
Chapter 2

I sighed and sunk back into the seat, starring at the window for the one billionth time that day

I had my aunt with me and I originally thought she would be with me throughout the whole trip so it made me feel better. It was saddening to later realise the only reason she decided to go with me was to get food locally made there and free transport. I wasn't shocked to realise it, knowing aunty Kayla only did things that would benefit her.

Nothing more, nothing less.

Still, it was nice to have someone with me throughout the hours I would spend here but my company was too busy eating and scrolling down her phone to pay the slightest attention to me.

"He said it last minute"


"And I have no idea why I'm going. I mean, it doesn't make any sense, I don't know how the whole thing works"

"Oh really?"

"I have a very strong feeling you're not paying any attention to me"

She looked just as bored as the tone in her voice when and turned to me and said "Look here sweetie, I'm only here as an escort okay? I'm not following you to Jason's birthday party"

"I didn't say anything about Jason or a birthday party and I heard you say you're here for food so I know you're just using this opportunity as an advantage"

"I guess I don't have to explain then, it's good you know now"

"It doesn't make me feel any better"

"Fine, I'm pregnant. I can't go on my own, is that a good excuse?"

"That's always your excuse. I've met pregnant women and they're not usually like this. Besides, you're just about four months, you bumb isn't that big, it's just the way you look regularly when you eat too much"

"Doesn't change the fact I'm pregnant and I get prioritized"


I was slowly beginning to get tired of the whole pregnant thing. First, mom gets pregnant and I thought it would only get better from there but down my hopes went in the drain. She didn't have a bump yet when she started taking advantage of literally everything. It would be pregnancy this or pregnancy that. I was happy that I would have siblings finally but the process was stressful and with a mother like mine, everything is exaggerated. Then aunt Kayla got pregnant too and that's when the whole thing got worse. Even before pregnancy, she was just like mom pregnant. Now she has something growing in her belly, I couldn't describe it. I wonder how it was back in her house. I once decided to stay there for the weekend thinking it would be better than home but even before a day was over, I was back in my house.

"No matter what happens in France, I want you to understand" She paused and placed her palm on my shoulder "I really don't care"

"Yeah, cause you literally get everything you want"

"Oh, do you kmow what I got last week for Valentine's_"

"No, I don't and I don't want to hear it"

"Well, there's no going back cause we're on the jet an_ Wait, I have an idea."

It's may be stupid.

"What if"

It's going to be stupid.

"You phone your dad and tell him France is on fire"

Exactly, never expect much.

"France is not a building, it can't just go on fire. That's not how it works and you know that"

"Okay" She sighed and stretched her legs "Just helping. You know what I think? You might just end up loving the place. All you do at home is watch movies and eat food, not what anyone would expect from a girl going to college in the next few months. That's not healthy and with what I've seen, you're not preparing for school at all"

"I will, I just need some time to get things together"

"That's okay, what's worse is that we're now out of snacks?"

"You ate it all" I said, pointing ay the empty bags of junk food around. It was my idea to bring them in and I didn't even get to enjoy it.

"You ate those gummies"

"You gave me a single one. You know what? I have more things to think about that is definitely not food"

"Oh yeah, I still have to advice you about that." She paused to think "On the bright side, they're a lot of good things about France. I met my husband there"

"I thought you said you met him in Nigeria"

"Oh, I told you that?" She asked "Fine, I met my first boyfriend there"

"The first boyfriend you ever had ended up being your husband, I'm not stupid"

"Then I guess it's not the right time to know about the party"

"What party?"

"And you're spending a month here, sorry"

I could've fainted but I didn't so to save myself from insanity, I closed my eyes and rested my head till I fell into a deep sleep.

The next time I woke up, it was time to leave the plane and I was more than happy to know I skipped hours of the flight and also the conversation I definitely didn't want to have. It was night time when we got there and we already had a car waiting for us. The luggage was packed and every other thing we brought along. Off we went to the house. The last time I came here was when I was five or younger, I can't remember. There were definitely one or two people I had as friends. Well not close friends but our parents knew each other so we were automatically called friends. The memory wasn't clear in my mind and I could barely remember a thing from then.

"Come on, it's a very nice house"

When I first walked in, I was very shocked at how similar it looked to the house back in New York. The furniture, tiles and almost every other single thing was the exact same. There were only a few changes, about fifteen percent difference to be precise, every other thing was an exact replica of what I had at home. I could just feel my mom's energy from the whole thing.

"It's just like home"

"Your mom said you'd say that"

"That's because it looks exactly like home, am I the only one seeing this?"

"Yeah, you have sick parents kid"

"Glad you noticed" I dragged myself upstairs, already knowing exactly where my room would be. "I'll see you tomorrow, I guess"

"That's negative energy"

"I know"

"I'm only going to be here till tomorrow"

"Good thing you're not spending a month here like I am. Alone if I might add"

"Well, your mom got you a stuffed frog and it's pretty cute if you take a look at it"

Mom and dad lied about everything. It kept me wondering why I didn't get the hint when mom went all giddy while packing my stuff and dad's awkward smile. It was all a plan to make me stay here.

I don't hate parties but the type in topic was definitely the most boring to attend. They usually didn't offer foods or at least snacks. The only thing that would be available are glasses of drinks that'll definitely get me to the ER cause that's what to do with money you can spend on a regular McDonald's.

Ever since I graduated, it was always what to do after that, how I would enjoy the little time I had before college. They just never understood even when I tried to explain. I went years trying to make them see it the way I do. I do not need to meet, see or talk to people to be a better human being. Every time I tried, I always ended up being in uncomfortable situations. I was the type of person to wave things off and apparently, they're a lot of people that don't so that was the main problem. Besides, I would definitely meet a lot of people later in college, why not take a break before I do?

I heard a soft knock on the door and it made me wonder why aunt Kayla would ever be polite enough to knock in the door. It was always her barging in and touching stuff she's not supposed to. I assumed it was just a way to make me feel better about the whole thing so to express my feelings, I didn't respond.

The knock came again with a small masculine voice and that was when I decided to check who it was. I opened the door and peeked my head through to see a young around my age type of guy. He was a lot taller than I was, like everybody else I knew, but his height wasn't the type I saw everyday. I didn't think I would have anyone here with me but of course, it's my parents doing.

"Who are you?"

"I'm Lucas, the chef"