
Frieren: Understand Humans, Aura!

Completely misjudged the age of the sadistic elf due to her flat chest and was countered by her own obedience spell. "Kill yourself, Aura!" Because of a small desperate action taken by Aura, the ending she received became different from the one in the original timeline. ———— "My name is Frieren. Those horns on your head... are you a demon?" Upon waking up, Aura realized that the goddess had played a joke on her, sending her back a thousand years. She immediately planned to kill Frieren while she still young. "Play with me, Aura." But she found that the obedience spell had already taken effect. "Be happy, Aura." Little Frieren, unaware of the obedience spell, gave strange orders. "Don't kill humans, Aura." Bound by her own spell, Aura was willing to do anything. "Understand humans, Aura." Finally, Aura received the ultimate command. ------------ Hello dear readers, you can still read this fanfic even if you have never watched the anime Frieren: Beyond Journey's End. I will try my best to narrate as clearly as possible so that those who haven't watched the anime can still enjoy reading this fanfic. This is my first work, please be gentle.

narwastu · Tranh châm biếm
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Aura, The Beloved Mentor

Zanze snapped back to reality as Aura started clutching her head, pretended to have a headache.

"My head, my head! It hurts so much! It's going to split open! I can't work at all!" Aura held her head and cried, curling up in the corner. Her tearful face looked pitiful, her eyes squeezed shut in exaggerated agony.

"Your headaches never go away. Didn't you say two years ago that you were used to them? How come you're giving in now? Where's your demon pride? Show me the spirit of a great demon!" Zanze pulled Aura up, grabbed her hand and drove her out.

Aura wasn't lying about her headaches; even Lady Serie had said there was no cure for her condition.

Perhaps it was some spell that affected the soul, a curse that had bound Aura in invisible chains. Lady Serie had explained that this curse kept Aura behaving well in front of humans; otherwise, she would revert to her true nature as a murderous demon.

Zanze hoped that spell would never go away.

"Wait, Zanze, I'm different from you. I have a back problem. I'm old. I'm already five hundred years old. Don't you humans always say to respect the elderly?"

"Demons don't age in the same way. By the time I die, you'll still look like a young girl. Stop lying, Aura, and go to work honestly. Otherwise, Lady Serie will come to you in person next time." Zanze rebuked.

If she were to sympathize with a demon whose appearance had not changed for five hundred years, then who would sympathize with Zanze who would have to use a walking stick when she was fifty years old?

Hearing Serie's name, Aura finally quieted down, dejectedly following Zanze out the door.

They traveled together for a short distance, then Zanze went to the Continental Magic Association office, while Aura crossed the street and headed to the library on the other side of the city.

The library was built a year after the Continental Magic Association was established. It housed grimoires copied from Lady Serie's ancient tree library, as well as grimoires donated by wealthy merchants and esteemed mages from all corners of the continent.

Aura's job was to guard the library, preventing thieves from stealing valuable books and grimoires, and ensuring that mages didn't cause conflicts within its walls.

For a demon as powerful as Aura, capable of overpowering most first-class mages, it was an easy job.

Moreover, human mages were generally gentle and easy-going. Very few of them would even think of fighting in the library. Even if there was a theoretical dispute, it would eventually be brought to Aura. With her many years of following Serie and her in-depth understanding of the human magic system, she could easily mediate and resolve conflicts.

It is true that most of the time, Aura had nothing to do, which explained why the library functioned smoothly even when she missed half the month.

However, the above are not the reasons why Aura likes the job of librarian the most. The reason why she loves this job is——

'As long as I stay behind the scenes, my title as the former president of the Continental Magic Association will probably be forgotten. Then, I won't have to remain infamous in human history books for eternity.' Aura thought to herself.

Being a librarian meant interacting with fewer people. Only a few regular borrowers knew her face. The rest would likely forget the name "Aura" soon enough.

"Look, there's Lady Aura. I told you we often see her on this street! She always passes by my fruit stand on her way to the library," people murmured as the woman with purple hair and a tall hat walked down the street.

"Aura? Who's that? Is she famous?" This is a merchant who has just settled in Kribi City. Despite having learned about the key figures in Kribi, Aura's name wasn't among the high-ranking officials.

"You don't even recognize former President Aura. Don't you know that the headquarters of the Continental Magic Association is in Kribi City?"

"I only know that the current president is Zanze. Didn't the previous president disappear for a long time?"

"I heard Lady Serie found her and brought her back. Let me tell you, Aura was the chief examiner before the association was founded. Over 70% of today's first-class mages were taught by her, and they privately refer to her as their teacher."

"Then why did she resign as president of the Magic Association?"

"I heard that she retired because of illness caused by overwork, but Lady Serie couldn't bear to let go of such a talented person, so she brought Lady Aura back and arranged an easy job for her as a librarian, where she could continue teaching."

"Retired? Isn't the woman who just walked by quite young?"

"She only looks young. She's probably a non-human race like Lady Serie. Don't elves live for thousands of years?"

"But she doesn't have long ears."

"Then I don't know. It could be a race we don't know about. But there's no way she's a demon, haha."

"That's impossible. If Lady Aura a demon, I will eat three pounds of dungs!"

"Exactly, saying the first president of the Continental Mage Association was a demon is absurd..."


The appearance of a woman with purple hair and a tall hat on the streets of Kribi caused as much discussion as any young prince or princess passing by would.

Her striking appearance, with cascading purple locks and an imposing tall hat, combined with her elegant demeanor and aloof gaze, commanded attention wherever she went. She looked down on others as if they were beneath her, a demeanor that could easily be compared to the cold detachment often associated with demons.

Even the royalty in the palace might not possess such striking looks and refined poise.

Despite her aloof exterior, she was known for being an unexpectedly approachable mentor. She treated all mages with equal respect, regardless of their social status or wealth. This contrast between her seemingly distant demeanor and her genuinely egalitarian approach to mentorship only served to enhance her popularity among the public and commoner mages

Aura's reputation for kindness and fairness was well-earned. She made a point of offering guidance to anyone in need, from fledgling mages seeking advice to seasoned practitioners needing a fresh perspective. Her ability to connect with people despite her otherworldly appearance was a testament to her true character..

Every time Aura walked through the bustling streets of Kribi, she sparked a buzz of conversation. People would pause their activities to catch a glimpse of her, their whispers filled with admiration and curiosity. Her reputation grew with each passing day, and she became a beloved figure not just among the common folk, but also within the mage community.


Hello... can anyone recommend me an AI that can accurately illustrate images based on descriptions in a few scenes in this book? Preference for an art style similar to its anime. I want to include illustrations for every important scene, such as descriptions of places, characters, plot, etc.