
Freedom of Olympia

Jason and Percy grew up as bitter rivals. What will happen when they end up going to the same college? Will these two enemies ever become true teammates, will they overcome their past to become partners? Also, why is Percy's back littered in bruises? Warning! This story contains mature and explicit scenes within a same-sex relationship. If you are not comfortable with LGBT stories, mature and graphic scenes, do not read this story. Disclaimer! I do not own Percy Jackson or any characters affiliated with the author, Rick Riordan. Now on to the story. I hope you enjoy it!*

LetiVH · Diễn sinh tác phẩm
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53 Chs

I Slipped In The Shower, Okay?

He just stood there, just staring at me while I was desperately trying to get my thoughts sorted. Was this how I wanted to lose my virginity? Shouldn't it mean something? Somehow it didn't, at the risk of sounding cliche, feel special. I thought of the promise I made to Thals. Was I doing this for me, or was I doing it to make Percy happy?

Sure, I've been thinking about it. I've even fantasised about how it would be with Percy. Seeing his sweat covered chest in the gym certainly had me thinking about how it would look above me. Then I looked up into those green orbs, and I started to give in. I completely caved when he ground his hips into mine.

I attacked him because if I was going to throw away my virginity for pure lust, I sure as hell was going to enjoy it thoroughly. I took him by surprise, and as he gasped, I, of course, took the opportunity to shove my tongue down his throat. He recovered quickly, though, and started to lead me out of the kitchen.

We started stumbling down the hall, and I was vaguely worried about waking Leo; that is until he bit my lower lip, and I pretty much said goodbye to my logical mind. We tumbled through his door, and he pushed me up against it as he closed it behind us.

He kissed me along my jaw and down my neck, and my head fell back against the door with a thud. Why was he so good at this? It felt amazing. He latched onto that spot where the neck and shoulder meet and bit into it. My breath hitched from the slight pain, but then he ran his tongue over it, and a moan escaped me. I felt him smirk against my skin, but I couldn't bring myself to care. My dick was already throbbing as he ground his thigh against it.

My mind was turning fuzzy as he pulled back to rip off his shirt, and I got a glimpse of heaven as he stood before me all six-pack and perfect pecks. His hands went to the hem of my shirt, and he started lifting it agonisingly slow with a stupid smirk on his face. I wasn't about to give him the satisfaction. I pushed him off of me and ripped my shirt over my head.

I tackled him onto his bed, my knees on either side of his hips and my hands pinning his above his head. I looked down into those pools of green and saw a stormy ocean stirring within them. He slightly tilted his head to the side, and I devoured his neck.

"Eager, aren't we?" he asked in a husky voice that shot right to my groin. A small moan escaped my lips against my will, which led to a throaty chuckle from Percy that vibrated against my lips. I wanted more than anything to bite down on his throat to stop him from laughing, to show him who was going to be the dominant one. I was his captain and QB, after all.

The thought was in my head for about a split second before I went flying off of him. He pinned me face down to the bed, bringing my legs up, so my ass was sticking out and up. His one hand was glued to my neck while his other one was sliding down my spine as he bent over me, biting and then sucking my earlobe.

"I don't bottom, Grace," he growled into my ear, and a shiver ran through my body. My heart was pounding against my chest, but I wasn't sure if it was from lust or fear. The thought of rough sex, really being fucked, turned me on for sure, but would it really be okay for my first time? Wouldn't it hurt like hell? I felt Percy tug my sweats off, along with my boxer briefs.

"Stay right there," he said into my ear again, and I was paralysed on the spot. He leaned over to his bedside table and took out a tube of what I assumed was lube. I heard a pop, and a moment later, he was prodding at my hole.

I felt weird beyond belief, cold and foreign, but I kept my composure because if Percy found out I was a virgin, he probably wouldn't finish what we've started, and I really needed him to finish. He pushed one finger into me as he bit down on my neck, and I let out a hiss.

"Just relax, dude," he whispered into my ear and continued to kiss along the curve of my shoulder as he started to move in me. It stung, and it was uncomfortable, and even if he was trying to draw my attention away from it by nibbling the nape of my neck, all I could focus on was the intrusion. I bit my lip and kept my head down, determined to just power through.

Suddenly Percy pulled out of me with a sigh, and I felt his weight shift on the bed as he pulled my pants back up. I turned around with confusion to find him sat back on his haunches, looking at me with the sternest look I've ever seen him wear.

