
Friends Files

After being involved in the serial killing of her classmates, she found herself being targeted by the serial killer. In the midst of attempting to kill her, she gains the ability to see the dead people whose being murdered. Will she be able to use this ability in the right way?

Terpsichore_0906 · Kỳ huyễn
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
18 Chs


Willow's Pov

We are inside the headquarters and Captain Li is standing in front of us. "Damn it, that guy! How cruel is he to do that?!" Captain Li said angrily. "Scar, did he say anything to you?"

"No, he didn't," I said then suddenly my phone dinged. Everyone looks at me and Captain Li signals to read it. My face darkened and clench my phone tightly. I handed my phone to Captain Li and like me, she clench her jaw and slam my phone to the table, not I minded it.

"Mom, what did he say?" Elliott asked. Captain Li handed him the phone.

"Read it out loud," she commands.

From: Unknown

  Little princess, I'm quite disappointed that you baited yourself just to save those ungrateful bastards. Now I need to handle them on my own since you helped the police to arrest Reaper. By the way, I enjoyed the game of tag earlier. I'm also proud of you that you know I was in there at the crime scene of that b***h. You did well but that doesn't mean I'll stop. In order for you to keep smiling, I'll eliminate those who make you sad and left out. Then, you will be happy but if you want to meet me, let's play. Let's play the game of hide and seek. I'll be the hider and you'll be the seeker. Hope you find me soon because every single day someone will die.

~Lady Griffin

After he reads it, Brent punches the table. "This b*****d!!! What does he think of humans as?!! An animal that he can kill whenever he wants!!!," he said angrily.

"Scar, do you know anyone that makes you unhappy and left out?" Captain Li asked.

"None, I'm not really that socialized so I don't know," I answered.

"Then can you tell me what type of person are you?" Elliott asked making me raise an eyebrow. "Based on his messages, he knows you too well, or maybe not, which creates a misunderstanding for him to do this,"

"I'm the type of person who doesn't get scared easily, a silent person if I can't relate to what they are talking about or I don't like the person I'm talking to. Also, a talkative person if the one I'm talking to has the same interest as me. I also don't like having many friends," I said.

"The text messages said he will eliminate the person who makes you unhappy and left out. And you said that you are a silent person if you can't relate to their topic or if you... if you don't like who you are talking with. Could it be he really misunderstood it when you can't relate to the topic and that's why killed them?" Archie said I remembered what Skyla said to me before. I was so deep in thinking that I didn't hear Captain Li calling me.

"I've been calling you, what are you thinking about?" she asked.

"Nothing," I answered lowering my head.

"Nothing? Then that means you know something. What is it? You promise to tell me if you know something, so what is it?" I suddenly felt an irk when I got caught easily by her.

"*sigh* If I tell you will you believe me?" I asked. Knowing that I can see spirits is something unbelievable, so I don't know how they will react.

"We are your ally, so we believe you and will believe you. You can tell us everything that bothers you. You don't need to keep it to yourself," she said smiling.

"I saw Skyla," I saw her smile drop and replace with confusion.

"Where?" Elliott asked.

"In my dreams," I answered making them frown. "She warned me actually,"

"Warned you. About what?" Eliana asked.

"She told me to be careful and protect our friends. At first, I was confused but now I understand why. It is because they are Griffin's target," their faces become serious, and Captain Li looks at me.

"Tell us who your friends are," she ordered and I told her. "Among these seven, who are the ones you talked to the most?"

"Faith and Hannah since we have the same interest. I also talked to Evangeline a lot when we were talking about nonsense and school stuff," I reply.

"Then we're down to three since Skyla already died. What are we going to do Captain?" Eliana said.

"Let's watch them first, we can't approach them easily since the suspect is inside the campus or... I don't want to say this but it can be one of your friends," Captain Li said making me frown. I know I understand, the culprit has been watching me closely and knows me well. It's hard to accept but I need to.

"Then, how..." Brent didn't manage to complete his sentence when the door suddenly opened.

"Captain Li, sorry to disturb you but the Grove Sage Academy is in a mess right now," the interrupter said making us stand.

"What happened?" she asked.

"One of the students was found dead hanging in the comfort room," he said and everyone looks at me knowing what is happening. But isn't he suppose to kill someone every single day then why did he kill two?

