
Met his match

Antonio stays with Ethan and watches everyone compete by drinking, a lot of girls come to them but Ethan's cold gaze scared them all away leaving him feeling bored with no girls to flirt with.

Frustrated at his friend's annoying attitude tonight, he grab a bottle of wine and walk away from him to get positive energy from the groups of girls having a good time at another side of the room.

He dazed his eyes around nodding his head and letting his body move along the melody of the music and checking to see any easy target to take back. As he sips his wine slowly, his roaming eyes catch a very spectacular dressed girl in short dirty blonde standing just seven feet away from him.

She has the same bottle of wine as him and is standing alone letting her eyes enjoy the party too, fate could not be more than this for Antonio, and so he took a bold step to approach her.

Unlike the girls in the room, she is dressed rather informal, the black chain choker crop top and her leather high waist trouser make him much more interested in her. Maybe she is one of the invitees who is not from a wealthy home and misunderstood the party to be club thing.

When he get closer, he also noticed that she has piercing all over her face but then it makes her look unique and not like the girls he has seen with bad piercing which has ruin them. She has no makeup on or maybe it was so perfect that it seem like her bare face.

He admires her for a moment not sure if a girl like her would fall for his antics since she's not like these innocent girls in dresses but when he notice her gazing back, he quickly put on a warmly smile and hold a grip on his bottle of wine.

Just as he summon up the courage to ask her for a dance, a frigging bitch jumps in front of him and distracts his attention from the sexy girl.

"What the…?" he almost cursed but decides to push the intruding Lena away first and focus on getting his girl, annoyingly, he could not find her at the spot any longer.

The bottle she was drinking from was dropped empty on the floor. He made to chase after her but Lena who doesn't seem to care about his happiness get in the way again.

"Geez…Ethan is over there" he yelled at her and pushed her off without a care if she falls down.

He searched the room with his eyes hoping it won't be difficult to find her since she had a different vibe but it seemed like she was a beauty ghost who has appeared to steal his heart and disappeared afterwards.

Feeling really frustrated and annoyed, he reach for his pocket and is grateful to find a pack of cigarette, he glance at Ethan to ask for a lighter however he was struggling to get away from Lena who is being an annoying gum and he heads out of the room instead.

Antonio walk into the garden where he is usually free to take a smoke anytime he visits the Anderson's to avoid getting caught by any of his folks but to his surprise, there is someone else there who is puffing away.

Immediately he sees the same leather trouser and the short blonde, he break into a smile believing it was indeed fate that brought her there too, he move closer more confidently this time

"Can you help me with this?" he asked stretching his stick to her

She turn to him and seem a little scared but quickly recover and her hazel eyes burn at him, Antonio felt those eyes were familiar but he could not place them.

"Are you stalking me? How'd you know I will be here?" she asked throwing questions at him.

"I should be asking you because this is my spot" he retorted still stretching.

She glare at him for while and decide to help him light his cigarette with her stick which is about to burn out, Antonio take a puff trying to relax and don't make this one slip off, it is a big meat after all.

"I'm Antonio" he introduced keeping his eyes on and off of her as she smokes the weed effortlessly. She seem dangerous but also very attractive with strong aura, it won't be a easy task

"What?" she asked and he thought she did not hear him clearly.

"Can I know your name?" he asked with a smile on his face.

Tony is not sure if he said anything funny but she gives a chuckle instead of her name and he feels kind of embarrassed and confused, he wants to ask if he had asked anything funny but decide it will only slim his chance with her.

"Name is not important…do you want a different smoke?"

She asked offering one of hers and Antonio hesitated before taking it. He might be a playboy but not a bad boy and definitely doesn't want to end his life getting locked up in a mental institution for life.

She light the stick and push it at him, he take it and look at it before taking a short sniff, his throat felt uncomfortable and let out a little cough keeping it in not to seem like a weakling.

Watching him, she let out a loud chuckle but it did not seem to be a mockery this time and Antonio decided to relax and enjoy the stick hoping it would be the last time he tries weed…

Carolyn laugh hearing him introduce him, she can't believe her little brother's buddy has grown up so much and is now hitting on her. She was wondering why the hell he was staring at her back at the party however she understand now that he did not recognize her.

She gazes at him for a proper inspection and could not help but find him quite muscular and attractive, if he isn't Ethan's friend, maybe she would have agreed to a night with him. At least it will take her mind off the exasperating situation with her boyfriend.

She watches him suffer and struggling with the weed and could not help her smile because he looks more pathetic and cute at the same time, it was the least punishment for him.

"Did the birthday girl invite you here? You look quite different…I haven't seen you before although your eyes look insanely familiar"

"I'm actually here for the food and drink, just an uninvited guest"

"Really? And you won't tell me your name? Why? Cause your boyfriend is crazy?"

"Well I'm single for now, want to get out of here?" she asked deciding to have some fun with him for the night.

The party is becoming boring after all and she needs some excitement after the big disappointment tonight since he picked such an inauspicious time to approach her, then she might as well make use of him.

He stares at her for a moment and she smiles seeing the stuff he's smoking was getting to him and his eyes are getting drowsy, she pick another and move closer to him wanting to get high too, her face closes in on him and she touches the stick in her lips with the one he has hanging in between his fingers.

"Stay still" she ordered him when it won't light up.

Antonio watch her face get closer and feels her heart pounding against his chest, he wondered if it was because of the stuff he just had or because she looked so sexy with the smoke oozing out of her lips blinding his sight and out of nowhere, he reach out for her face getting the stick out of the way and put his lips gently on her two toned lips.

For a long moment, their lips stayed that way without either of them attempting to break it off, Carolyn is startled not sure how to react to his sudden and bold act so she purse her lips together but he push in making her to reluctantly receive him and push him away with her lips afterwards.

"Do you want to have sex with me? I'm pretty awesome" he said with a mischievous smirk and winked at her.

Carolyn find herself unable to resist his cute charm at the moment and smile at his flirt, she didn't realize how much of a man he is now, no longer the shy boy who always hides whenever he sees her coming.

She remember breaking his nose once in rage, she wondered if she should try and break it again but right now his high end nose looks so adorable like a cold puppy.

Antonio gaze at her with his eyeballs wondering through her face and trying to figure out what she is thinking, it doesn't seem like she hated it and when he saw her smile, he take it as a sign that she approve so he go for it again.

He grabs her by her collar and pushes her closer, sealing her lips up totally and breathlessly with his mouth. She places her palm on his shoulder and try to push him off but he hold on tight and soon overpower her with his strength...

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