"Do you want to do this?" he asked flatly, looking like a kicked puppy. 'What the fuck?' was basically all that ran through my mind.

"Of course I do, Percy," I said as I tried to reach out to him, but he stood up off the bed and out of reach.

"Okay, so am I doing something wrong?" he asked, shifting uncomfortably where he stood, and I started shaking my head almost frantically. "Then what's wrong? Because you're clearly not into it, and it usually doesn't go this way for me. Do you normally top? That would explain why you're so tight," he said, starting to pace around.

"I've never topped," I said as I brought my legs up to my chest. It was all falling apart. Percy would find out I'm a virgin and kick me out of his room and flat.

Percy looked taken aback for a while before I could practically see the wheels in his head turning and then realisation set on his face. He walked back to the bed like I was a wild animal he might scare off. He sat down in front of him, sitting on top of his legs, and my eyes fell down to my knees.

"Jase..." he began lifting my head again with a finger under my chin "...are you a virgin?" he asked in a soft voice like I was something fragile. I vaguely wondered how the animal that pinned me to the bed could be so gentle. I nodded in response.

"Oh, Jase," he said, moving a little closer. "Why didn't you tell me? I wouldn't have gone for broke like that; I'm so sorry." He gave me a little peck on the forehead, which seemed so sweet and yet so sad. So that was how he was going to say goodnight and goodbye.

"I guess I should go," I said as I made to get up, but Percy held me back.

"I thought you said you wanted to do it?" he asked, confusion written over his face. My own confusion set in on me.

"Well, I do," I said as I felt the heat rise up into my cheeks. "But I didn't think you would want to do it with me now," I said as I felt the heat spread down my neck. I don't know why I felt shy or embarrassed about it after Percy was already inside me, but I guess talking about my shortcomings was my trigger.

"You thought I wouldn't want a virgin?" he asked, quite frankly, and I found myself nodding slowly. "I'm going to let you in on a little secret, Jase," he said as the stormy oceans returned in an instant. "Every single guy wants a virgin," he whispered huskily, and a chill raced through my body.

"Question is would you be happy losing it to me, like this?" he asked as he kissed me so softly I found myself melting into it most contently. Words escaped me as I just nodded. "Well, then I'll do it properly this time."

He slightly pushed on my chest until I fell back into a pillow. He then grabbed another one and put it under my ass and lower back. His hands hovered over the hem of my pants, his eyes looking at me questioningly. I nodded for him to continue. He pulled the fabric off me slowly, but at least not agonisingly slow this time. It was clear that he was trying to be gentle with me now.

Part of me wanted the animalistic rawness back, but I was mostly just relieved he was willing to take it slow for me. He then rid himself of his own sweats, and I got my first view of Perseus Jackson in all his naked glory...suddenly, I was very nervous again because the man was a fucking god.

He positioned himself between my legs, leaning down to kiss me deeply as he ground his hips into me and fuck. My dick, which had calmed down some by now, was hardening again immediately. Part of me still wondered how he could be so good at this.

I lost my train of thought as he wrapped a hand around me and started to stroke me slowly, from base to tip and then running his thumb over my slit. My head fell back with a moan, and I saw not a smirk, but a soft smile on Percy's face. Was he indeed that selfless that he simply found pleasure in giving me pleasure? He leaned down again to kiss me, oh so sweetly while he kept stroking me.

I was fully hard now, and judging by the hardness I felt pressed against my ass, so was Percy. With one final kiss, he leaned over to get the tube of lube and coated his fingers in it. I watched his hand move down to my entrance and tried to brace myself this time.

"Hey..." I looked up at Percy only to receive another soft but deep kiss. When he pulled back, I realised his finger had slipped into me, without me even noticing this time "...keep your eyes on me, yeah?" he whispered in that husky voice that gave me shivers and I gave him a nod, clutching at his back as he started to move his finger in and out of me.

It was still uncomfortable, but his eyes kept my attention, and soon he was really pumping into me, twisting his finger around, and the sting was gone. He kissed me again, giving my lower lip a nip, and I realised he suddenly had two fingers inside me. The pain wasn't so bad this time, but he repeated the process of starting slow. Soon enough, he was twisting his fingers inside me again.

