
Chapter 10 - A Deal

It took Micro a moment to gather himself when he woke up. For one he was on a soft couch that had a Zebra print cover. Plants and spears that his clones learned weren't so decorative were spread about the room. He could hear two people talking nearby and turned his head. Spike and Zecora (now with a zebra print robe covering her) were sitting in two nearby chairs while the sounds of cooking came from the kitchen. Zecora was the first to notice him.

"Ah good, you have come back. I was worried Frida overdid it with her attacks."

"Wha...what exactly happened?" Micro asked. Spike sighed and looked at his friend.

"What happened was we misinterpreted what was going on and assumed the worst."

"Wouldn't be the first time it happened." Frida walked in a fluffy pink robe, carrying four plates expertly in her hands. They were piled high with hash browns, eggs, and bacon. Micro reached for his inventory to pull out the billy club but found it missing. "Your friend has it."

Spike lifted up the weapon for Micro to see.

"O...k…" he hesitantly took the plate from Frida and looked at the food using observe on it

Frida's Hash Browns


Fried potatoes made by Frida Herano with a mix of spices and seasonings.

Heals: 50 HP

Frida's Eggs


Eggs made by Frida Herano with a mix of spices and seasonings.

Heals: 100 HP



Pork strips fried to a crisp.

Heals: 25 HP

Not seeing any listings of poison he dug in to restore his missing health. He sighed in delight at the taste.

"Glad you like them mister Hero," Frida said with a grin. "So you came here thinking someone was blackmailing Zecora?" Micro looked at her and swallowed the mouthful of food.

"Based on the fact that I'm not dead, am being fed, and Spike said we misunderstood something I take it that isn't the case." Frida burst out laughing until Zecora lightly smacked her.

"Don't make fun of him my dear. His reason for believing that is very clear."

"All right I get it," Frida said. "Though you will be paid back for that smack." Zecora blushed and turned away while Frida turned back to Micro. "No kid that is not the case. The messages you saw on her phone were sort of a…" she seemed to search for the words. "Role play. Basically we had some fun in the bathroom before your class and so I sent her that text because it turns me on to see her showing off!"

The other three in the room blushed. Zecora from embarrassment and the boys from the thoughts that came to mind.

"Wait," Spike started. "What do you mean 'see her showing off'? How'd you see her?"

"Spy camera in the skeleton," Micro and Frida said at the same time. Frida turned to the boy and raised an eyebrow.

"How exactly did you know that detail?" Micro face palmed at his own stupidity.

"I'm not getting out of this without telling you am I?" Frida smirked.

"And I want to know all about your other abilities. Your friend here told us about ability users but wouldn't go into detail about your powers."

Micro groaned as he realized he had no choice. He started from the beginning, telling them about his failed experiment and how he gain his new ability. After giving them a basic run through of what he had learned so far, Micro saw Frida looking at him intrigued.

"So, what are mine and Zecora's levels and titles?"

"Well Zecora has two titles. One is just simply science teacher, and the other is Chocolate Goddess. She is level 46."

"Well isn't that interesting my wife," Zecora said. "My title is the nickname you've called me through our life."

"Of course!" Frida wraps an arm around her wife, not caring that her hand was on her one breast in front of the boys, even ignoring the fact that the robe was slipping down a bit. "What else can describe you my love?"

Zecora just squirmed as Frida felt her up.

"So!" Frida said After she was finished, much to the disappointment of the now blushing boys. "What about me?"

"W-well," Micro stammered. "Your title is the Busty Ninja…" Zecora snorts.

"Of course that's it," she mutters. "A reference to your...hmmmph!"

"I don't hear you complaining about them," Frida says as she is now holding the science teachers face in between her bosom. "So, my level?"

"6….69," Micro mumbled as he was watching the wonderful scene before him. Frida just laughed.

"Oh that is just a perfect number for me. Now, Have you boys been satisfied that there isn't anything terrible going on here?" Micro nodded, Gamer's Mind helping him regain his bearings from the show he was being given. Spike just still stared dumbly at the struggling Zecora. Frida followed his eyes. "Oh! Sorry my love!"

She lets Zecora go and she breathes deeply, having been losing air. Zecora looks at the boys and blushes.

"Please of this night do not spread word," she said. "It word be bad if the faculty heard."