We immediately went to the academy and found a bunch of students gathering in the comfort room. I saw my friends crying hysterically and comforting each other. I look inside and I step back at what I saw. Darius.

Pierce with many round steel bars on his body, tongue cut, and hanged.

I felt someone covers my eyes again. I already knew who is it. "I told you not to look at the scene if it's like that," he said softly. I want to cry and hug him but I can't. I need to be strong for this.

I calm down myself first before removing his hand from my eyes and I turn around to face him.

"Thank you," I said looking at him. I look to his side and frown. I know Elliott is looking at me but I can't help it. I walk to him and asked. "Who did this to you?" he didn't answer. Can't they say who killed them? "Can you tell me where he went?"

He started to walk and I followed him.

Elliott's Pov

After she said "thank you" I asked her why is she thanking me but she is just looking at my side and frowning. I look to my side and found no one was in there, just a bunch of students. She suddenly walked and stop, what is she doing? Can she see something we can't?

"Who did this to you?" Huh?! Who is she talking to?! "Can you tell me where he went?"

What the?! I'm confused! She started walking and I followed her. Where is she going? I saw her stop and look around the gym.

"Why did you come here?" I asked her then she suddenly look at me.

"Are you been following me?" she asked and I raise an eyebrow.

"you suddenly act weird and started to walk here so I followed you. So why did you come here?" I asked again. I saw her frowning and considering whether to tell me or not.

"The culprit is here," my eyes widen at what she said. How did she know it?

"Hang on I'm going to call Mom," she nodded. I called Mom and tell her what Scarlet said before hanging up.

"Why did you believe me when I said the culprit is here and didn't ask anything else?"

"Didn't you hear what Mom said? We are your ally so we believe and will believe in you. That's why I didn't ask further because I believe you," she look at me and smiled.

"Let's go back now. Even if they come here they won't manage to capture him since there are a lot of students here," she said still smiling.


At the headquarters

"I can't believe you two! You asked us to go to the gym and then said to go back. What are you two playing at?" Mom scolded us. Scarlet and I look at each other before looking back at Mom.

"Hunting Game," we both said.

"H-hunting game? Are you two kidding me?! Be serious, you brats!!" she said pissed.

"Mom even if you guys went in there we won't manage to capture him since there are a lot of students there," I said.

"How do you even know that he is there?" Brent asked.

"Don't know ask Scarlet. I just followed her there and she's the one who said the culprit is in there," I said exposing her, and she glares at me. Hehehe cute.

"I——after the incident with Reaper. My head was hit by a hard object and I lose consciousness. When I woke up I thought everything was normal since it was going just as I plan. But I was wrong, something changed, I... I suddenly can see the spirits of the dead. The first one I saw was Talia. Then, Skyla. And now, Darius," my mouth–no our mouth went ajar at her confession. I gather myself and asked her.

"No wonder you are acting strange earlier. You were talking to Darius and it seems that he can not tell you who killed him that's why you just asked him to bring you to where his killer is, right?" she nodded.

"Then that's troublesome, we can't take advantage of your ability. So how are we going to capture him? Got any idea?" I asked her again ignoring everyone in there.

"None, nothing is coming to my mind," she answered.

"Then pretend that you two are lovers," we look at Mom who finally spoke.

"Pretend?" Scarlet said dumbfounded.

"Lovers?" I said dumbfounded too. Then we look at each other before looking back at Mom.

"Yes, you two must pretend to be lovers. Griffin is interested in Scar and he will eliminate anything that will be a hurdle for him to have her. So, let's bait you two. Once he saw that Scar has someone else he will peel jealous and will try to kill you, Elliott," Mom explained.

"How will he believe it? He might know that he was part of the police, and besides, why did you pick him to pretend as my lover?" Scarlet asked and I agree. Why it was supposed to be me?

"Elliott is still completing his study and will join us after a few months so he has no police uniform. Also, he was wearing casual clothes since he came here and you two had an interaction that can misunderstand that you two are lovers," both of us blush at what Mom said.

"W-what do you mean Mom?" I asked stuttering.

"Do you think I didn't see what's happening around me?" I look at Scarlet and she was looking at me too. "will you two do it?"

"Y-yeah," we both said hesitantly.