"Fuck!" I cried as he swept over that sweet little spot. He was sporting a satisfied smirk as he started to hit my prostate with each thrust, making me squirm under him, all my pain forgotten. I was vaguely aware of my nails digging into his back and him hissing above me.

He rested his one arm next to my head, fisting my hair to keep our eyes locked. Then I felt him slipping a third finger in, but I was too lost in the pure lust in his eyes to feel anything but pleasure as his thrust hit my prostate over and over.

Then he pulled out of me entirely, and I whimpered at the loss of the full feeling, closing my eyes. He tried to soothe me with a kiss as I heard a ripping sound and then the little pop of the tube of lube, and then I felt something much bigger than a finger prod at my hole. I opened my eyes only to be met by two deep, dark oceans. We stayed like that for a second, a silent question hanging in the air between us.

"Percy," I said as I pulled him closer, so close I could feel his breath on my face. "Fuck me," I hissed before I crashed our lips together, and he pushed into me. He took it very slowly, but it still hurt. It hurt a lot. He sheathed himself entirely inside of me, and a hiss escaped through his teeth.

"You're so fucking tight," he said before kissing me a little more hungrily, but to my relief, he didn't move after that; he waited. It took me a minute to get used to the sheer size of him. After a while, I felt myself relax around him and mumbled a 'move.' He did just that.

He started to thrust into me. It took him all but three thrusts to find my prostate and continue to pulverise it with each and every thrust. Then he started to jack me off in time with his strokes. Soon I was a quivering, moaning, mumbling mess beneath him as his pace gradually increased, and I quite frankly didn't care if we woke Leo anymore. I got closer and closer to the edge, starting to see stars, but I held back because I didn't want to come if Percy was nowhere close to finishing.

"Let go, Jase," he hissed into my ear as my legs started to shake. "I'm right with you, babe," and with that, I let go and saw white. Percy thrust into me one last time before stilling as he came too. He collapsed onto me, breathing heavily. "You have no fucking idea how tight you are. Do you even realise how hard it was to not completely lose it?" he breathed, and I let out a chuckle before I closed my eyes, and darkness overtook me.

I woke up in Percy's bed, alone. I sat up and regretted it instantly as a sharp pain shot through my backside. Then last night came flooding back to mind, and I started smiling like a fool. Then a thought hit me. Percy let me sleep in his bed. Could this mean that last night might not have been just hormones and lust?

I heard the shower cut off, and Percy emerged in only a towel and wet hair from the bathroom, followed by a puff of steam. There was a brief moment where I thought he looked like an angel in the clouds, but it went as soon as it came because I noticed he was limping.

"I thought I'd be the one limping," I said as I raised an eyebrow at no one in particular. Percy chuckled at that.

"Well, good morning to you too," he said as he leaned over the bed and gave me a peck on the lips. "And you will not be limping alone. Last night did a number on my back," he said with a shrug like it was nothing. I opened my mouth to tell him just how stupid we both were for doing what we did while he was injured, but he silenced me with another kiss.

"It was worth it," he said as he stood up again, walking over to his dresser. As he turned, I got a full view of his back and was shocked wide awake. I jumped up out of bed, just realising I was wearing my boxer briefs and ignored the pain as I made my way to Percy.

"Fuck, Perce. It looks even worse than it did that first day," I said as I gently touched his swollen back, remembering that day I saw his back in the locker room.

"Hey," he said, turning around and wrapping his arms around my waist. "At least it's Saturday, which means I have a little time to recover," he said, giving me another peck, and I couldn't help but think he's been kissing me a lot this morning, so maybe we're together now?

"So here's what's going to happen. You're going to get that sexy little ass of yours in the shower, and I'll meet you upfront when you're done, yeah?" Percy didn't wait for an answer, throwing on training shorts and a tank top over his boxers and heading for the door. "Feel free to wear any of my clothes," he threw back over his shoulder as he walked through the door.

I showered as quickly as I could and threw on some of Percy's sweats and a t-shirt. It really helped if you were sleeping with someone who was the same size as you. I walked down the hall and into the living room, limp and all, to be met by Percy and Leo on the couch, each with a bowl of cereal.

"What's with the limp, Jase?" Leo asked with a mischievous smirk. "Slip in the shower or something?"

"Yeah," I answered, rubbing the back of my neck, feeling the heat rise into my cheeks, and receiving a raised eyebrow from Leo. "Something like that."