
Chapter 2

At first house Sabin head leaders, Angus and Juliet Sabin felt insulted when Callen Carpio proposed a marriage being held between their second son Everett and Iris. As all demi-angels, they heard about Callen's first daughter weaknesses and lack of abilities. They proposed a marriage with Nova Carpio instead that despite just turning ten, the girl already showed signs of greatness. Callen refused which ultimately led the leader of house Sabin to agree to the marriage proposal between Everett and Iris. It was better that no marriage at all since having direct support from the house Carpio, the most powerful house in the eight realms was something desired by all the royal houses of demi-angels.

Everyone was astonished. The siblings couldn't believe it, specially Nova since she already had the opportunity of meeting Everett in social gatherings and began to develop feelings for the thirteen-year-old boy. Everyone knew that Everett Sabin was a very capable boy and that one day he would grow in to a powerful and very handsome man. He was able to inherit the ability to manipulate lightning as well as telepathy, the power to read other people's thoughts. Eva was outraged, she already had plans of marrying the daughter she loved to Everett that was until her husband interfered with her plans. This only created bitterness and hatred towards the poor Iris, despite this she didn't seemed faced at all by the news nor by the sudden rude attitude of her own family except for her father.

Klaus Carpio and Everett Sabin were very close friends. With the same age and both entering the Halls of Crestere at the same time. When demi-angels are born. They are raised by the house they are born to. In their house they begin their studies as protectors of the living where they are taught the basics, how to harness and control their angelic attacks, learn about all the known realms and how to travel to them, the history of their kind and also, they spend a few years living among the humans and the living of their respective worlds. After all they are born to protect individuals they are able to understand. When demi-angels turn thirteen they have to continue their studies and training in the Halls of Crestere which is located in the fourth realm, Dowru. It is a place very much like earth, but more ancient looking. Their people didn't have the technology most earthlings have and their weather is unchanging.

All demi-angels, among them the royals, have to attend the Halls of Crestere until they turn twenty. After that they apply to the houses they want to work under by presenting a number of tests and challenges and wait to be accepted. Demi-angels don't necessarily have to be working under a house in the realm they were born into, after all they are born to protect all the eight known realms.

Everett Sabin didn't know what to think of the announcement. His parents and brother thought that he would be furious and disappointed since he already met Nova and both began to grow fondness for each other. However, that wasn't the case. He just didn't know what to expect. He only heard rumors of Iris Carpio and he hasn't met her at all. Just as almost all demi-angels, he has never seen her once. Not even a portrait or photo of her existed. Iris Carpio was an enigma to all.

All members of her family were considered good-looking. Callen Carpio had honey colored hair and beautiful and intimidating green eyes. He was well built and strong. He seemed young, at least mid-thirties just as all demi-angels when they reach a certain age despite being a hundred of years old. A strong jaw line adorned his face and most of the time he had a stern expression. His whole existence emitted an air of authority and respect. Eva Carpio was gorgeous, with her long snow-white colored hair and exotic magenta colored eyes, her eyes where also upturned with a natural lift in their outer corner. She had pale skin and pronounced cheekbones.

Klaus Carpio had green colored eyes like his father and olive skin. His hair was a bit wavy with a sandy blond color. He had small freckles in his nose as well and most of the time a playful and dimpled smile adorned his face. Nova was all kinds of beauty. She had a straight platinum blond hair and such beautiful colored eyes that where considered purple. The resemblance to her mother was great. She had a small button nose with fair skin and a small and pronounced mouth. Her eyes were big and round which gave her a gorgeous and innocent look.

Despite all member of the Carpio family being considered as one of the most good-looking, there were rumors that said that Iris was not as good looking as the rest of her family. Up to the point of being considered unpleasant to see. Those rumors where only enforced when Iris didn't attend any of the social gatherings.

"I'm sorry son. I know you are very fond of Nova Carpio. We tried to convince Callen to give us her hand in marriage instead but he didn't bulge. It was the Iris girl or nothing" Angus began to explain his son when all the family members were gathered in the Sabin castle having dinner.

"It's alright father. I know how influential and powerful house Carpio is. It doesn't matter which daughter I'm married to as long as she is part of that house" Angus and Juliet where proud of how understandable their second son was. He was always mature for his age.

"Poor little Everett is stuck with the unwanted and powerless child of the Carpio. I heard that her looks were bad too" Lancelot, the first son of house Sabin began to tease his younger brother. Everett only gave him an annoyed look.

Their parent looked disappointed and worried. Everyone suspected Lancelot for being jealous of his little brother. He knew he had a bright future ahead, maybe even brighter than his. He didn't waste this opportunity to tease him.

"I only judge what I can see with my very own eyes unlike you brother who only believes in rumors said by other people, that says a lot about your immature character. How old were you again? Twenty-one?"

"Tsk. Whatever, you are not the one that works under house Carpio, At least not yet. I live under the same roof of that girl. Surprisingly I haven't seen her once but my close friend Elio told me his older brother has seen her and confirms the rumors are true" Lancelot says with a proud smirk on his face.

"Enough Lancelot! Don't tease your brother anymore or there will be consequences"

Angus threatens. Lancelot only rolls his eyes and continues eating.

"It is weird that almost no one has seen her father. Lord Callen hasn't told you anything about the rumors being said about his daughter? Is she really sick? Or maybe there are other motives" Everett said trying to hide the nervousness he felt after listening to his brother

"Well people always try to ask him why his daughter never goes to our social gatherings. However, Callen only laughs it off saying she is was feeling unwell and changes the topic of conversation" Angus tries to explain his son with a frown on his face.

"Its alright darling. I'm sure you will be seeing her soon. The Caprio can't hide her forever" His mother encourages him with a warm smile.

"You are right. I can always ask Klaus next week when I see him. We are to begin our second year at the Halls of Crestere after all, we became quite close" His parent nod with encouragement and Lancelot only snorts. Everett smiles in return ignoring his older brother but, on the inside, he can't help but feel doubtful.