
Almost a kiss

Almost a kiss

Ethan opened his eyes due to the noise from the lightning outside and turned on the light, he checked the time, its few minutes past three. He took his phone and saw lot of missed calls from his Mum and a text from Carolyn asking when he will get back so she can cover up for him

He text Carolyn his location and a send a text also to his mum that he is with Antonio but didn't mention anything to them about Alexandra, if they know he took her away from school by breaking the rule then his Mum will definitely inform her Dad about it.

He heard another loud sound of thunder and lightning and stood up from the bed, Alexandra is scared of the lightning and usually stays awake whenever it's raining except if he stays beside her and usually when they are not together he stays on the phone with her till the rain stops.

Ethan walk out of the room quietly and soon stop in front of Alexandra's door but hesitates to go in, the more he wants to create a distance between them so he wouldn't get hurt, the more he keep finding himself going towards her.

"Ethan is that you?" Alexandra called and he opens the door not surprised to see that she is awake

"Did the noise wake you up?" he asked and sat down beside her on the bed Alexandra snuggles closer to him and hold him close for comfort, Ethan pat her gently and help her to lie down hoping she will fall asleep soon.

"Don't worry I am here" he assures her and puts the duvet over her body still holding unto her.

For the next few minutes, he try to get her to sleep but Alexandra feels quite scared with the noise and all.

She has the room light on because of the lightening lights that keep flashing into her room despite the closed windows.

Knowing that Ethan will not be able to fall asleep with the lights on, she forces her eyes to close and try getting back to sleep so he could also get some rest. She snuggle in to rest her head on his chest feeling the warmness better than the one the room temperature is giving and a warm relaxing smile appear on her face.

Ethan feel the tug at his T-shirt and chuckle knowing she would soon fall asleep, if this was months ago, he wouldn't have mind even if it takes him hours to make her fall asleep but right now, he cannot help but wishing they are not this close.

Listening to her sound breathes and feeling them on his body makes his hair stands at alert and her fresh body scent make the thoughts in his head run wild.

He feel like she might question his hard beating chest any moment and he will be exposed if she try to push her body closer to him again but luckily she didn't.

After about twenty minutes, Ethan feel she will be sound asleep and give her a peck on her forehead then remove his hands wrapped around her shoulders so he could leave.

He tries to move her body away to free his arm from her grip and she move away gently and slowly, her straight hair push away from her cheek and she move her neck to a more comfortable position.

Ethan who is being careful not to wake her up catches her beautiful slender neckline shimmering under the bright lights in the room. Like a man caught in a love spell, he stares at her neck feeling mesmerized by it for a long while.

Still in the spur of the enchanting moment, he follows the straight line and his eyes become glue to her downward- turned lips. It looks even glossy to him and the pinkness of it feels like a magnet to Ethan.

Just before he could stop himself, his neck is bent down and his face lower to the beautiful lips in his sight, his lips make a brush on her lips however before he could seal it, she move her face a bit away and that jolt Ethan back to his senses.

He quickly move away from her with fast beating heart and stare at her for a moment hoping she do not catch that, when she didn't make another move, he rush out of the room back to his and throw his face on the bed.


Alexandra wake up to the sweet smell of a loving breakfast served on the table with her favorite cappuccino to go with it, she came to Ethan and hugs him from behind, and he turned around slowly and greets her coldly then walk away with the fried eggs in his hands.

He still can't get his mind off his attitude yesterday and doesn't know how to face her either, Alexandra comes to him again and asked if something is wrong

"Did you not sleep well last night? I tried to fall asleep quickly so I won't disturb you" she said

"I slept fine, let me get Antonio from his room" he replied not looking at her and leaves

He gets to the room but Antonio is not there, Ethan call out to him and soon returned to Alexandra wondering where Antonio has disappeared to

"I was about telling you but you went away so quickly" Alexandra told him and stood up from her seat, she move closer to him and stops in front of him

"He left earlier, seems like he has some business to attend to" she informed him and noticed the awkward look on his face.

She wonder why he is avoiding her first thing in the morning and place her hands gently on his shoulders, Ethan quickly pull away from her and returned to the dining table

"The food is getting cold" he said and start to eat, Alexandra joined him getting more suspicious and also start to eat slowly

She forgot to take her phone with her yesterday when she left the school and doesn't have a way to contact her roommate so she can cover for her

"Did you do something wrong?" She suddenly asked and Ethan almost chocked on his food

"What do you mean?" he said in a rather gentle tone and Alexandra's suspicion is confirmed, he definitely did something wrong but she doesn't know what it is that made him so quiet

"Why are you acting so guilty? Did you…" she said trying to guess his mind

Ethan is used to her way of trying to get words out of him and knows well how to escape her trap but today is different because he actually feels guilty and uneasy, he doubts if she was really asleep when he tried to kiss her last night

"I didn't do anything just thinking about how to get you back to school without you getting into trouble" he told her

Alexandra doesn't believe him but pretend to do

"Don't you worry about that, I will just take whatever punishment comes with it and besides I will have a day to myself to have fun" she told him and finish up her food.

Ethan's phone start to ring, he picked the call and spoke to his mother for a few minutes before ending the call and pack up the plate to wash them. Alexandra stood up and went to take her bath then return to him in the living room

"What will you like to do?" Ethan asked when she returned, he had tried calling Antonio but he didn't pick his call. He must have left the two of them in the house on purpose and Ethan wants to beat him up for that.

"How about we go to the amusement park!" she shouts hoping he will agree but the look in his eyes tells her the answer is no

"Okay fine, you decide" she told him and Ethan debates within himself for a few minutes. He needed something that will keep him away from her for a while until he is able to act natural with her

"We should have a girls' time" Julie suddenly comes in and walk over to the both of them.

She heard from Antonio that Alexandra is in his place and quickly rush over there to meet with her, the two has barely talked since their schools have different breaks and even when she is home most of her time is spent with Ethan

'You won't mind right Ethan?" she said and sat down beside her then bought out a bottle of wine from her bag

"I don't" he answered her and move away to sit else where

"I thought Antonio went out to meet you, are you two still in your friends with benefits relationship?" Alexandra queries and took the bottle of wine with a grin.

"We stopped, I have a boyfriend now" Julie told her and Alexandra is shocked to hear that, she looked at Ethan to confirm her words and he nods his head to tell her it's true

"That is why I warned you not to start that kind of relationship in the first place" she said and moves closer to her

"You didn't sleep together did you?"

Julie exchanged looks with Ethan and burst into laughter; she wondered how much naïve Alexandra can be and shakes her head slowly

"Do you even know what friends with benefits means? Don't tell me you haven't gotten to that level with your boyfriend, you two have been together for months now" she throws the question back at her and Ethan quickly turned on his heels and left.

He is not sure he is ready to hear something like that about her, although she tells him everything he is sure she wouldn't talk about such intimate act with him and feels unsettled thinking about the possibility of that between her and Liam.

"Where are you?" Ethan text Antonio who replied in a second

"I will see you two later" he said while they keep giggling ignoring him and left

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