"Yeah," Frida said seriously. "If they found out then Zecora may get fired. While I am happy you boys wanted to help her out, if you get her fired…" She took the forks she and Zecora were eating with and threw them. They both hit the walls by Micro and Spikes heads. Spike gulped while Micro nodded calmly.

"I take it the title Ninja is accurate then?" He was genuinely curious. And if she was…

"Yep!" She was back to being cheery. "Trained for years to be the best ninja assassin there is." Spike nearly chokes on his eggs.


"Oh don't worry dragon boy," Frida said leaning forward, the robe falling open a bit to reveal cleavage. "I only target bad people. Businessmen who force secretaries to sleep with them for their jobs, a woman who abused those in her orphanage, those sort of people."

"So what type of training did you go through?" Micro asked, trying to get to the point he wanted to talk about. Frida turned to him.

"Oh nothing major. Stealth, swords, daggers, spears, bows, daggers, clubs, basically every weapon, traps, poisons, cultures for the sake of blending in, and of course…" at this one she grinned and let both the robe and the strap of her bra slip off one shoulder. "Seduction. Why so curious?"

"Well," Micro said, taking a deep breath to prepare for his request. "I already told you a bit about my abilities, and how I want to improve myself in anyway possible. So I was wondering…"

"You want me to take you on as a student?" Frida asked shocked.

"Yes," The Gamer said. "Spike has already agreed to help me but there is frankly only so much he can do to teach me. I can get plenty of skills through games and skill books I buy. Instant Dungeon training helps but I can't develop too many new skills from just fighting in them. I would be able to compensate you for lessons if you need me to."

He reached into his inventory and pulled out a decent chunk of money. Frida saw he was serious and looked thoughtful.

"Hmm...I definitely saw some talent in you. You managed to sneak in and it was only intuition that let me catch you. Not to mention your combat skills aren't bad. Rough but not bad." She looked at the money, then back at Micro. "I have nothing better to do. I don't always have a job to do and Zecora usually has hours of work to do each day. As for money, just pay for the window and we are all set."

"Deal!" Micro said with a smile. The two shook hands on it and the group finished their food. "By the way, how long was I out?"

"About 30 minutes after she suffocated you," Spike said with just a hint of jealousy. Micro blushed while Frida just smirked.

"You liked that feeling did you big boy?" She said teasingly. After laughing at Micro's expression, she continued. "That's the technique I made called Eternal Bliss. Works wonders on men and a good deal of women to. They are so distracted by the wonderful feeling of my breasts that they don't realize they are losing air until it's too late."

"Well as nice as it is that this turned out alright," Zecora said. "It is late and you two should head home for the night."

"Oh yeah!" Frida said. "You three have to be at school tomorrow."

"Well to be fair I don't actually need sleep," Micro said. "My ability takes that need away."

"Hmmm," Frida seemed to be thinking that over. "Well that may be useful to know for later, Zecora and I have other things planned tonight. Something you interrupted if you recall." She smiled again but this time it had a bit of a dangerous edge to it. Micro took the hint and nodded.

"Then let's just exchange numbers so we can schedule training some other time."

And with that deal made, the two boys entered an ID and made their way out of the house. They would've just left normally, but two school boys leaving a teacher's house this late may raise a few eyebrows.

"Well…" Micro said. "That happened."

"Yeah…" Spike looked at him. "So you plan on going to her for training?" Micro heard the unspoken question in his words.

"Yes, but not to be an assassin…" his friend looked relieved at those words. "At least not right away."

The Draco Kin's eyes snapped to him. Micro held up his hand to prevent him from interrupting.

"I'm not going to become some gun for hire or anything like that. But imagine those skills and how useful they can become. What if we run into a situation like tonight except it actually is something bad? I wouldn't be able to ignore it and with assassin level skills things would be much easier."

"...you know, sometimes it's hard being your friend when you make points like that." Micro smiled at that as another topic came to his mind. "So...who do you think is hotter?"

A snort of laughter burst from Spike as the two compared the teacher to her wife the rest of the way back home.

Quest Complete!

The Chocolate Goddess' Actions

-Zecora seems to be getting forced to perform sexy acts in and presumably outside of the classroom. Track down the one making her and help Zecora out

Quest Reward


-Increase Relationship with Zecora

-Increase Relationship with Frida

-Training with Frida

Quest Failure

-Possible injury