death following and the massive destruction of the clans.

-I know. I am giving you a break, get some rest tonight. See you tomorrow!

-Yes, thank you. You too sleep well Normaniy. He smiled.