
Calendar Girl

As Chente waits, he thinks about the car that almost ran him over. "Even they are still pieces of shit, they must've been having a gas", he thinks to himself. He even begins to go over the event second by second in his head. The realization that there were a couple of girls in the car begins to fill Chente with anxiety. The Idea that those girl's were probably having the time of their life begins to mentally castrate him. "I want to give her that same amount of fun."

"Hey I had to tell my parents that I was going to sleep already", says Martha as she peeks her head out the window.

"Ok come down, let's go for a ride." silently yells Chente.

Martha says smiling, "In what?"

Chente laughs and with his normal speaking voice, "You're looking at." He turns around and displays his red bicycle.

"Good evening folks, you're tuned to 1010 AM KCHJ, I am your night curator, Frank "Goodie" Hamilton. This evening we are expecting warm weather of 84 degrees and clear skies. The perfect weather to take your girl out star gaze because tomorrow we are going to have a scorcher with highs of 101 and lows of 93. For those who don't have a girl, here's "Only the Lonely" by Roy Orbison."

Rows and rows, miles and miles of strawberry fields stretch on both sides of the dirt road, with only the moonlight illuminating Chente's vision. Behind him sits Martha, holding tight to him to make sure she doesn't fall off his bicycle. She presses her face against his back in embrace as he peddles down the road.

"Why did you want to see me?" asks Martha.

"Well I wanted to enjoy the night summer breeze with you", says Chente. Martha replies, "There is no breeze, it's actually kind of hot." Chente chuckles, "No it's a figure of speech."

"A.. finger of speech?" asks Martha confused. "No not finger, a figure. A figure speech is like... You're the apple of my eye, even though you aren't an apple" explains Chente.

"So it's a round about way of saying something?" asks Martha. "Yes, sort of", says Chente." I don't like that kind of talking, if someone were to talk to me, I would want them to say it straight out. It's more sincere like that. I feel like they are hiding something if they speak in fingers of speech."

"I talked to my dad today. I told him about you, he seemed like he wanted to meet you", says Chente trying to catch his breathe in between peddles.

"Let's go right now", says Martha excitedly. "You don't want to meet him some other time, right now it's too late", Chente quickly says back.

"We are already on this romantic bike ride, it's nice to have a destination. Don't you think?" asks Martha. "Yup... but not back to my place. Maybe some other time", Chente says out of breathe. "Maybe I should meet your parents first Martha. Back at my pueblo, what we are doing right now, you already married me because I stole you away from your family home" jokingly remarks Chente with a smile. A smile spreads across Martha's face as she slaps Chente's arm and says, " Why are you already talking about marriage?"

"It's just something I heard once before, if a man sneaks out a woman from her family's home, they are obligated to get married", says Chente. "Maybe in Mexico but not here," says Martha.

They turn around and begin heading back to Martha's home.

"It was nice being with you Vincent", says Martha.

Chente doesn't say anything because he has become fixated on Martha's lips. Then he snaps out of it.

"Yeah it was nice."

He watches as she climbs back into her window, he can't help but look at her butt as she climbs. He bites his lip.